If I were Melania, I wouldn't have married him.
MasterLee · 56-60, M
@SW-User do you think Michael should divorce barry?
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sarabee1995 · 26-30, F
I would not have married him in the first place.
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Jennster · 18-21, F
she knew what he was like - all this means two changes to their contract: (a) more time alone away from him and (b) an increase in her allowance
Jennster · 18-21, F
@SW-User thinking like a woman
Jenny1234 · 56-60, F
@SW-User security $$$$
Kenworth4954 · 56-60, M
@Jennster you're the first honest answer on here. There ain't a woman on here that wouldn't have got naked for his checking account. Props for your honesty.
TheOneyouwerewarnedabout · 46-50, MVIP
Quetzalcoatlus · 46-50, M
She’s not in it cause he’s loyal lol.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@Quetzalcoatlus I ain't sayin' she's a...
bookerdana · M
@LordShadowfire Bore??🤔
Tastyfrzz · 61-69, M
@LordShadowfire yes she is/was...whatever. She probably didn't really qualify as an Einstein intellect. Her theories on black holes have nothing to do with physics.
robertsnj · 56-60, M
She is working on a leverage a better prenup with him as we speak. People in that wealth bracket divorce in a different way compared to common folk like you and I.
They have legal contract in place on their roles and stipulations. He has the bigger bank account so if she were to leave him her objective is to secure a larger slice than whatever she currenlty has.
It is more rebrokering a contract of finanicial stakes with him getting the branding and appearance of her on his arm as opposed to a partnership based on mutual love and affection. i doubt his chearing even phased her --not just that one but any / all of them.
Actually a lot of marriages where vast amounts of wealth are involved are like this.
They have legal contract in place on their roles and stipulations. He has the bigger bank account so if she were to leave him her objective is to secure a larger slice than whatever she currenlty has.
It is more rebrokering a contract of finanicial stakes with him getting the branding and appearance of her on his arm as opposed to a partnership based on mutual love and affection. i doubt his chearing even phased her --not just that one but any / all of them.
Actually a lot of marriages where vast amounts of wealth are involved are like this.
bijouxbroussard · F
I can’t imagine having married him in the first place, so I definitely can’t imagine being Melania.
Fungirlmmm · 51-55, F
TexChik · F
Why would she divorce him?

Anybody involved with Stormy Daniels should get divorced

I'd reaffirm our vows. Yes I would. Then my Donny and I would go on a second honeymoon... ❤️

MasterLee · 56-60, M
No why?
Sojournersoul · M
Why would she divorce him?
Lostpoet · M
No, I don't believe in Divorce. I don't know why she married him in the first place though.
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KunsanVeteran · M
She was at her best when she plagiarized Michelle Obama’s inauguration speech.
DownTheStreet · 56-60, M
Gosh I have no idea what’s going on in that relationship, what the deal is. A regular giy I know keeps asking me to seduce his wife — so, who knows the deal between her and Trump?
Me? I’d like to think I’d take the money and run, but you never know until you’re walking in their shoes.
Me? I’d like to think I’d take the money and run, but you never know until you’re walking in their shoes.
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
That was not a love at first sight arrangement to begin with. She was an illegal immigrant even as a model.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@DeWayfarer Yes, and not only did she marry Trump for her green card, once she was legal, she brought her whole family over. Exactly the type of thing Trump pretends to be against.
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
Guardian ·
That would breaking my contract and losing MILLIONS & MILLIONS of $$$$!!!!
Carla · 61-69, F
Im not certain she has that option. Maybe after the election.
KatyO83 · 41-45, F
I can't see how I'd have married him but yep given the case I would now.
NoThanksLeon · M
It's probably in her 'Foreign Brides for Sale' marriage contract that she can't initiate a divorce.
Only he can. 😂
Only he can. 😂
Nitedoc · 51-55, M
No. She has it made and she knows it.
Convivial · 26-30, F
Can't wait for her tell all bio lol
Pretzel · 61-69, M
Depends on the prenup
Zaphod42 · 51-55, M
That depends on the prenup, and if it can be renegotiated now that he’s a felon 😅
KunsanVeteran · M
@Zaphod42 Wasn’t it just renegotiated prior to the trial?
Elessar · 26-30, M
Why should her?
Are people so naïve to think she really loved him and that she's heartbroken by the p*rnstar affair thing?
Or is it because at this point it's clear the man has lost his mind and is much less wealthy than previously believed?
Are people so naïve to think she really loved him and that she's heartbroken by the p*rnstar affair thing?
Or is it because at this point it's clear the man has lost his mind and is much less wealthy than previously believed?
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Elessar · 26-30, M
@Kenworth4954 You're the American rendition of the Italian boomers who used to get steamy hot tomato red when you hinted that the 25 years old "girlfriends" he had at like 80 were with him in order to syphon out as many money as possible and not because they were really in love with their geriatric god
Bear in mind it was a tiny minority of them that deluded, unlike Trump's, but still
Bear in mind it was a tiny minority of them that deluded, unlike Trump's, but still
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Now that she has had a kid, an assault wouldn’t hurt.
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Ducky · 31-35, F
Melania isn't very bright, so if I really were her, then I probably wouldn't.
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pancakeslam · 41-45, M
he would divorce me after the sex change. that being said, if someone named Stormy tells you to do something its safe bet to do the opposite thing.
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LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
I would be terrified of making him angry while there's a chance of him becoming president again.
Punches · 46-50, F
@LordShadowfire I imagine that is part of why the courts are dragging their feet with some of the charges he is suppose to face.
KunsanVeteran · M
@Musicman WAY!
@KunsanVeteran Nope!
Moneyonmymind · 31-35, M
She doesn’t look very bright
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