BlueVeins · 22-25
No, if Kim Jong Un wanted to kill himself, I'm sure he has access to a firearm (or a treadmill lol). North Korea loves threatening to nuke people and it always blows over because they're actually smarter than they look. Besides, even if North Korea did attack someone, it wouldn't be considered a world war because north korea isn't a world power and nobody would protect them.
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
I would bet money on Trump causing it.
ATripToNowhere · 46-50, M
No, It's most like;y that the U.S. will start WW3. That country starts wars almost everywhere in the world. Hence they pose the greatest threat,
@ATripToNowhere the US is always called on to be the world police. We don't actually start any wars ever. WWI was ongoing before we stepped in. WWII was ongoing and then Japan bombed Pearl Harbor. Korea was already warring. Vietnam was already warring...all of the Persian related wars were already going.
ATripToNowhere · 46-50, M
@LILY61 War is a nasty habit from the cave man era! If your only weapons are spear and shields, the deaths and injuries are limited. Because of human creativity, in the last 7 thousand years, the weapons have grown to the point where a war could threaten the survival of the human species. Civilizations have successfully altered many of the bad habits of the cave man era. International regulation of war has helped but more needs to be done.
The vast majority of people and nations do not support their countries going to war. However, strong efforts by their country's leaders and mass media to foment war can convince most people to go to war. Once convinced those people see war as inevitable.
The United Nations was created during the last months of WW2 to prevent another world war. Although the United Nations has many serious problems, it has succeeded so far in preventing WW3.
Americans are more likely to ask questions about war during periods when their country is involved in a war it can't resolve. The USA has been among the 5 most powerful countries since 1880 according to some historians. I understand, in Washington, D.C., restaurants advertise as being the place where the most powerful of the most powerful city dine. In discussion on TV about Iraq, there is an assumption that the USA can do what it wants in Iraq without concerning ourselves with how the Iraqi or other people in the region feel.
After the end of the Cold War, many Americans concluded that they were the greatest nation ever. This leads to what can be described as hubris or "victory disease". Hubris is defined as exaggerated self pride, arrogance or self-confidence, often resulting in fatal retribution. Because of hubris, many Americans have concluded that they had no need to think carefully before acting. See "Nemesis: The Last Days of the American Republic".
I expect that the current economic problems will be eventually traced to bad decisions by the American government leading to deregulating the mortgage and finance industries. I expect that the current foreign problems will be eventually traced to bad decisions concerning the America's role in the world following the end of the Cold War. Today no country can be the self-appointed world's policeman. Hubris results in poorly thought-out decisions being made. Today we see the results of these poorly made decisions in Amercian economy and foreign affairs. The question I would ask is "Can the USA learn from its mistakes?". If the answer is yes, then we have hope of overcoming hubris.
The vast majority of people and nations do not support their countries going to war. However, strong efforts by their country's leaders and mass media to foment war can convince most people to go to war. Once convinced those people see war as inevitable.
The United Nations was created during the last months of WW2 to prevent another world war. Although the United Nations has many serious problems, it has succeeded so far in preventing WW3.
Americans are more likely to ask questions about war during periods when their country is involved in a war it can't resolve. The USA has been among the 5 most powerful countries since 1880 according to some historians. I understand, in Washington, D.C., restaurants advertise as being the place where the most powerful of the most powerful city dine. In discussion on TV about Iraq, there is an assumption that the USA can do what it wants in Iraq without concerning ourselves with how the Iraqi or other people in the region feel.
After the end of the Cold War, many Americans concluded that they were the greatest nation ever. This leads to what can be described as hubris or "victory disease". Hubris is defined as exaggerated self pride, arrogance or self-confidence, often resulting in fatal retribution. Because of hubris, many Americans have concluded that they had no need to think carefully before acting. See "Nemesis: The Last Days of the American Republic".
I expect that the current economic problems will be eventually traced to bad decisions by the American government leading to deregulating the mortgage and finance industries. I expect that the current foreign problems will be eventually traced to bad decisions concerning the America's role in the world following the end of the Cold War. Today no country can be the self-appointed world's policeman. Hubris results in poorly thought-out decisions being made. Today we see the results of these poorly made decisions in Amercian economy and foreign affairs. The question I would ask is "Can the USA learn from its mistakes?". If the answer is yes, then we have hope of overcoming hubris.
@ATripToNowhere wow that was some answer...that had nothing to do with what i said.
