Stay focused upon Jesus, because people will inevitably fail you. Yes Christians judge, yes Christians sin. Yes Christians do hurtful things. I think for anyone who is a Christian, they have been hurt or judged by another Christian at some point or another.
But, despite their failings (and many of our own as well) God's grace is there.
The New Testament epistles were written to churches with broken sinful people. You can look at the church of Corinth, of Rome, of Galatia, of Ephesus, and others as well, and you find a place that is not different than today.
Yes Jesus tells us to love one another ( a new commandment He gave to us). Yes, we should be known for how we love. But if we are not abiding in the Holy Spirit, the old nature pops up its ugly head. Show love, show grace, show forgiveness. Follow the way of Christ, even when others are not, and yes it hurts at time. But Christ was wounded and pierced because of my transgressions, yet He loved me enough to die for me to forgive me.
Sometimes the hurt is something that we will carry, but as we focus upon Jesus and live for Him our burden becomes lighter, because He takes it on for us.
Stay strong in Jesus sister!
But, despite their failings (and many of our own as well) God's grace is there.
The New Testament epistles were written to churches with broken sinful people. You can look at the church of Corinth, of Rome, of Galatia, of Ephesus, and others as well, and you find a place that is not different than today.
Yes Jesus tells us to love one another ( a new commandment He gave to us). Yes, we should be known for how we love. But if we are not abiding in the Holy Spirit, the old nature pops up its ugly head. Show love, show grace, show forgiveness. Follow the way of Christ, even when others are not, and yes it hurts at time. But Christ was wounded and pierced because of my transgressions, yet He loved me enough to die for me to forgive me.
Sometimes the hurt is something that we will carry, but as we focus upon Jesus and live for Him our burden becomes lighter, because He takes it on for us.
Stay strong in Jesus sister!
4meAndyou · F
You brought tears to my eyes with your words. TEARS are an indication, for me, personally, that I have felt the love of God.
Follow the way of Christ, even when others are not, and yes it hurts at time. But Christ was wounded and pierced because of my transgressions, yet He loved me enough to die for me to forgive me.
You brought tears to my eyes with your words. TEARS are an indication, for me, personally, that I have felt the love of God.
OverTheHill · 61-69, M
@4meAndyou Thank you for best comment. 🤗
4meAndyou · F
@OverTheHill You are VERY welcome. Your words have been a balm to my heart.
MrSmooTh · 31-35, M
That's kind of why I am taking a break from church right now. Mainly, because of my job and by the time I get to Sunday I just need to rest and catch up. But something that didn't sit right with me is that one day the pastor had said "God is always on the side of the poor." And then when people left the church a lot of them went out to eat and drove right past a lot of homeless people without giving them a second thought. I am just tired of church being a show. My dad is a pastor and I grew up in the church. I always went for my own reasons and didn't worry about the fake people, but now that I'm grown I just can't live with people saying one thing and doing another. Instead, I try to be an example of Christ in my everyday life. I try to make others feel good and help out where I can. Little things like helping an older person get something off the top shelf at the grocery store or a word of encouragement to someone who is feeling down go a long way.
4meAndyou · F
@MrSmooTh YES!!! Hypocrisy in church goers is very difficult to process. But loving other people, as Christ did, is, IMO, the true Christianity...not nit picking their lives or their behaviors.
LIVING as Christ did, as far as we are individually able, is also VERY important. God is love, and we must always love our neighbors and help them if and when we can.
LIVING as Christ did, as far as we are individually able, is also VERY important. God is love, and we must always love our neighbors and help them if and when we can.
WillaKissing · 56-60, M
Great questions! Before I was divorced any church, I walked into with the wife we were greeted and invited to join all kinds of committees and groups. When the wife said she would not go to church with me any longer because she was a non-believer, things changed, and then when the wife asked for a divorce so she could be with her soulmate. I could not be on any committees and was only directed towards divorcee groups. Changed churches multiple times for this damn reason alone, and I got tired of the astigmia of being divorced like it was a sin. The Good Lord gave three reasons in the bible allowing for a divorce.
1. Adultery
2. Abuse
3. Being unequally yoked to a non-believer.
So why when I was divorced by a woman that covered all three and not just one of the categories was, I treated like a broken sinful person. I could not even get on Christmas committees church usher or anything like that even the preacher who would hunt and fish with me could no longer do so or would not at a new church because I was divorced. They all loved my military training, and all welcomed my security provisional abilities though.
So, I quit going to churches and read my bible and study and pray on my own. I do not need the judgement of "Churchies" as I call them now.
And pray tell the horror of addressing my son's suicide as well. I dropped a serious You "F" ed up terribly and missed the needs of your member with sending me to your anger management courses with the death of my son through suicide and military Serices of my son and myself. It was a serious 45-minute angry hurt parent ass chewing sermon I delivered to both pastors.
1. Adultery
2. Abuse
3. Being unequally yoked to a non-believer.
So why when I was divorced by a woman that covered all three and not just one of the categories was, I treated like a broken sinful person. I could not even get on Christmas committees church usher or anything like that even the preacher who would hunt and fish with me could no longer do so or would not at a new church because I was divorced. They all loved my military training, and all welcomed my security provisional abilities though.
