dragonfly46 · F
How to make Lasagna.
pennynoodles · 56-60, F
By the time you'd finished talking, it would be nearly cooked. @dragonfly46
Valentine · M
It certainly wouldn't be "how to read Qs properly". 20 minutes, eh? Thinks. The man on Tenby beach, perhaps.
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Valentine · M
Ok. Here we go, Ms PennyNoudles. "I'm fourever blouwing boubbles, prutty boubbles in thu auir, thuy fluy sou hiugh, thuy touch thu skuy, (houw um I douing?)...
pennynoodles · 56-60, F
Now if I didn't know better Mr V, i would think you are itching for the discipline to become stricter. @Valentine
Valentine · M
No miss... honest... 🤥
Zaphod42 · 51-55, M
Absolutely anything, as long as you don't mind rambling incoherence ;-)
pennynoodles · 56-60, F
I draw the line at cricket.....sorry....@Zaphod42
Zaphod42 · 51-55, M
Ah yes, cricket, good subject! Interestingly enough the sport as little to do with the insect, the insect itself being much more closely related to the grasshopper. As a side note the grasshopper, unlike in the story regarding the busy ant, actually does well at storing what it needs for winter...
pennynoodles · 56-60, F
That's where all my grass went! @Zaphod42
4meAndyou · F
How to build a family tree. :)
pennynoodles · 56-60, F
That is something that my mum and brother do. @4meAndyou
4meAndyou · F
Well, you are fortunate they are doing it for you and yours. History means a great deal at times. :) Your children will be glad there are such records.:)
impressionist · 70-79, M
impressionist · 70-79, M
@pennynoodles yes i lecture on wines
pennynoodles · 56-60, F
Much more pleasant than lecturing on whines......@impressionist
impressionist · 70-79, M
@pennynoodles and much more fun but it's amazing what people whine about
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pennynoodles · 56-60, F
I'd quite like to hear that one. @RemovedUsername350320
sciguy18 · M
Probably some incredibly boring science topic...
pennynoodles · 56-60, F
I'm sure you'd make it a fair speech. @sciguy18
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pennynoodles · 56-60, F
Sorry, if you can't manage it in twenty minutes then no can do. @SENSME
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pennynoodles · 56-60, F
Tut, tut, you are trying to change the rules. Twenty minutes for oral presentation only and that has to include toilet breaks and popcorn. @SENSME
Wish2ReliveThe70s · 56-60, M
The story of my life "How to be awesome." Now in paperback lol.
Wish2ReliveThe70s · 56-60, M
@pennynoodles I am an open book, badum tissss.
pennynoodles · 56-60, F
A strong spine? @Wish2ReliveThe70s
Wish2ReliveThe70s · 56-60, M
@pennynoodles That too!

How to take care of birds, what to feed them if they are raising babies, cage care, etc.
pennynoodles · 56-60, F
Aw, what a lovely talk that would be. We feed the birds in the garden all the time and really love to watch them. Every year we have blue tits nesting, it is a delight to see. @SW-User

@pennynoodles I agree, I love birds and watching them feed their babies and build nests, etc.
aqua59 · 61-69, M
pennynoodles · 56-60, F
You were right..... lolololololololololololol ....@aqua59
aqua59 · 61-69, M
@pennynoodles See!? I warned you!
pennynoodles · 56-60, F
zzzzzzzzzz 😜@aqua59
Valentine · M
No. I would ask a friend for help. 😉
pennynoodles · 56-60, F
But what if they were too critical?@Valentine
Valentine · M
@pennynoodles my friend hasn't let me down ever, so, tbh, I'm not sure what I would do.
It's sort of funny how the world goes round, but this friend gave me the good advice to start my speech off slowly. It worked like a dream. I have just given the same advice to my nephew who will deliver a eulogy tomorrow. Perhaps I should go back and thank that friend again.
It's sort of funny how the world goes round, but this friend gave me the good advice to start my speech off slowly. It worked like a dream. I have just given the same advice to my nephew who will deliver a eulogy tomorrow. Perhaps I should go back and thank that friend again.
pennynoodles · 56-60, F
I'm sure if that person is such a good friend that they really don't need thanking again 😜@Valentine
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
on how to give a speech with preparation. :P
pennynoodles · 56-60, F
Yay! @sighmeupforthat
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
@pennynoodles :P
katielass · F
lots of things but I don't pretend to know everything.
pennynoodles · 56-60, F
I doubt anyone does @katielass
Abbenthewarwolf · 18-21, M
Nothing because I can't talk very well.
pennynoodles · 56-60, F
You could do one of those speeches where you write on boards and hold them up. @Abbenthewarwolf
Abbenthewarwolf · 18-21, M
@pennynoodles ha ha very very funny
Subsumedpat · 36-40, M
No problem as long as I pick the subject.
pennynoodles · 56-60, F
That is what I was asking you@Subsumedpat
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sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
people who have this condition?

pennynoodles · 56-60, F
That would be a very interesting talk..... i would listen. @sighmeupforthat
TheSirfurryanimalWales · 61-69, M
The Chartists
pennynoodles · 56-60, F
What is that?@TheSirfurryanimalWales
TheSirfurryanimalWales · 61-69, M
@pennynoodles Electoral reform,John Frost ,The March on Newport commerated every year... Please Google.I once got 38/40 for a degree level essay on the Chartists.
pennynoodles · 56-60, F
I think I might take your word for that :O)@TheSirfurryanimalWales
Piffypie · 26-30, F
Patato chips :P
pennynoodles · 56-60, F
And how to spell them? teehee....sawwwry, couldn't resist that one 😜@Piffypie
MartinII · 70-79, M
Cricket or Wagner.
pennynoodles · 56-60, F
What is Wagner? Cricket is banned. @MartinII
argav83 · 41-45, M
Nothing. Not a good public speaker.
pennynoodles · 56-60, F
i don't think I could do it either.@argav83
argav83 · 41-45, M
@pennynoodles I am really good with one on one talks though but I am not a social person. I don't see it as good or bad thing. It is what it is. It's who I am.
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pennynoodles · 56-60, F
You must be dedicated. @Wildflowerr

baking a swissroll
pennynoodles · 56-60, F
That I could not do. I might be able to give a speech on how to roll a swiss-roll though... but the speech would go on and on and on and on and.....@SW-User

pennynoodles · 56-60, F
A quirky bunch aren't we?@SW-User
YMITheWayIM · 46-50, M
pennynoodles · 56-60, F

Body language
pennynoodles · 56-60, F
A fascinating thing to study. @SW-User
Narcis2sky · 36-40, F
pennynoodles · 56-60, F
Would you take questions afterwards......just from the women? 😜@Narcis2sky
Narcis2sky · 36-40, F
@pennynoodles Not just from the women ;)
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pennynoodles · 56-60, F
Not much I don't know about that one......@HipYoungDude
Moonpenny · F
I'd rather stick pins in my eyes 😫
pennynoodles · 56-60, F