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What’s the funniest pick up line you’ve heard?

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It was in West Virginia. "Nice Tooth!"
fun4us2b · M
Does this ferry go to Staten Island?
@bijouxbroussard Oh, cool. I have one of my best friends and several family members in that area too. Well, Oakland, Richmond, San Leandro, and San Jose. I go to the bay area fairly often.
@quitwhendone I still have family in LA, too, and I’ve checked on a few because of the storm headed your way. Stay safe. 🙁
@bijouxbroussard Thank you for your concern. It appears that it won't be as bad as was first predicted.
Are you from Tennessee ? because you're the only ten I see....
@MarmeeMarch Sorry, but that is so lame. 😩
@PhoenixPhail of course its lame - I am trying to pick up on stupid chicks with buck teeth.
Are you Copper and Tellurium,
Because you're so CuTe
tallpowerhouseblonde · 36-40, F
You turn my software into hardware.
Not quite a pickup line but what did the prostitute say to the leper? "Gee, I wasn't expecting you to leave a tip"
@SW-User Is the tip a body part falling off?
@quitwhendone Yes. That's the joke.
@SW-User OK, that's what I thought. It wasn't all that funny but I shouldn't criticize because I don't have any better jokes.
From a total stranger: “Wow, you look better than an income tax refund.”
He also had five children in tow, so I guessing that was high praise indeed. 😏
@bijouxbroussard So you got that 1040 beauty. You go, girl!
DMmeyourtits · 26-30, M
Hey girl, are you a store? Because I want to browse your goods!
wackidywack · 26-30
Aye aye, wanna shiver my timbers 😂
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@SW-User lol That sounds like something you would say lol
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Poet626 · 36-40, M
I'd like to put my ranch dressing in your hidden valley.
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
Stick with me honey and you'll be farting thru silk
Did you fall from heaven?... because I got an erection.. no wait.. that’s not how it goes..
Pseudonym · 26-30, M
damn girl are you my appendix because i don't understand how you work but this feeling in my stomach makes me want to take you out 🙃

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