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Did you guys know that the word is with illegals crossing the US border from Mexico is to tell the border patrol you were born 10 years earlier than

You actually were. Obviously wont work for children but adults dont get challenged on it. Then when you eventually become elligible for social security you will be elliigible 10 years earlier and get an extra 10 years of benefits . That will be over an extra $100,000 we shell out to them.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
Non-citizens don't get social security. But you knew that already. An immigrant could become a citizen, but they would have to provide a birth certificate which has their correct date of birth. Just like US citizens have.

Your hatred is palpable, but easy to see through.
dancingtongue · 80-89, M
@windinhishair I have spent nearly 50 years in the communication field, working both sides. If the White House Communications Director, Press Secretary, and their staffs are NOT monitoring major media across the spectrum they are incompetent as hell. It is part of the job. They do not have the luxury of listening only to Fox or whatever other single source you want to choose anywhere on the political spectrum.
Johnson212 · 61-69, M
@windinhishair You don't have to work at the Whitehouse to know this. Biden has an “obsession” with “Morning Joe,” according to an Axios report last month. “Biden’s years-long love of MSNBC’s staple morning show affects how the White House runs — and who Biden listens to,” Alex Thompson wrote. “The president often calls co-host Joe Scarborough … to get Scarborough’s take on issues and sometimes vent about media coverage, according to people familiar with the relationship.

And while I am not in the Whitehouse don't worry you will have people like me back in the Whitehouse again soon enough after the election.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@Johnson212 Are you going to storm the White House instead of the Capital when you lose this time? That's the only way you and others like you will be back in the White House. Although you could still take a tour with the other tourists.
dancingtongue · 80-89, M
Did you know that with a fake SSA number they pay into our presumably going bankrupt Social Security system but have no way to collect retirement because they can't document the number of quarters they paid into the system to qualify for retirement?
Johnson212 · 61-69, M
@dancingtongue Social secuurity recoginizes 7 ways an alien can become a qualified alien and can apply for benefits. Makes me wonder how much in total are we paying for not having a secure border.
dancingtongue · 80-89, M
@Johnson212 Alien in this case referring to legal resident aliens with work visas (green cards). Not illegal immigrants who have false IDs and false SSNs, or neither.
jehova · 31-35, M
Ok so require proof of birth date birth certificate government id official documents. Just verbal isnt enough.
Johnson212 · 61-69, M
@jehova You have to but the don't because they can't. Where do you think an asylum seeker gets a birth certificate that was born in some 3rd world country in South America.
jehova · 31-35, M
@Johnson212 valid point. Some kind of verification is appartently needed given the sheer volume
Open borders are the safest and it's already the law - the USA just ignores international law and human rights in favor of world domination. At the border you wait in military checkpoints because it's not good to respect human rights if you're the global master.
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
Why would you get an extra 10 years of social security payments for misrepresenting your age?
Johnson212 · 61-69, M
@SunshineGirl It works like this, you are 30 years old and cross the border, you tell border partol you are asking for asylum, they process you and when they do you give them a date of birth which puts you at 40 not 30. They enter this into the system and that date of birth follows you everywhere after that. You find a job, you get a EIN to pay taxes to and you have decades to get a green card, be given asylum, or become one of the 7 classes of alien that social security recognizes. Then when you are 52 years old, the system thinks you are 62 years old and you are eligible for early social security 10 years earlier than you normally would be, same math works if you work till full retirement age. Simple we who are born here are defined how old we are by our birth certificate, illegals are defined how old they are by what they tell the first US government agency they come in contact with, all they got to do is always used that same dob if asked on any kind of form.
Morvoren · F
I’m cool with it.
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