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All entities shouldn't be so hard on each other

I always thought the point of the whole story was that by turning the other cheek and thus achieving understanding of forgiveness and understanding. being able to see from another's point of view, or at least giving it a good go, and thus really reaching a level where you could ultimately forgive and even love one's enemy. .. so why doesn't the Bible end with ms. yahweh and lucifer huggin' it out? If they can't work on it, is there any hope for us?
I think maybe the hidden message to it all is even in the face or prophecy saying it has to end in war, we defy it all by all entities just choosing to let it go and embrace forgiveness.
don't be so hard on Hell. anyone ever ask the devil how he feels? Can we start the dialogue?
If everyone just prefers war and holding onto bitterness, that's so sad. your gonna make ms. yahweh cry.
I don't worship anything, but I have deep love and respect for both sides. Both Heaven and Hell.
We can end the war people.
maybe we start by all forgiving ourselves.
peace to all.
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shakemeup · 36-40
I want to pull you to come watch good omens season 2 right now. Your post reminded me of it.

Seriously though, if you haven't watched Good omens season 2 . You should. It's so good. I got so invested in the romance between Aziraphale and Crowley. Essentially a demon and angel in love. You might like it.
Jackaloftheazuresand · 26-30, M
The devil isn't given forgiveness because he's not human, 1. Angels are like tools and 2. he was born in the presence and knowledge of god
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
That doesn't really answer my question

I've had a nice life with a loving family. I've loved and been loved and even hated and betrayed. I've never been rich and even when I was poor I wasn't destitute. I've had some accidents but was never injured (no broken bones). I have some major medical conditions but I have never been sick.

So, my life has been good and I'm happy with it as it has been.
Jackaloftheazuresand · 26-30, M
@Diotrephes I assume those things are valuable to you then. Happiness, love, health, security. But they are all delusions I don't believe in
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
I assume those things are valuable to you then. Happiness, love, health, security. But they are all delusions I don't believe in

We all live in our own realities.

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