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I’m a Companion at a nursing home.

Nurses provide physical care while the Companions like me are emotional care for the residents. We used to be called “Sitters” but they recently decided to make some changes to our title to make it more accurate to what is expected in our job.

My supervisor told me part of the reason they made this decision came from watching me work. I was employee of the month for February and they said I was so exceptional in my care for the residents that I represented what they wanted from Sitters. So they chose to reflect that in our new title of Companion.

This was all news to me and I wasn’t sure what to say. I felt humbled. It’s often a very hectic job. I have to bounce back and forth between multiple residents and make sure all their basic needs are met. Then just talking with them and being there for them however else you can. It’s a very emotional job and when the dust settles and I get to watch over them while they sleep I sometimes have tears welling up in eyes because I care so much for them.

I never saw myself being a parent. I never aspired to having kids. I told myself if the women I was with ever wanted them I wouldn’t say no, but it was never a goal for me. Now with my job where I have to help feed my residents or comfort them while we just make the best lives we can here. It makes me wonder if I would’ve been a good parent.

It’s a weird thought because family isn’t something I understand. I don’t have a good one, so I’ve been on my own for as long as I can remember. Even as a kid under the same roof I avoided my family whenever possible. I do love people, sometimes life just doesn’t work out that way. Maybe this job helps me make up for it.
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exexec · 70-79, C
Thank you for your service to the elderly. My mother and aunt were in nursing facilities, and I was so grateful that people were there to care for their emotional needs as well as their physical needs.
CloudAngel80 · 41-45, F
Compassion and a big heart..you are such a unique person. Your abilities to emphasize that and embrace that is a mighty miracle in its self. I completely commend you with a wonderful little token of appreciation! You rock!
Reject · 26-30, M
@CloudAngel80 Thank you so much! You brought me some smiles tonight which helps after a long week. ☺ It always feel a little odd when people praise me because I can have trouble seeing the good in me, but I do appreciate it. ♥
CloudAngel80 · 41-45, F
@Reject no problem.
Something i learned to understand in life, is simple:
The height of a man isnt how tall he is, its how many times he can humble himself and get back up again.
The depth of true love is like an ocean, mo matter how far you chase it, theres ALWAYS more to embrace.
Time is fleeting, but theres never enough.
If you can do one thing a day to put a smile on your face or encouraging words to others, it will be a better life for you because you care for others.
You are awesome and dont you forget it!
So as your day starts, smile, watch your watch, and stand up for what you know is right!
I see integrity, honest, compassion, humor and humility in you my friend..you are a soldier, keep staying strong!
I’m not surprised you’d make a great Companion. You have that positive spirit and caring heart.
you are doing an awesome job !!! the seniors you are caring for are blessed to have you in their lives.
My sister does that too and gets 15$ an hour..
Reject · 26-30, M
@SStarfish Yeah, the pay isn’t anything too special, but working 12 hour shifts makes sure I have what I need financially.
@Reject yeah 😊 good for you guys 😊
DrWatson · 70-79, M
You are doing a wonderful thing.

While you might be a parent one day, it is also true that there are many kinds of love that can be offered in this world, and what you are doing is a prime example.
You having a wonderful, loving disposition. You make an excellent companion.
Reject · 26-30, M
@Bexsy They told me they can teach me anything about how to do my job, but they can’t teach me to care and I excel in that which makes me the perfect fit. I never felt special, but unfortunately many of us don’t care. We work for the money and that’s it. That’s just hard for me to understand though. I need meaning in my work.
tobynshorty · 51-55, F
It’s good to know that there are people like you out there.
Reject · 26-30, M
@tobynshorty Hey Toby! I’ve noticed you around here. I appreciate it even though I haven’t said so yet. So I’ll say it here. Thanks. ♥
tobynshorty · 51-55, F
@Reject long ago I was a friend of Dewms. Different user name but same old me.
KiwiDan · 31-35, M
Good job. Proud of you for all your efforts and accomplishment 😀
KiwiDan · 31-35, M
@Reject I sure do!
Reject · 26-30, M
@KiwiDan Good! I see all your posts with the figures you paint and figured you must love where you work too. As hard as life can get, having a good job makes all the difference I think.
KiwiDan · 31-35, M
@Reject I think you're right on that one
nobodyishome · 31-35, F
Super proud 👏👏👏
sp1dwoOfe221 · 31-35, M
that's nice, dear.
TigerLili · 46-50, FVIP
Maybe you were put on Earth to care for people

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