Thanks honey. We won't see the 666 on the hand because that is the number that will be stamped on the forehead or the hand during the tribulation period. We won't even be here during that time. At least during the last three and a half years, we won't be here but I personally feel from Bible study that we won't be here even the first three and a half years of the tribulation period. We could, but the first three and a half years will not be the hard years. It won't be until we reach the end of the first three and a half years of the tribulation period, that everything will change very abruptly and the Antichrist will turn on the people who thought he was so great and it will be such a horrible Reign of Terror. But we won't be here. We will be raptured up before the last three and a half years, for sure. Scripture tells us so.
@Dshhh Ma'am, I know about God's Word and I love it and respect it. Nothing would change that. I am firm in my faith that God and His Word are truths, even if others don't believe that. And I have good reason for that. I have studied other faiths. For me, there are reasons why they don't work for me. If they do for you, that's fine. But I will never go against God and His Word, the Bible. There are many false teachers out there who will make these videos and call it truth, but when the source is considered, they don't line up with the Bible and they are also created by even some atheists or others who do not follow Christ or His Word. The Bible warns against them and not to believe everything we see and read, but to follow what God says is right and truthful. He can be counted on, because He is no liar. He cannot err. The Bible's Old Testament is very similar to the Hebrew Bible, which has origins in the ancient religion of Judaism. Christians accept the written Torah and other books of the Hebrew Bible (alternatively called Old Testament) as Scripture,
They laugh. But it will hit hard, when it becomes a reality they weren't expecting. God's Word always comes to pass.
calicuz · 56-60, M
Yes, you call him the "Anti-Christ," many of us call him "Big Brother," and yes, he has been here for thousands of years setting things up. He is actually in power, only behind the scenes, orchestrating everything until everything is in perfect place for him to reveal himself. Waiting to put us in a position where we can not resist or fight back.
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There are many people that are anti-Christ in this world, but the real Antichrist spoken of in the Bible will come on the scene during the tribulation period but he won't be destroyed until the end, after the Battle of Armageddon starts.
And antichrist in ALL forms will be destroyed.
There are many people that are anti-Christ in this world, but the real Antichrist spoken of in the Bible will come on the scene during the tribulation period but he won't be destroyed until the end, after the Battle of Armageddon starts.
He's here, but not on the scene yet. He'll reveal himself not too far off.
baydog5555 · 70-79, F
@LadyGrace some think even from rome.the weather and disasters,disease,it`s all leading up.
@baydog5555 Definitely leading up to it, yes.
Dshhh · M
Earlier translations of biblical text mini recently dug up in Egypt say the number of the beast is actually 667. But frankly I don’t believe any of those so-called prophecies.
Good post!
LeopoldBloom · M
I saw a video where a pastor went over the various features of the Antichrist, and Trump met all of them.
jehova · 31-35, M
@LeopoldBloom he must be overthrown?
baydog5555 · 70-79, F
@LeopoldBloom but not from the far east or maybe even rome.

Look into Yuval Noah Harari he’s an advisor to the global elites.
Evil 🪬
Evil 🪬

@SpiritualMan many just got moved about and nazi’s didn’t go away.
They just went quiet and made long term plans to take over.
They just went quiet and made long term plans to take over.
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@SW-User We don't have to look at man for that. Look to the one with the most knowledge, wisdom, and knows what he's talking about....God. It explains all that in His Word.
Nitedoc · 51-55, M
It won't be a tat. It'll be a microchip implanted in you.
NoGamesTolerated · F
@Nitedoc yup no bigger than a grain of rice!
Nitedoc · 51-55, M
@NoGamesToleratedI've seen pictures of fully working microchips that were smaller than the head of a pin.
baydog5555 · 70-79, F
@NoGamesTolerated look at how tiny cell phones are.
ChadJNSD · 18-21, M
It’s probably the President of Ukraine. Seriously.
CorvusBlackthorne · 100+, M
@ChadJNSD Are you legitimately this idiotic, or playing a rôle?
baydog5555 · 70-79, F
@ChadJNSD are you a putin loyalist?
