When I want to spend time with my 17 year old son, he get's angry at me for coming into his room, to spend time with him...Am I the toxic person for
making him angry? Invading in his own privacy? Trying to be that smothering mother, with a hug and a kiss on the cheek? A hand on his shoulder? Sometimes I don't have much to say and just like being in his pressence, but he hates that! I aggrivate him when I mean well. I don't want to neglect my kids, I want to spend time with them, but I forcing him to love me back and it's only stressing him out...I see that he is a very emotional young man, he is very easily excitable, and giggles and screams when excited, and he is very easily aggrivated get's mad at well me trying to be a mom! I went online and it basically said I was the toxic one on youtube because he doesn't love me, he doesn't reciprocate my affections, and I expect him to spend time with me and not get angry with me! Honestly I am confused I really don't know who is toxic or who is nice, I don't know who is right and who is wrong? I don't know what to do, I don't want to let him be, and neglect him! Maybe that's my insecurity and I need to let him go, he is almost a grown man! Any advice I love him, and I want to grind off those rough edges, so that he doesn't go out into the world so emotional don't get me wrong, I celebrate his easily excitable side, but not his easily angered side, and I've told him this... How do I give us the best start into adulthood? He does show respect twice a day though, he always thanks me for supper, and we both say goodnight I love you at bedtime! So score there!