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What is your IQ score?

According to current Wechsler IQ classification for adults.
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It matches my GPA 😏
@sexyjigsaw That's ..
special 😆
Fishy · 36-40, F
Tree fiddy 🦕
TinyViolins · 31-35, M
I've never taken a formal IQ test, but if I had to judge my own abilities, going off of the fact that 100 is considered average, I'd say my IQ is well over 9,000
The letter that I received said: Dear Sir R.I.P.

That means Really Intelligent Person doesn't it ? 😳
@softspokenman it does! 😆
@SW-User 😇 Thanks 😁
I think below average
@Wallflow3r In that test mine said ..

You have answered 9 of the 10 questions correctly.
That indicates an IQ score of 125 or more.

Pretty okay i guess, close to the official score of 122
@SW-User lol I got 6 out of 10
@Wallflow3r that's 60% correct! Not bad
The last time It was 115 ... It might have decreased as I've aged. 🤭
@FreeSpirit1 And wisdom gained. Wisdom is more helpful
Jamesy · 41-45, M
@FreeSpirit1 Probably gone up along with your hot scale
VampireOfDesire · 26-30, M
Should be at least 3
@VampireOfDesire oh.pfft.

Youre too quick and witty (it auto corrected to warty😂) to be 3 .

You're at least 9.5😜
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@MalteseFalconPunch I am of the opinion it doesnt really show intelligence, more of a mind that can work things out that isnt necessarily helpful in real life situations
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I don’t know. I only took the Stanford-Binet, so…
@SW-User not that it means anything. It’s not like it really helped me in my life.
@JustGoneNow "Highly Advanced" according to SB5 Stanford Binet .. impressive. Mine's only 122
@SW-User The only reason that I took it is because I was getting possibly kicked out of school my senior year and I had to take it along with MMPI psych evaluation test, to stay in school and graduate.
I have no idea. 🤔 I'd be curious to know. I don't have much faith in self-reported IQ scores, but if I take a genuine test I'd be willing to share my result.
Punxi · 26-30, F
Took the WAIS twice. Verbal was easier than performance. 138/137
@Punxi demm .. Teach me master
Punxi · 26-30, F
@SW-User I think its more test taking ability really. I've certainly done as stupid shit. 🤷‍♀️
@Punxi damn girl same score as me (they gave us them in elementary school)
MissPerfect · 22-25, F
I don't know and don't put much stock in tests. I suspect I'm above average, but maybe I just think straighter.
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@OldMan70 Just for fun if you want, click the classical test in this site ..
caPnAhab · 26-30, M
No idea. Never done it before
@caPnAhab there are some free online ones, although i dont know how accurate they are
Whichever name it be, mine is a constant Zero.
Convivial · 26-30, F
I think it's in room temperature scale🤔
Carissimi · F
No idea. I’m sure it goes down the older I get.
butterflybaby75 · 46-50, F
No idea. Never needed to know. Why does IQ matter?
checkoutanytime · 41-45, M
135 is minimalizing "it"
Isthisit · F
I have an average IQ
@SW-User impressive
@SW-User BA in Sports Science ( Biomechanics ) & M.Sc in Equine Studies
deadgerbil · 26-30
@empanadas you meet the qualifications to be a pure blood American Patriot
nedkelly · 61-69, M
@empanadas are you from Alabama

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