America is always called on as if we were the world police. We should act like the world police, but sadly the US does not learn from its mistakes...ever. We would have gone to the Ukraine immediately to stop the war before it started.
Then everybody else and his brother went to war after the Russian/ Ukrainian war started.
We also did not learn from the previous pandemic and during the next pandemic, we will behave just as stupidly as we did this time.
America is always called on as if we were the world police. We should act like the world police, but sadly the US does not learn from its mistakes...ever. We would have gone to the Ukraine immediately to stop the war before it started.
Then everybody else and his brother went to war after the Russian/ Ukrainian war started.
We also did not learn from the previous pandemic and during the next pandemic, we will behave just as stupidly as we did this time.
3Dogmatic · 46-50, M
I would argue we are already in WW3, it’s just a soft opening so far.
Usually North Korea is just bluffing to get more attention, to get more aid, food and stuff. So it's hard for me to take them serious, as they bluff all the time.
North Korea can't start WW3 alone... or it won't be WW3 until China gets involved and backs them up. The question then becomes, is China willing to back them up?
I don't think North Korea knows, and they wouldn't make the move without knowing.
North Korea can't start WW3 alone... or it won't be WW3 until China gets involved and backs them up. The question then becomes, is China willing to back them up?
I don't think North Korea knows, and they wouldn't make the move without knowing.
pikminboy · 31-35, M
Wars are harder to start in such world as today, only because of NATO. No one would ever want to have NATO against them, that would be a total disaster.
But yeah i admit north korea has quite an interesting regime, such as russia.
But yeah i admit north korea has quite an interesting regime, such as russia.
Monaschandroff86 · F
No Japan or Vietnam will
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Sidewinder · 36-40, M
Monaschandroff86 · F
@Sidewinder why are you angry and envious
Sidewinder · 36-40, M
@Monaschandroff86 It's a long story.

Kim does not need to do anything.
Netanyahu and Putin are doing their best.
Netanyahu and Putin are doing their best.
Paul82 · 41-45, M
No, it will be Iran's design, but probably started by Israel/US
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
No, it will be Iran's design, but probably started by Israel/US
WWIII has already started but it hasn't been declared. So, no fancy medals for the troops or combat pay.
Roundandroundwego · 61-69
Only one. There's only one empire who desperately needs war to avert democracy and peace.
novaguy2u · 70-79, M
Highly unlikely.
Sojournersoul · M
No. Dont think they will.
Convivial · 26-30, F
GeistInTheMachine · 31-35, M
I wish.
Jenny1234 · 56-60, F
BabyKaci · 18-21, F
I will be a Middle Eastern Country that will trigger WW3 with what is going on at the moment, plus with the Suez canal incidents as well.
Northerner · 70-79, M
Looks like Biden may beat them too
Renaci · 36-40
@Northerner Don't you mean Biden would get us into WWII?
Sidewinder · 36-40, M
You want to know my thoughts on this matter?
Do you really want to know...?
Do you REALLY want to know...?
Do you ReAlLY, TrUlY, DeEpLy, MaDlY, DeSpErAtElY, AlL-CoNsUmInGlY want to know...?
(exasperated sigh) Of course you don't, my opinion on this matter means NOTHING!!! 😡
Someone else's opinion, maybe, but not mine! oh, NeVeR mine.
My opinion... has about as much worth... as a FREAKING!!! WOODEN!!! NICKEL!!!
Do you really want to know...?
Do you REALLY want to know...?
Do you ReAlLY, TrUlY, DeEpLy, MaDlY, DeSpErAtElY, AlL-CoNsUmInGlY want to know...?
(exasperated sigh) Of course you don't, my opinion on this matter means NOTHING!!! 😡
Someone else's opinion, maybe, but not mine! oh, NeVeR mine.
My opinion... has about as much worth... as a FREAKING!!! WOODEN!!! NICKEL!!!
DonWax5 · 26-30, M
Fat boy needs to be imprisoned
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
If WWIII lasts more than 15 minutes all of the people making decisions are idiots.
caesar7 · 61-69, M
They just did another nuclear underwater test apparently according to the news. That puppet of a leader is ignoring other countries' complaints as usual. I don't think they will but when they do produce it for war, it will be as a deterrent. I could be wrong in my assumption.
3Dogmatic · 46-50, M
No, China will not let them. They are chinas useful idiots.