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I honestly can't take the loneliness anymore

How long do you have to go it alone before it becomes unbearable? it's been closing in on 20 years since i've had any love in my life. 20 years without even holding hands or sharing a kiss, or even the slightest of connection moments. it's just been me, looking for love and spending everynight talking to myself alone in my room, longing for someone to hold or share a laugh with. but no, just me, trying my best to find love and do it sensibly even while watching piece after piece of me dying as the loneliness overwhelms more and more.
I know everyone goes through this and I probably have no right to complain.
But it does help a bit to share one's pain.
I try to never judge and be understanding and accepting of all kinds of people. I do my best to be the best person I can and to treat everyone fairly and with compassion.
I should probably just stop belly aching. it's time to take my meds and go to bed, i always dread when i wake up and realize where I am.
maybe tomorrow will be my day.
*Sigh* even hope feels kinda poisonous to me.
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MarkPaul · 26-30, M
I am becoming convinced the solution is to come up with a personal strategy that is based on embracing a singular world rather than feeling that it is a burden. It may seem like an over-simplification to suggest it is a mindset solution, but the more I spend time in this world, the more it seems to come down to that.

The idea isn't to shut off any possibilities of relationships or genuine friend groups, but not to feel diminished for remaining a single entity. There are always trade-offs and that "grass is greener of the other side" dynamic can really become a detrimental mind game in that it seems all would be better with a relationship and lots of friends. Reality suggests that what looks like ice-cream, rainbows, and warm socks on a cold winter night can be as much of a harrowing experience as being in a world-of-one, but for different reasons.

Take another look at hope and turn it over. It just needs to be fluffed.
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
@MarkPaul Beautifully put
teachmetiger210503 · 36-40, M
You can be alone and not lonely if you find the right thing to fill your empty spaces.
darcdragosen · 36-40, M
@valobasa4ever aw, thanks. are these my puppy guardian angels?
@darcdragosen Enjoy the company . <3
Kstrong · 56-60, F
Keep being kind and compassionate, treating fairly, smile at others... Assist them, initiate conversation, compliment, everyone likes hearing something positive from a stranger... I hope you can make meaningful connections soon. This too is just for a season... It'll pass ...
darcdragosen · 36-40, M
@Kstrong that is defiantly something I need to hear now and again. thank you.
I understand your words. I can relate and I don't think anyone should feel bad about their feelings. I gave up because of that pain. I'm still kind but I'm officially done needing or wanting someone to share with. If it happens one day, great, but I'm not hoping for it anymore. Hope can be a poison.
Have you tried dating again? 😞
Best to find a one that doesn’t care about money 😌
darcdragosen · 36-40, M
@SW-User oh def. haha. im just going to keep being honest and try to be the best person i can be and hope that is enough to earn me love. thanks for taking the time to talk to me.

Don’t give up 😌
hunkalove · 61-69, M
Get rich. You'll have plenty of women!
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
I'm also feeling lonely, and fearing that when I'm 36 I'll be in your position. I'm preparing for that to be my reality, and learning to use my love to love life in general, rather than putting it all into one person.
darcdragosen · 36-40, M
@MartinTheFirst there is defiantly value in your words. i should be appreciative of what positive good vibes i'm getting from life, instead of trying to push to this one ideal. it'll always be a hope in my heart, even if this true love i seek is only an apparition. we should all just try to give love and receive what we can. ideals themselves might just be pipe dreams. but that doesn't mean there isn't something out there that will fulfill us in ways we never conceived.
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
@darcdragosen I'm searching for that daily
Younglove123 · 13-15, M
Sir loneliness is hard to get over but do me a favor try with all your heart to get over it cuz it could make you very very sad so please with all your heart get over it for me
Younglove123 · 13-15, M
I am so sorry
pdxlinux · 41-45, M
find another country that values you for who you are
pdxlinux · 41-45, M
@MarkPaul thanks! my point is that patience is not a virtue, and you don't have to pay attention to liars that are keeping you from living the best life that you can. solve your problem. don't accept excuses for why you should accept lies. thanks for reading.
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
@pdxlinux Offering impractical solutions in a cavalier way to "make a point" is reprehensible. Thanks for playing... you won't be advancing to the bonus round and there is no consolation prize for you.
darcdragosen · 36-40, M
@pdxlinux I would love to travel to another country and be immersed in something different. I appreciate all feedback. if it leads to my personal growth, it'll be valued.
SandWitch · 26-30, F
Well, it's been almost a full year since you made this post. Just wondering, have things improved in your social life yet?
darcdragosen · 36-40, M
@SandWitch there has been some improvement. Still fighting the same demons, but they still help me grow and learn. But yes i do feel i'm making progress in my relationships with people. Thanks for asking.

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