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Scribbles · 36-40, F
My mother has this fear
Every once in a while (a couple times a year) she'll interrogate each one of us to find out how often we are going to church (apparently only attendence matters) and if the answer is not up to her standards then she tells us how devastated she is and how she worries and how she wants us all in heaven. From what I"ve gleaned from Church, it sounds like everyone will be satisfied with God's idea of justice. Which is a horrifying thought tbh.
Every once in a while (a couple times a year) she'll interrogate each one of us to find out how often we are going to church (apparently only attendence matters) and if the answer is not up to her standards then she tells us how devastated she is and how she worries and how she wants us all in heaven. From what I"ve gleaned from Church, it sounds like everyone will be satisfied with God's idea of justice. Which is a horrifying thought tbh.
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Scribbles · 36-40, F
@EarthlingWise What do you imagine lutherans to be like?
@Scribbles community-centered, bound by a book, that is supposed to contain everything you have to know, obsessed with sin and how much you can pay for it by being denied redemption? Am I anywhere near?
Scribbles · 36-40, F
@EarthlingWise That's pretty spot on. I would include, "Very judgemental, but sometimes very kind." And also very patriarcal.
When problems arise in Lutheran churches or schools or daycares they often resort to "God will take care of it' and allow problems to fester and grow.
I would say the obsessed with sin is because at one point they would heavily imply that any unrepentant sin may doom someone to hell. That was a big thing in the 90's and early 2000's. Not as much anymore. I haven't heard that be a part of sermons in the last 8 years though. But then my attendence is pretty spotty. Also a lot of Lutheran schools got in trouble with the media around 15-20 years ago for being anti-gay and expelling pregnant unmarried students. So they eased on that a little. They've become more welcoming but to some people probably wouldn't be friendly or be welcoming to them or let them have any role of leadership or fellowship but they'd be accepted to come to church or a Lutheran school or to Bible class without much fuss.
When problems arise in Lutheran churches or schools or daycares they often resort to "God will take care of it' and allow problems to fester and grow.
I would say the obsessed with sin is because at one point they would heavily imply that any unrepentant sin may doom someone to hell. That was a big thing in the 90's and early 2000's. Not as much anymore. I haven't heard that be a part of sermons in the last 8 years though. But then my attendence is pretty spotty. Also a lot of Lutheran schools got in trouble with the media around 15-20 years ago for being anti-gay and expelling pregnant unmarried students. So they eased on that a little. They've become more welcoming but to some people probably wouldn't be friendly or be welcoming to them or let them have any role of leadership or fellowship but they'd be accepted to come to church or a Lutheran school or to Bible class without much fuss.
walabby · M
Not a Xtian here.. I just think that the whole heaven/hell theory is a load of horse apples.
OogieBoogie · F
Well, going on reports from people who have had NDE's, it seems the emcompassing love of god/creator/source is so strong it overpowers everything else one has experienced on earth.
So i imagine it becomes inconsequential.
Theoretically speaking of course.
So i imagine it becomes inconsequential.
Theoretically speaking of course.
OogieBoogie · F
Edit ; have you ever considered that THIS might be hell?😏
no one is yet in heaven or hell. Or almost no one
well there ya go , what are you worried about?Edit ; have you ever considered that THIS might be hell?😏
lol well just because it hasn't happened yet doesn't mean it's not a problem to consider.
Again, not really plausible in the context of Christianity.
I think we'll have notice when the oceans turn to blood and a third of all life dies.
lol well just because it hasn't happened yet doesn't mean it's not a problem to consider.
have you ever considered that THIS might be hell?
Again, not really plausible in the context of Christianity.
I think we'll have notice when the oceans turn to blood and a third of all life dies.
OogieBoogie · F
@Pikachu you know, considering the world right now, it might just happen .
TheWildEcho · 56-60, M
And how bad will it be for parents in hell knowing their kids will be heading there too? Especially the ones who have lied to their kids and told them that God, heaven and hell don't exist. They will be desperately hoping they accept Jesus and go to heaven
TheWildEcho · 56-60, M
@walabby I certainly agree that the reality will be vastly different from that imagined!!!
Morvoren · F
Id rather spend eternity in hell with my family than sit alone in heaven.
LeopoldBloom · M
The belief is that God’s justice is perfect, and those in heaven will gaze down in joy at their friends and relatives in hell as the manifestation of that perfect justice.
LeopoldBloom · M
@Ferise1 I'm just repeating standard Christian dogma. It's not my fault that you're an ignoramus who was more intent on picking your nose in Sunday School and didn't pay attention to the teacher.
You're actually the worst person (or people) who ever lived. Every time I see your profile photo, I think of Hitler and Eva Braun. Or Hitler and Blondi.
You're actually the worst person (or people) who ever lived. Every time I see your profile photo, I think of Hitler and Eva Braun. Or Hitler and Blondi.
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As an Indian and not being a biological parent yet having parental affection for many, I feel that I'd be content for those kids been given another opportunity to pay for their sins by being in hell.
@sspec Nah, even Christians would find some kinda rationale, or expect forgiveness from Big Daddy .
Well i'm expecting them to. I just want to hear what it is
even Christians would find some kinda rationale
Well i'm expecting them to. I just want to hear what it is
scrood · 31-35
Yes it is perfect justice
The Problem with fairy tales .