So, I quit going to churches and read my bible and study and pray on my own. I do not need the judgement of "Churchies" as I call them now.
And pray tell the horror of addressing my son's suicide as well. I dropped a serious You "F" ed up terribly and missed the needs of your member with sending me to your anger management courses with the death of my son through suicide and military Serices of my son and myself. It was a serious 45-minute angry hurt parent ass chewing sermon I delivered to both pastors.
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4meAndyou · F
@WillaKissing 💛💛💛
Kaetana · 56-60, F
It’s always a huge shame when we as Christian’s encounter what I would classify as ‘part time Christians ‘ which can mean they just simply attend church on a Sunday and pick n choose which bits bits of ‘ Christianity to practice.
While it’s true that none of us humans are perfect. I believe the who point of being a worshipper is to continually strive toward becoming the best version of the Christian you can be.
While it’s true that none of us humans are perfect. I believe the who point of being a worshipper is to continually strive toward becoming the best version of the Christian you can be.
Adrift · 61-69, F
I don't go to church but have been judged by people who did.
I have found that the people who were the the most judgy did not really have the cleanest slates themselves.
I mean who are they to judge?
I would tell them that I work for the devil, and I am here to take inventory on the ones that are still on my list.
I have found that the people who were the the most judgy did not really have the cleanest slates themselves.
I mean who are they to judge?
I would tell them that I work for the devil, and I am here to take inventory on the ones that are still on my list.
WandererTony · 56-60, M
All religions preach love. Yet when it comes to another religion, few are really open or tolerant. Most judge.
WandererTony · 56-60, M
@4meAndyou of course you will go to heaven. 🤗
You are as good as the best 👌
But is a reward like heaven really required to be good on earth? Is feeling good about it not just enough?
I am not a religious person. And i dont believe in the hell fire or pearly gates of heaven. But does that make me not wish good for others?
Food for some thinking 🤔
You are as good as the best 👌
But is a reward like heaven really required to be good on earth? Is feeling good about it not just enough?
I am not a religious person. And i dont believe in the hell fire or pearly gates of heaven. But does that make me not wish good for others?
Food for some thinking 🤔
4meAndyou · F
@WandererTony You are SO kind...and one of the VERY nice SW people whom I enjoy.
Food for thought: is that we MUST raise our children to be really good people. IF we do this, the earth itself will become a better place. There are ALL SORTS of vehicles which might transport our children to this ideal place...lessons in morality from so many different sources, from the beginnings of civilization!
I was raised in the Judeo-Christian morality paradigm. In this paradigm, we follow the ten commandments of Moses, and follow that with the two GREAT commandments of Jesus Christ, which are to Love God with our whole heart, our whole mind and our whole soul...and to Love our Neighbors as we love ourselves.
Yes, the Judeo-Christian paradigm contains the concept of heaven as a reward, and hell as a punishment.
However, I also believe that there are enlightened people all over the world who live in beauty without the carrot and the stick.
Food for thought: is that we MUST raise our children to be really good people. IF we do this, the earth itself will become a better place. There are ALL SORTS of vehicles which might transport our children to this ideal place...lessons in morality from so many different sources, from the beginnings of civilization!
I was raised in the Judeo-Christian morality paradigm. In this paradigm, we follow the ten commandments of Moses, and follow that with the two GREAT commandments of Jesus Christ, which are to Love God with our whole heart, our whole mind and our whole soul...and to Love our Neighbors as we love ourselves.
Yes, the Judeo-Christian paradigm contains the concept of heaven as a reward, and hell as a punishment.
However, I also believe that there are enlightened people all over the world who live in beauty without the carrot and the stick.
WandererTony · 56-60, M
@4meAndyou Thank you for the sweet words and i too reciprocate your sentiments.
Most religions preach pain and suffering as a consequence of bad deeds. I believe religion was like the law in earlier times. The fear of punishment prevented sin, the way it helps control crime in these times.
But just as an ideal world would need no police for enforcing law and order, i believe an ideal world would have people spreading love whether it is preached on their relogion or not.
Oh yes, you are right. I am a dreamer. Big time. 😀😀
Most religions preach pain and suffering as a consequence of bad deeds. I believe religion was like the law in earlier times. The fear of punishment prevented sin, the way it helps control crime in these times.
But just as an ideal world would need no police for enforcing law and order, i believe an ideal world would have people spreading love whether it is preached on their relogion or not.
Oh yes, you are right. I am a dreamer. Big time. 😀😀
oldguy73 · 70-79, M
lately I go to my new church the american legion club everyday, and partake of 2 manhattens, lol
Oddly enough, the people who preach tolerance and acceptance the most, are usually the least tolerant and accepting of people who dont agree with them.
@4meAndyou same, one reason i tend to avoid churches. one thing alot of right wingers and left wingers have in common, they both want to tell you how to run your life. LOL
4meAndyou · F
@YourMomsSecretCrush I wrestle with this ALL the time. It's difficult, holding myself apart because I can't cope with the way SOME of the people ARE. I think OverTheHill is right, though.
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Baremine · 70-79, C
Christians have a bad habit of killing their wounded. We went through a period of time when the "church" totally rejected us and the only one that cared was God Almighty.