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Only idiots think idiots wrote the Bible

Whenever someone says something like the Bible was written by Bronze age goat herders or the Bible is a product of ignorant superstitious people, or the writers of the Bible were on mushrooms . . . that's stupidity. Here's why.

1. The Bronze age is thought to have lasted about 2,000 years, from 3300 to 1200 BCE, and much of what they did, including the Bible, is still being used today. For example, the wheel, irrigation, the dedicated field for planting, the axe, the sword, the potter's wheel and writing.

2. They were as intelligent as modern man. You're not intelligent because you can Google something on your smart phone. They lived in the natural world that you read about in books. Build us a pyramid or even tell us how they built the pyramids with your smart phone and you may have the merit to decide they were ignorant about their world. Speculation on how that world was created doesn't indicate modern man has the superior intelligence.

3. Technology only makes us stupid. Go back to the telegraph, television, internet, cell phones. Telegraph was thought to bring peace through improved communication, it didn't. It allowed the spread of propaganda by those who controlled it. The television didn't educate it dumbed down. The internet provided information which was used for more propaganda. Cell phones didn't improve communication they promoted isolation. None of this reflects poorly on technology itself but rather how it is always used.

4. Moses and Joshua were judges, military commanders, historians and writers. Successive writers included kings, lawyers, fishermen, and a medical doctor and prophets, among others.
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Iwillwait · M
The two "Old Testament and New are 300 years apart and many of the Old Testament's prohecies came to fruition as for told, and more and more are unfolding.

The scribe or author who is chronicling their lives or the lives of other are divinely guided.
LadyGrace · 70-79
@Iwillwait Exactly! God did not entrust his word to just anyone. The inspiration of the Bible means more than mere spiritual illumination and exultation, which comes to many people. The word "inspire" comes from a Latin word which means to breathe on, or breathe in. The Bible is inspired in the sense that it was written by men who were "inbreathed" by the Holy Spirit.

"All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable (to man) for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness; that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished (equipped) unto all good works." II Timothy 3:16-17. That's 2nd Timothy, chapter three, verses 16-17:

"For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man; but to holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Ghost". II Peter 1:21.

The Bible is the eternal, unchangeable, and infallible (incapable of making mistakes or being wrong) Word of God.
Iwillwait · M
@LadyGrace Thank you. 🤗
"When people start using science to argue for their specific beliefs and delusions, to try to claim that they’re supported by science, then scientists at least have to speak up and say, You re welcome to your delusions, but don’t say that they’re supported by science."

Economy of Thought
"The argument from design rests on the notion that everything, but God, must come from something. However, once you agree that it is logically possible for an entity to exist that was not itself created, namely God, then that entity can just as well be the universe itself. Indeed, this is a more economical possibility, not requiring the additional hypothesis of a supernatural power outside the universe… To [creationists], it is not a matter of logic anyway, but common sense. They see no way that the universe could have just happened, without intent. How can something come from nothing? they continue to ask, never wondering how God came from nothing."

—Victor Stenger
spice1 · M
I don't know about the Bible but I've always believed that all religions are flawed because they were written by man and interpreted by man for his own needs.
@spice1 That pretty much applies to everything, though.
ServantOfTheGoddess · 61-69, M
Well said, though personally I still only believe in the words of my Goddess 🥰
Axeroberts · 56-60, M
Weren't many of them scribes. Because not many people knew how to read and write back then
@Axeroberts Scribes, like Ezra, for example, were the equivalent to the modern day lawyer. Most people read back then. They were, in fact, more often than not, bilingual. Adam, for example, was told to write in the histories. People were told to read the Bible daily, to teach it to their children. I think much of what people think of ancient history is based egregiously on the "Dark Ages" as if everything prior to that was more primitive. It's sort of a Hollyweird version of history. The point of the dark ages were the intelligentsia complaining about culture. Literature, to be exact, in fact. It was the sentiment of one man, but people even at that time, after a sort of collapse of the preexisting society, were much more literate than they are given credit for.
pride49 · 31-35, M
Imo most of them would have common sense which a lot of 'smart' people these days lack.
@pride49 To me, common sense seems a contradiction of terms. Kind of what you said. Sense isn't very common these days. I think it can also be specific and I think I was sort of talking about that as well. If you investigate a specific school of thought knowledge in that specific will be common. That has all sorts of aspects to think about. The Bible writers lived in the world, how much did they think about how that world was created. The details as we may know or science may investigate them in our time? We don't really know. The assumption is typically that they were a great deal more unintelligent than they were. So, we're the ones in the dark on that subject.
Idiots didn't write the stories. Idiots believe the stories.
@BohemianBabe Why can't we all be as clever as you are? 🥺
@BritishFailedAesthetic I don't know, life is sad sometimes.
Jorgillo · 36-40, M
I am speechless
@Jorgillo That's a peculiarly ambiguous announcement.
walabby · M
...but me agreeing with you does not make me not an idiot! 🤪😄
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walabby · M
@AkioTsukino Quito true. We have no idea of the things that we don't know that we don't know.
PatKirby · M

That's a good one, I like that one!

When they call Bible authors stupid, they overplay their hand. They think they can harm the credibility of the Bible by throwing shade on the authors, but it begs the question: how could such stupid people have accomplished so much without help?
@ImperialAerosolKidFromEP Maybe, but he's not all bad.

@AkioTsukino wow... uh... deep fake?
@ImperialAerosolKidFromEP What? What does deep fake mean? And what is? The video? That isn't fake.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
Just because somebody's educated, that doesn't rule out them being an idiot.
@LordShadowfire I agree. A lot of people think they are stupid because they are uneducated and many more think their education makes them more intelligent. People will put down other people because they are educated or uneducated and both are usually thinly veiled attempts to make their own ideology seem the correct one. They think it elevates their ideas. It's an attempt to minimize differing opinions and beliefs. If a person, such as you or I, believe something stupid - THAT belief is stupid. Not necessarily you or I. And you and I both know you and I say and do stupid shit all the time. A lot of times the foolish people who use the idea of education or lack thereof as a measurement of intelligence are either unable or unwilling to believe that.

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