All entities shouldn't be so hard on each otherI always thought the point of the whole story was that by turning the other cheek and thus achieving understanding of forgiveness and understanding. being able to see from another's point of view, or at least giving it a good go, and thus really... See More »
merely an illusionI am merely an illusion, which means you cannot kill me. But I can sure still haunt you.
I honestly can't take the loneliness anymoreHow long do you have to go it alone before it becomes unbearable? it's been closing in on 20 years since i've had any love in my life. 20 years without even holding hands or sharing a kiss, or even the slightest of connection moments. it's just been... See More »
How do you meet people in a real small town?there aren't really any clubs or anything to join. everything is gone. there is a lot of woods, i tried looking in there but even the bees rejected me. and trying to enter groups of people as a new person gets harder as you get older cause older... See More »
Stories are my hobby/lifeAnyone want to share stories or characters? stories have always been at the core of my being. books, movies, games and toys. they all circled around the story of it all. All my life i've been trying to write stories and could never make it... See More »
just bought Cris Tales for Switch. looks awesome.the animation is 2D hand drawn. i only played for the intro part just to see what it's like cause i'm still working through Fatal Bullet. But i can't wait, animation is beautiful and cool time stuff.
Lost in the Quest for Lovethis ever continuing quest to find my other half is tiring and defeating. I don't know how to approach anyone, what to say or do. it doesn't seem like walking up to people and explaining yourself will work very well and my town is too small to have... See More »
Do you think for you to be right everyone else has to be wrong, or are all beliefs equal?I don't get why people having different view points causes such friction. you can accept someone elses belief even when it's not your belief. it doesn't taint what you believe. everything has it's right place.