What's your style of posting?
Like do you like asking questions the most? Personal or general opinion stuff? Do you just say whatever is going on in your head? Or maybe you just repost quotes & memes that you find on the internet?
I like the idea of asking questions but I never think of good questions 😂 so usually I just say what's going on in my head.
I guess a lot of us do a little of everything but what's your main posting style?
& Oh yeah I forgot about the posters who are here for fetish stuff 😬 you can answer too.. just maybe no pictures please? 😅
I like the idea of asking questions but I never think of good questions 😂 so usually I just say what's going on in my head.
I guess a lot of us do a little of everything but what's your main posting style?
& Oh yeah I forgot about the posters who are here for fetish stuff 😬 you can answer too.. just maybe no pictures please? 😅