I am too fat, but I can’t stop eating. I’ve struggled with my mental health and weight as long as I can remember. But the urge to hurt myself went away every time I ate. So I kept eating. And now, I don’t want to do anything rash or hurt myself, but food is my life now. I can’t seem to stop eating and gaining weight. I know I’m too fat and it’s only getting worse. I can’t fit a seatbelt around myself in some cars. I struggle to get up from furniture that is too low to the ground. I wear leggings and sweaters because the stretch with me and aren’t constructing like jeans. I can feel a waddle developing as I walk. I’m winded going up 15 stairs. I’m soon to be 23 and I weigh 427 pounds. I get embarrassed and frustrated when I try to exercise so I quit. And eating is the only thing that makes me feel better, so the cycle continues and I gain more even more weight. I’m proud that suicide and death no longer lingers at the edge of every thought I have. But now putting each bite of food in my mouth is my every thought. I’m too fat and I know what the solution is but there’s something that stops me from actually doing it and it’s frustrating as hell because I have no excuse for being the size I am and I should be able to fix it and I should have never let it get this far but here I am. Inching closer to 500, 600, 700 pounds and death and I’m not stopping.
Stop! Go walk around your neighborhood and after a couple of weeks jog and work your way up from there. You should also talk to a counselor because your eating is an escape mechanism you are still young don't let these years slip away from you. And you seem like a genuine happy person in your pics.
@StillLearning Consider carrying a large high powered squirt gun and firing a stream of water at those snotty ladies. Or carry a high volume bullhorn and throw a few creative insults at them at top volume. Teach them to fear you.
something i've done before to help control eating bad foods is to imagine stuffing the cookie (for example) into your leg or arm or whatever. kept me from eating it. (i should employ that method now lol as I am trying to lose weight again) a trick my mom taught me is to post an unflattering pic of yourself on your fridge door or on your cabinets or wherever you keep your food. helps to motivate you not to eat. i think it helps. i think really the first step is to not bring junk food into your house. and control yourself from going out just to get bad food that you shouldnt be eating. like make a shopping list when you go shopping of only healthy foods and don't buy anything else. maybe give yourself a cheat day once a week to enjoy foods that you really shouldn't eat but love so you still get to enjoy your guilty food once in a while. (keeping it in moderation of course still) i know it's hard but you can do it. have you heard of keto? it's not really an ideal diet, but eating hardly any carbs makes you not hungry all the time after a day or two of doing it. even if you go back to eating carbs i think it helps to do the keto for awhile just to get into the habit of not eating so much throughout the day. i know when i eat a lot of carbs i get constantly hungry. lots of people are reporting successes with a keto diet. otherwise maybe see a psychiatrist for an antidepressant. i've found wellbutrin can help decrease your urge to eat. it helps regulate your serotonin levels or something and i saw a show that said that can be one reason why some people overeat. because they have a glitch in their brains don't produce enough serotonin or something like that. in any case a psychiatrist might be able to help you some if you can't manage to do it on your own. good luck. i could use some of it too.
When I was trying to lose weight when I was 15 or so I ended up losing it and getting in good shape by A going to the library and getting books on nutrition so maybe you should try that start with eating healthier educate yourself on what your body needs and nourish it and B the second thing I did was I got workout videos you can even rent them at the library depending on where you live I live in the US so they're free.Though I payed for my workout videos.Try doing some workout video you like at home you don't even have to leave the house for that.Good luck!Baby steps too it's not gonna happen over night but it's definitely worth it!
There was once a time when probably everyone had bad coping mechanisms and I was one of them and I probably still am , but that’s ok as you aren’t a bad person for the ways you tried to kill your sadness but what you need is to find something to make you happy which is also healthy and I get it’s hard to find , I do pole dancing and that’s gave me more reasons to live and not to do things I shouldn’t do , big girls can pole dance too in fact there’s so many who go we’re i go and i know some that are really good at it. When you feel the urge to eat loads eat healthy foods and you will feel so much better.
Have you considered hypnosis? It can really change your habits, including thinking habits. Two or three sessions with a good hypnotist might turn the tide of this illness for you. Someday they're going to unravel the genes that propel this obesity curse, and there will be a medical cure. Try hypnosis and see if you can come up with a plan to change your eating compulsion to something more normal.
That's depressing...You need to smack yourself and tell yourself that this is not how you're going to spend the rest of your life. There's still time to turn this around.