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If you inadvertently found a random phone number in your partner's pocket, what would you do?

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AngelUnforgiven · 51-55, F
Nothing because i trust him and im not the type of person to be suspicious unless you give me a concrete reason to be. He works, he has a life and the phone number could be anyone's.
DoubleRings · 51-55, F
I did a few months ago. I don’t think it was in his pocket but it was left on his windshield at a place he frequents. I started to text it. And they texted back and then stopped. I think it was human traffickers tbh. It’s common in my area.
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
Absolutely nothing. I write business numbers down all the time.

If you can't trust your partner, then you don't have a partner. There's plenty of other give aways.
YoMomma ·
I wouldn't .. anyway if i did it's probably a financial or medical related thing on his part.. but i suppose you would call it out of your undying curiosity and simmering jealousy 😅
I think the only time I’d have been going through his pockets was when it was my turn to do laundry. I’d give him the piece of paper, and likely he’d tell me whose number it was. He was good like that, and I trusted him.
Adogslife · 61-69, M
I’d hand it to her and tell her I didn’t want her to lose it and never give it a second thought.
If it were my ex bf I'd call it because I know he was up to no good.
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
Wouldn’t happen. There is no way I would infringe on their privacy.
hunkalove · 61-69, M
@Thevy29 Good to hear that, Thevs. Tell her I'll call her back in 10 minutes!
Ambroseguy80 · 56-60, M
Take a picture of it and call it if I felt the need to know. From a different phone of course.
meggie · F
I trust him so I'd leave it on his desk.
ElRengo · 70-79, M
Kuronekko · 41-45, F
Nothing except maybe put it somewhere safe if the clothes were going in the wash.
wintersecret · 41-45, M
exexec · 70-79, C
I wouldn't even notice
hippyjoe1955 · 70-79, M
Wonder why I am going through her pockets.
TigerLili · 46-50, FVIP
Wonder why the hell I'm looking through his pockets???

That's his business and if he wants me to know, he will tell me himself.
Moneyonmymind · 31-35, M
I would ask them about it. If they start stuttering or looking shifty I’d be concerned.
Donotfolowme · 51-55, F
Throw it, if I didn't need this long then probably it wasn't worth it after all
seaglass · F
Leave it so they can find it where they left it.
JamesBugman · 56-60, T
Immediately cease pocket inspections.
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