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ImightbeAroace · 16-17, F
I might be aroace 💁‍♀️

NickiHijab · F
Mines too intricate for any of you to understand
deadteddy · 26-30, F
@NickiHijab Really? Or are you being sarcastic ? 😅
NickiHijab · F
@deadteddy it's always the latter
calicuz · 51-55, M

Thanks for not giving me any credit for possibly being any where near an intelligent human being.
HairbrushDiva · 31-35, F
I got the name from a couple of CDs I had for Christmas when I was about 14 or 15.
I am also a hairdresser, and my husband likes me to use my hairbrush for something else apart from brushing my hair.
@HairbrushDiva Good to know all those sources.
Straylight · 31-35, F
It’s a reference to my favorite book, Neuromancer.
KyleRenn · 31-35, M
@Straylight I keep wondering if I should read Neuromancer.
Straylight · 31-35, F
@KyleRenn Yes.
JustEd · 41-45, M
I like horses that can talk.
deadteddy · 26-30, F
I wasn’t thinking of anything when I typed this username. I thought I was gonna stay here for 2 weeks but eventually stayed longer. I’ll change it someday but I lack the energy.
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
@deadteddy It's also an instruction more people need to heed, damnit.
KingofPizza2 · 36-40, M
Well my dad was the king of pizza but then he died under “mysterious circumstances” so with a “heavy heart” I took the throne. 👀
Straylight · 31-35, F
@KingofPizza2 I remember when you were Prince of Pizza.
I wanted it to start with C (the same as my EP username). At first it was “CookieBites”. But I thought something smaller would be better — Crumbs.
PassingThrough · 41-45, M
Mine is just me admitting I’ll come here at times but I’m trying not to let it become my world. Just come in and check stuff out and pass on through.
Penny · 46-50, F
i read a poem about a penniless musician once, so i thought i'd name myself penny so theyd always a have at least a penny
supersnipe · 61-69, M
An old car I nearly bought, in the days of EP. I never went ahead in the end...
Harry potter and witchcraft fan
Starchild1983 · 41-45, F
I’m a fairy dancing in the moonlight 🧚‍♀️🌕
GJOFJ3 · 61-69, M
GJOFJ3 = Gramps John of J3
summersong · F
It’s a song title. When I chose it my marriage was imploding and I wanted something to remind me that things wouldn’t always be dark, that there was more to me than darkness.

Also I love summer and music so win-win
Isthisit · F
I created my username while i was feeling down. Isthisit is a question i would usually ask myself when i am down. Like is this it? Is this all there is to life?
@Isthisit This is not it.
Frankie13 · 46-50, M
@Isthisit I feel I fight a lost battle trying to figure out if this is all that’s to life
JustNik · 51-55, F
Back at the dawn of time, I started out as niklb, but I felt bad disappointing all those nickelback fans who took this to mean I was part of their tribe, so I became JustNik. There has been peace in the land ever since. 😌
smiler2012 · 56-60
witchthatwantsfun] my was courtesy of my mams brother my uncle . he gave me a computer after my dads passing to try and take my mind off it a little and suggested smiler2012 and i stuck with it
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
I was watching 'You've got Mail' and got the inspiration to make my username the same way Tom Hanks did. Town name and street number.
BarbossasHusband · 36-40, M
I think mine is relatively obvious: I wish i was married to captain Hector Barbossa from the pirates movies
Krysclear · 31-35, F
Mine comes from the line in A Few Good Men. “ Are we clear !? Krystal “
Something I once had hope would happen .. might be time for a change
I liked how the words sounded together.
Im a simple creature.
Don't want people to judge me by username.
Degbeme · 70-79, M
@SW-User I`m have to look the next time I`m there.
@Degbeme Around Halloween
Degbeme · 70-79, M
@SW-User Thank you.
MissingLink · 51-55, M
just looking for a place to fit in
"Goodlife" I feel I have a good life.💋
[image - please log in to see this image]
I is a Turtle and I is a dream 👁👄👁
scooogy · 31-35, MVIP
It started with an app called "scoop" and I had to pick a username. The app was about earning money for taking certain pictures and I thought of the man in "a christmas carol", mr. scrooge. And to sound less old, it turned out to be scoogy.
OldBrit · 61-69, M
I'm old and British.
Golfer · 61-69, M
Cuz I love and play golf.
Mine is pretty self explanitary... I'm often up all night - so "NightOwl" would be a good username for me, but it was already taken.

A friend called me "HootyTheNightOwl" in private message and I needed a username quick - so I became Hooty The Night Owl.
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
It's just a silly pun on a tuberculosis symptom. What kind of witchcraft do you practice?
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
@deadteddy You fool!
Witchthatwantsfun · 31-35, F
@CountScrofula Wicca/nature/moonmagic
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
@Witchthatwantsfun Cool! Is there some sort of specific variant you practice or is this personalized? I'm largely irreligious but I'm very good friends with one and doing a pagan music project with her. So I'm learning a lot lol
Ducky · 31-35, F
I'm a duck.
KyleRenn · 31-35, M
I was a bit too into a certain recent Star Wars character when I chose mine. It doesn't really suit me.
KingofPizza2 · 36-40, M
@KyleRenn You mean you don’t build sputtery lightsabers and pick fights with bulkheads? 🤔

(Admittedly he was a lot more awesome in Force Awakens than the next two)
KyleRenn · 31-35, M
@KingofPizza2 Not terribly often, no.
Starcrossed · 41-45, F
I've had a few never could make it work at the same time relationships. I've had this in some form since 2009 on EP.
TAReturns · M
Over on Experience Project I was called Tarnished Armor. When we all transferred over to here I became “T A Returns”.
Degbeme · 70-79, M
Mine is my initials then beme. Because I have no imagination. ☺️
deadteddy · 26-30, F
@Degbeme Hello Daryl
Degbeme · 70-79, M
@deadteddy ah ... nope. 🤭
Work around Gamma Radiation and the 87 was a good friend whom past on wore that number in sports.
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kodiac · 22-25, M
I wanted Kodiak like the bear but it was taken .It's my name with ac added.
Mine is very obscure.
I am a guy...some Michigan...
anoderod55 · 61-69, M
Working on a hot water tank at that time 😁
I’m a musician who goes with their own flow.
Mine is pretty much self-explanatory.
calicuz · 51-55, M
I'm the cousin from Cali!!!
Allelse · 36-40, M
I had all else to do that day.
CJNature · M
Blended my name with love of nature. 🌲
Unlearn · 41-45, M
I had learnt too much...
The elements for life

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