I don't care what anybody says. Beauty comes from within. When I was in high school there was a boy that everybody thought was kind of ugly because he had freckles really bad, all over his face but when I got to know him and we hung out together, wow, I thought he was the most beautiful person in the world. I loved him so much. He was the sweetest person I'd ever met.
Mktonght · 61-69, M
Yes you were wrong, however I truly believe that beauty come from your heart as much as what people see in your face.
3Dogmatic · 46-50, M
Told you….
And you still are gorgeous
And you still are gorgeous
ServantOfTheGoddess · 61-69, M
When I look at photos of myself from my 20s I am surprised how good looking I was. I really didn't realize it at the time.
@ServantOfTheGoddess I was the same way. I was actually very beautiful when I was young.
ServantOfTheGoddess · 61-69, M
@LadyGrace I don't know what you look like now, but you are a beautiful person.
@ServantOfTheGoddess Thank you so much. ❤️🤗🙏
Ducky · 31-35, F
I can relate. I used to think I was meh, at best. Then health issues destroyed my face. Now I look back on pics of my before my health problems, now I wish I counted my blessings.
TheRascallyOne · 31-35, M
I'm sure you're still beautiful ❤️
WrngWlf · 46-50, F
@TheRascallyOne not too shabby lol
TheRascallyOne · 31-35, M
@WrngWlf I know some people who aged like old dog shit you should be very grateful lol
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1954zebedee · 70-79, M
What do you mean you used to be? You most certainly are still beautiful
WandererTony · 56-60, M
You still look very pretty. 😍
QuietEd2019 · 31-35, M
Definitely pretty
Orangehotrod · 61-69, M
Your still beautiful!
Starduster79 · M
Yes you were!!!!
BeepBeep · F
i bet you still are
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Roadsterrider · 56-60, M
You have a nice smile and are attractive.
Beauty is more about what is inside and how you treat others than whether you look like a super model or not.
Beauty is more about what is inside and how you treat others than whether you look like a super model or not.
therighttothink50 · 56-60, M
Just start walking and you will be back in shape soon.
Quimliqer · 70-79, M
Rest assured, you’re beautiful!!
Jonjdw · 51-55, M
Idk what you look like now.

You are definitely pretty
WillaKissing · 56-60, M
Yes, you were very wrong, and yes you are very Beautiful.
JohnHenry · 36-40, M
Beautiful, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise
RubySoo · 56-60, F
Very beautiful. ❤️
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Orangehotrod · 61-69, M
You still look great!
Alex51 · 61-69, M
Sure you are
Convivial · 26-30, F
Still cute...
TurtlePink · 22-25, F
I’m getting Shania Twain vibes 😍😍
DunningKruger · 61-69, M
samanthaX · 41-45, T
You have always been a gorgeous girl my love 💋♥️
samanthaX · 41-45, T
You are very beautiful darling 💋💋💋