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Vin53 · M
Arguing with trumpers is like playing chess with a pigeon, no matter how good you are the pigeon is going to knock over all of the pieces, shit on the board and then strut around like it won anyway.
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Vin53 · M
@MarthannBann888 I'm sorry, do I know you? Have you and I ever interacted here?
[image/video deleted]
@Vin53 I think the key bit you left out is ... matter how good you think you are 😂
PatKirby · M
Otherwise known as another day at the office. Or should I say orifice?
graphite · 61-69, M
In other breaking news, 2+2=4. Lying is what these people do. That and commandeer "law enforcement" to ensure that none of them are ever prosecuted for anything.
BizSuitStacy · M
They merely need to open their mouths...
MarthannBann888 · 70-79, F
@BizSuitStacy Do you deny your dehumanizing rhetoric?
BizSuitStacy · M
@MarthannBann888 huh?
MarthannBann888 · 70-79, F
@BizSuitStacy I am sorry. I got it wrong.
Mistakesmakeus · M
No surprise, a trump conservative is not only lying her ass off but also yelling in all caps like itll get her point across. Also not shutting up because its a trait he lacks
PatKirby · M
Thank you, I just love how you lose your shit so easily! 😆 So many hot buttons to push, and you provide them rapidly 😂
I could go on all night teaching you your well-deserved lessons. But excuse me while I go make another donation to the re-elect Trump campaign. Adios leftist wannabe muchacho pendejo.
See You Next Thursday.
Thank you, I just love how you lose your shit so easily! 😆 So many hot buttons to push, and you provide them rapidly 😂
I could go on all night teaching you your well-deserved lessons. But excuse me while I go make another donation to the re-elect Trump campaign. Adios leftist wannabe muchacho pendejo.
See You Next Thursday.
Mistakesmakeus · M
@PatKirby i didn't lose my shit, you assume you did because a ton of left wingers get offended within 30 seconds and say things that you want to see. You did lose your shit at the fact that you lobbed personal insults at me even though it was unwarranted. Now while i did say some things they pale in comparison to what you threw. Funny enough i might be young but you're the one acting like a child
PatKirby · M
Here you go, let's start you off with an appropriate first grade reader.
Here you go, let's start you off with an appropriate first grade reader.
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
OH SHIT YOU GOT 'EM they won't recover from this one
specman · 51-55, M
What is this post in response to?
Trump might not be able to hold another government office due to the 14 th amendment where it states that anyone involved with or coercion of an insurrection cannot be president.
They might let Trump run and if he wins they will then disqualify him and give it to the runner up. Which might mean a win that is a democrat again. Worst case scenario is to be stuck with Biden again. If Trump can be disqualified then we need a different candidate to run. I know it will be terrible if we get stuck with Biden again.
Trump might not be able to hold another government office due to the 14 th amendment where it states that anyone involved with or coercion of an insurrection cannot be president.
They might let Trump run and if he wins they will then disqualify him and give it to the runner up. Which might mean a win that is a democrat again. Worst case scenario is to be stuck with Biden again. If Trump can be disqualified then we need a different candidate to run. I know it will be terrible if we get stuck with Biden again.
PatKirby · M
So long.
So long.
Mistakesmakeus · M
@Mistakesmakeus he blocked me lol, he wanted to get the last say like a coward
MarthannBann888 · 70-79, F
Your point is well taken, spec. I wrote in the post all of the mean words liberals used against republicans for a short length of that column. Column picked at random. The words came from this site. About four or five inches of column.
Your point is well taken, spec. I wrote in the post all of the mean words liberals used against republicans for a short length of that column. Column picked at random. The words came from this site. About four or five inches of column.
Elessar · 26-30, M
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
BarbossasSpouse · 36-40, F
Isn't it nap time for your racist ass yet?
ElwoodBlues · M
not seen in a long time
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
@ElwoodBlues [media=]
ElwoodBlues · M
@sunsporter1649 Speaking of levels of stupid, tell us again about the "Over 118,000 U.S. Children" many of whom were in their 30s and up to 44. 'Splain to us how they qualify as children, LOL!!!
MAGA Man Burns His Own House Down. The reporter asked why he would burn his own house down. He explained that his neighbor is a liberal. And? Well you should have seen the look on that Woke Snowflakes face when my house burt to the ground.
Castenmas · M
Something terribly political must be happening in the states again. Quelle surprise…
windinhishair · 61-69, M
Nanoose · 61-69, M
Is the no surprise that the MAGAs finally ran out of conspiracy theory's so now they can only say - libs lie?
Mistakesmakeus · M
@Nanoose where do you think the maui fire came from? ;)
NoGamesTolerated · F
Right! No surprise
Oh no the jig is up
Prove it.
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
@SW-User "“A lot of you were with me when I was in Pittsburgh. By the way, Pittsburgh is a city of bridges – more bridges in Pittsburgh than any other city in America, Biden said. “I watched that bridge collapse. I got there and saw it collapse with over 200 feet off the ground going over a valley. It collapsed."
@sunsporter1649 What does this have to do with anything?
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Bumbles · 51-55, M
Must be scary being you.
basilfawlty89 · 31-35, M
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
Sir, this is a Wendy's.
@LordShadowfire 😂😂😂 This should be BC!
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MarthannBann888 · 70-79, F
You can relax, no one expects you to reason with anyone. It is you people who are so mean and dehumanizing and cruel. You don't think republicans reason with anyone, but when have you said anything even remotely decent other than cruel inane insults? Surely you don't think you promote good mental health?
You can relax, no one expects you to reason with anyone. It is you people who are so mean and dehumanizing and cruel. You don't think republicans reason with anyone, but when have you said anything even remotely decent other than cruel inane insults? Surely you don't think you promote good mental health?
@MarthannBann888 Bravo. Well said.
Vin53 · M
@Activitykittens fart. And another for her.