They can but some traits can only be pushed down.
They need a good reason and be motivated to do it. Like most things to do with people, it has to be their decision. But who they are is always there and tends to come out of hiding at shitty times. Assuming of course, they are bad traits. But then I guess good traits can resurface at shitty times too... not as unsettling though.
They need a good reason and be motivated to do it. Like most things to do with people, it has to be their decision. But who they are is always there and tends to come out of hiding at shitty times. Assuming of course, they are bad traits. But then I guess good traits can resurface at shitty times too... not as unsettling though.
GrazedByTheVoid · M
@MarbleMarvel what makes you say that?
@GrazedByTheVoid I've changed. I've seen people transform. I've seen people change in negative ways.
meJess · F
Nature versus nurture, if you seek change you have the nurture it by communication and support.
in10RjFox · M
Not when they are in the same state and situation. Change happens when things evolve. Humans too were meant to migrate like birds and animals. Unfortunately the only creature on earth that can be easily enslaved and bonded is humans.
It doesn't happen over night and most of the time i've waited long enough.
Lilymoon · F
Honestly in my experiences no ...
SaorUladh · 26-30, M
Yes but only if they actually want to.
UndeadSona · F
Yes but imho it's not always worth waiting for
PeachyK · 100+, F
Yes. For better and for worse. People do change.
Casheyane · 31-35, F
It takes something big to make it happen. It also requires a long time AND patience and effort.
To a point
They have to want to and they have to make it happen
They have to want to and they have to make it happen
RedBaron · M
I change my underwear all the time. 🤣
Reject · 26-30, M
No they can’t because family is the convenient excuse that is used to justify not changing.
People don't change. They just get older.
Sutten · 36-40, F
Only if they choose to change.
Only if they genuinely want to.. but habits die hard
WillaKissing · 56-60, M
Yes, if the person wishes to change, if not they will not.
The basic narure doesn't
WintaTheAngle · 41-45, M
Yes. Whether you want them to or not.
GuyWithOpinions · 31-35, M
Anyone can at any moment. Its up to you.
Allelse · 36-40, M
GrazedByTheVoid · M
@Allelse why
Allelse · 36-40, M
Genetics -
Upbringing -
Put each and every part of their life under those 3 categories. The one thing they do have power over is choice.
Choice is remarkably powerful but it's also a burden and it is inescaple, even if they were to have all their arms and legs cut off, eyes out, tounge out and so on, there is still choice even a purely mental level.
Choice is powerful, it is their choice.
Genetics, upbringing and life expirences are beyond their control and is their foundations.
So, imagine their choice is a sphere, and genetics, upbringing and expirences are a rubber band around that sphere. Some people, with good genetics, good upbringing and good expirences have a very WIDE rubber band, a huge amount of space to grow their sphere, and if they're not happy in life they can change direction, but they only have that ability because they have the room within the wide width of the rubber band. Something goes wrong, it's alright because they had the width. They're very rare, lucky people.
Then there's most people!!! Their rubberbands are not so good, and think of their attempt to change or self improve as growing thet sphere and so stretching that rubberband. Things may be alright at first but it take a lot of work to keep that rubberband stretched, it can only stretch so far! Genetics, Upbringing and expirence! Something goes wrong and THWACK!!! Rubber band snaps back and they revert to their foundations, or they get worst! You see something in one of those big 3 might be within their genetics, something like addiction! And off they go down that road.
Genetics -
Upbringing -
Put each and every part of their life under those 3 categories. The one thing they do have power over is choice.
Choice is remarkably powerful but it's also a burden and it is inescaple, even if they were to have all their arms and legs cut off, eyes out, tounge out and so on, there is still choice even a purely mental level.
Choice is powerful, it is their choice.
Genetics, upbringing and life expirences are beyond their control and is their foundations.
So, imagine their choice is a sphere, and genetics, upbringing and expirences are a rubber band around that sphere. Some people, with good genetics, good upbringing and good expirences have a very WIDE rubber band, a huge amount of space to grow their sphere, and if they're not happy in life they can change direction, but they only have that ability because they have the room within the wide width of the rubber band. Something goes wrong, it's alright because they had the width. They're very rare, lucky people.
Then there's most people!!! Their rubberbands are not so good, and think of their attempt to change or self improve as growing thet sphere and so stretching that rubberband. Things may be alright at first but it take a lot of work to keep that rubberband stretched, it can only stretch so far! Genetics, Upbringing and expirence! Something goes wrong and THWACK!!! Rubber band snaps back and they revert to their foundations, or they get worst! You see something in one of those big 3 might be within their genetics, something like addiction! And off they go down that road.
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GrazedByTheVoid · M
@jshm2 i mean fundamentally as a person in a positive way. Free from toxicity and negativity that they’re aware affects other people