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There is one thing I hate

Thats guilt. Sometimes I wish I didn't believe because then I could avoid that feeling.. The feeling of having to be perfect. To not do anything that is considered sinful. In fact it has got to the point wherein I've had enough of it. Where I just want to do what I want to do.
4meAndyou · F
I struggle with this quite a bit, so I know just how awful it feels. Personally, I feel that some people are telling me that my blameless life is just NOT good enough...and that I need to do MORE, or do things differently...and I absolutely know that nothing I do will be good enough...because there are some people who just can't forgive me for being ME. I can't fit myself into a certain mold.

I know that I will hate selling myself out to conformist people who will always disapprove. I will hate seeing their little prune faces, and barely concealed sneers. There are always WONDERFUL people, too, who are kind and full of forgiveness for whatever I do, or however I choose to live...but just SEEING those others again...it's just hard.

What is also hard is knowing that I really haven't forgiven those who were unkind...because if I see them again, they will continue doing MORE unkind things.

So I make up excuses. I avoid. But I can't hide from myself.
WillaKissing · 56-60
@4meAndyou I feel your angst and what I did was to cut those disapproving people out of my life, kept my cross dressing a secret only to myself in my real life, moved to a rural farm once retired a two-hour drive from anyone who knows me, and learned to love myself for the person God had made me to be.

May you find that peace too.
None of us is perfect. Just be true to yourself.
RubiesandButterflies · 51-55, F
Then you have had people intentionally mischaracterize the New Testament to you, which is all too common.

The people who raised or taught / teach you, the ministers / pastors / priests have not been true to the Gospel, though they may have been true to their theological touchstones.

Just read the 4 Gospels for yourself.

You'll see what I mean.

The Good News is that God is actually interested in relationship more than judgment. The worrying about sin and ephahs of grain and atoning...it comes out of an unclear understanding of the One Who Is.

One of the primary jobs of the Messiah is to clear up the misconceptions about the nature of God. He stretches out a hand and smiles and invites us to come and begin a walk with Him.

Don't let people throw you from that.
WillaKissing · 56-60
I love my Christianity, and I will never deny it or God and Jesus. But I cut the holy than thou out of my life including church services, but I read the bible when I need too and pray every day
Guilt lets you know God is still working on you. I don’t EVER want to be so that I can’t feel guilt when I’ve done wrong. It is the conviction of the Holy Ghost. No one is perfect and we all fail at times. Some more than others but as long as you are striving to move forward and trusting him to help you. Lean heavily on the Lord
Back when I was a lot younger, I read a very popular book, Your Erroneous Zones by Wayne Dyer. The main point is about living in the present. The book goes into many things that seem normal but have no real logic. Guilt and worry are explained in detail. Perfection is an undefined and unachievable man made concept.
saintsong · 41-45, F
I have learned that all of us that our righteousness is like that of filthy rags, but God made Him He who knew no sin to become sin for us so that we might have the righteousness of God! I rest in these truths. I still want to live according to His righteousness, but GRACE!

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