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5 states and now "Ohio Nation" have pursued or desire to be independant from the (incorporated) United states governmental entity.

So far New Hampshire Texas Alaska Oklahoma Missouri Virginia and Vermont have considered doing it already. and now Ohio wants to too.
I hope for the disunited nations of north America. A peaceful "trial" separation while the fed works out its finances? could be fun.
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pripyatamusementpark Best Comment
The divided states of America
jehova · 31-35, M
@pripyatamusementpark the north American Union?

These people need to read the Federalist Papers. The idea of several small countries was already discussed and is just as bad of an idea today as it was 250 years ago.

Do these people realize that they will have to either give back or purchase any federal property in their new countries, while also taking on their share of the national debt? Or they haven't thought it through that far?
jehova · 31-35, M
@LeopoldBloom and we could amend the constitution to allow for separation. Divorce wasnt legal and was "religious\social suicide" until the 1960s? The law is supposed to adjust to the needs of its people.
A nation for and by the people. Not only its BANKRUPT government.
@jehova We don't live in a pure democracy where we vote on everything the government does. We elect representatives who make those decisions. If you don't like it, then run for office yourself. In the case of Ukraine, we voted for people who decided that it made more sense to stop Putin's illegal war over there, than to try to stop him when he invades a NATO country.

The federal government isn't responsible for your local roads or schools, that's either your city or state government. Call your governor or mayor and tell them to take care of it.

The point of a Constitution is to make rules during calm periods that can be followed during turbulent periods. That being said, the US Constitution is unusually difficult to amend and we will probably never see an amendment in our lifetime.
jehova · 31-35, M
@LeopoldBloom as described we dont live in a democracy at all. we live in a republic with democratic elections usurped by outdated safeguards that have been adjusted to be ineffective.
Id run for office but in the current environment i have to be a post retirement age criminal to be elected. At present im healing from brain surgery, made far worse by post retirement age doctors. Suprise suprise; Maybe next time.
My ideas would work. I published while in grade school (junior year) . I know how to produce agricultural gasoline from hemp. Which is why marijuana was ever made illegal in 1938 (fun fact). Assuming America survives in its current form. (id be suprised).
The federal government is responsible for some infrastructure but only seems to provide aid for disaster relief, aid to foreign countries, and to the military; reminiscent of ww2. Why should we pay federal taxes at all if the money isnt used to help the states paying those taxes? The fed is supposed to help fund k12 education. They barely do.
Yes the constitution requires amendments to be improved. Unfortunately, Representatives mostly, post-retirement age, arent willing to be bothered fixing the document and in general just put on a show making it worse with neglect. keeping up appearances; retirement is currently 65 or 67.
Just what the world needs, the People's Microstate of Vermont ... I'm sure they will be able to repel a Chinese-and-Russian Axis 2.0 invasion.

The only logical path forward as a species is for nations to merge, not to splinter. A nation the size of Vermont, Andorra or Monaco makes literally no sense and is hollow pretense. Taking baby steps of unifying all of North America as a single nation is more rational than making 50 countries out of the US. Wait, I mean 50 official countries, not the 50 de facto countries mess we have thanks to the choice of a federation type of national government in the 18th century.

Moreover the US constitution only seems to understand addition, not subtraction (hence the first US civil war).

Secession fantasies only kick the fascism can down the road.
jehova · 31-35, M
@BlueGreenGrey no conflict needed. The civil war occured when half the country chose to not follow the new declaration of rights by the fed. The Confederacy "south" chose to seperate from the union without adequate notice and negotiation; in order to not follow a change of federal policy. If we can negotiate a trial separation. To avoid excessive federal control. It doesnt have to be a war.
Also to escape the unending debt America has to reorganize.
Zaphod42 · 51-55, M
I still think Washington, Oregon, California and Hawaii should all secede and form our own country. I doubt any Trumplicans would object 🤷‍♂
jehova · 31-35, M
@Zaphod42 i mean its a "free country" called ' United States' of the Pacific Coast?
jehova · 31-35, M
@Zaphod42 Would Alaska apply to join? or just be its own thing?
dale74 · M
How would the divisional property work when someone owns property in separate states
jehova · 31-35, M
@dale74 a good question im not exactly sure. probably the same as if i owned property in dc too.
swirlie · F
Canada has already offered to purchase the entire country of the USA for the equivalent value of America's $36Trillion National Debt and would call the USA either Canada's 11 Province or Canada's 4th Territory.

Prime Minister Trudeau offered Trump an unlimited supply of crude oil and rare earth minerals from Canada, in exchange for the Deed to the entire embodiment of the USA, including Hawaii.

Trump was SO pissedoff at Trudeau for making that very generous offer to get the USA totally out of debt overnight, that he apparently hung up the phone in total disgust at Trudeau's very honest and most generous offer.
Toofargone · 26-30, F
Democrats will be Democrats
jehova · 31-35, M
@Toofargone alaska texas new hampsire classified as democrats. Thats gonna piss some people off.
swirlie · F
It will only pissoff TexChik.
jehova · 31-35, M
@swirlie ok at least someone
MarineBob · 56-60, M
Oh more foreign aid beggers

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