Why do people ask for comments then take exception to the answersOk so it finally happened i got blocked by someone He asked for an opinion so i gave a truthful honest one.it obviously wasn't the answer he was looking for and took exception to it and became offensive .i replied dude why did you ask the question... See More »
Why when i have an opinion on a subject do people think its an argument for heavens sake its just my opinion
Relationships with a big age difference is it acceptable or notIt seems acceptable for celebs but not for ordinary folk why ?
He guys why do we bother making new year resolutions we rarely keep them we get stressed about them so is it a pointless exercise
Is there anyone else like me who lives a lone but isn't lonleyIs there anyone like me who lives alone but isn't lonley
I Want To Talk About CommunityI was so sad when I found out santa wasn't real. I told mom that I was sure I was dad not santa that left my presents. No said mom it definitely santa cause dad was asleep with me. We I said im sure I saw dad eating the mince pies. Well son he was... See More »