ChadJNSD · 18-21, M
@CorvusBlackthorne I am roleplaying as a realist, with idiots .
jehova · 31-35, M
Yes has been for 34+ years. And catholics made/summoned him and only the freedom of all will allow 'him' to be overcome. The digital currency thing is a slippery slope it will not be the antcrist that requires it. Only those with more greed than any other will force us to bear that number. By your description i guess if nothing else changes itll b a republican in 2024
CorvusBlackthorne · 100+, M
@jehova My, aren't there a lot of tinfoil hat wearing lunatics this morning?
jehova · 31-35, M
@CorvusBlackthorne i said it last night thank you,
Regardless the number tattooed to your and everyones hand is ur cell phone. If all transactions require a cell phone thats fulfill the prophecy. Yet im the crazy one. Oh by the way wats ur number.? Also similarly a crdit card as the only way to purchase would stamp the amount u owe on ur "hand" therefore our debt based economy has already heavily moved in that direction. How much do u owe? Until u get that first credit a minum of 500 btw (pretty close to 666 eh?) You wouldn't be able to buy anything without borrowing against ur "soul" at least that first time. Thus aren't bankers/money the "antichrist"?
Regardless the number tattooed to your and everyones hand is ur cell phone. If all transactions require a cell phone thats fulfill the prophecy. Yet im the crazy one. Oh by the way wats ur number.? Also similarly a crdit card as the only way to purchase would stamp the amount u owe on ur "hand" therefore our debt based economy has already heavily moved in that direction. How much do u owe? Until u get that first credit a minum of 500 btw (pretty close to 666 eh?) You wouldn't be able to buy anything without borrowing against ur "soul" at least that first time. Thus aren't bankers/money the "antichrist"?
CorvusBlackthorne · 100+, M
@jehova No.
Kwek00 · 41-45, M
LadyGrace? ... why would you talk to her. She's only here to preach, and she won't take the word of non believers anyway.
If you are not a christian, you are not worthy talking about her religious believes.
If you are not a christian, you are not worthy talking about her religious believes.
Kwek00 · 41-45, M
@SpiritualMan We've gone over this before... if this was true then the overall majority of the world would believe in the same God by now.
But this isn't the case? Why is that? ... It's because religious people can't seem to understand what it means to prove their case. They are extremely bad at it, but keep insisting that what they believe is just true. That's why it's a believe and not a fact. And I don't have time for believes that are this fantastical and don't have any meat on their bone.
But this isn't the case? Why is that? ... It's because religious people can't seem to understand what it means to prove their case. They are extremely bad at it, but keep insisting that what they believe is just true. That's why it's a believe and not a fact. And I don't have time for believes that are this fantastical and don't have any meat on their bone.
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Kwek00 · 41-45, M
@SpiritualMan We still have to establish that God is an actual thing... before we can attribute all kinds of ideas to the concept. Like giving people free will and all that.
Carazaa · F
Yes antichrist has been here for thousands of years.
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@SpiritualMan I agree. I believe a major anti Christ is affecting the US. There is a big evil at work any way. That’s just my opinion though.
NoGamesTolerated · F
After the Rapture of the Church!
start.with so many wearing so many tats these days,would i see a 666 on the hand?
TheOneyouwerewarnedabout · 46-50, MVIP
They want to jam us all on a digital system with a social credit score.
Whilst simultaneously threatening us with cyber hacks..
They’re freaking insane
Whilst simultaneously threatening us with cyber hacks..
They’re freaking insane
bugeye · 26-30, F
I imagine the Anti-christ is just the original jesus finally back for revenge.
JimboSaturn · 56-60, M
this is a crazy post
CorvusBlackthorne · 100+, M
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LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
What's up? Can I do something for you
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LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@SpiritualMan Sure.
basilfawlty89 · 36-40, M
F**k yeah he is!🤘
Renaci · 36-40
Lol the bible is already the mark of the beast. It shows who is good and who is evil depending on what they cherry pick out of it. It shows a persons moral character far more than any physical mark would.
Give it up, they have been claiming things similar for over 1,700 years.