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Hi atheists, what is your definition of God?

Atheists deny God exists, but do they have a definition of God?

If they don't have a definition of God, then they are irrational for denying the existence of a being they have no idea of.

So, atheists, get reasonable, present your definition of God.
Morvoren · F
My definition of god is a fictional character that helps the superstitious explain things they don’t understand and feel more comfortable with their own mortality.
Mathers · 61-69
No wonder you don’t believe in God then. I don’t believe in that ‘god’ either! @Morvoren
There are many definitions of god.
None are real entities.

I find the God of the Semitic religions the most problematic:
1. because he has been the most used as justifications of war, conquest, forced conversions, pogroms, racist atrocities, and the Inquisition.
2. because it is logically and tautologically impossible for a god to be omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent and good, and yet to have permitted and allowed suffering.
3. because there is plenty of archeological and historical evidence that the OT and subsequent religious developments were invented by men for the purpose of uniting and controlling people as nations. In the beginning it was mostly about survival, but later it became solely a matter of power and wealth.

I have no objection to the Hindu, Buddhist and Taoist "gods" because the term god is a mistranslation. Properly speaking they are idams, meaning personifications of abstract ideas. For instance, Saraswati symbolises knowledge.

I have little objection to the Esoteric Vedantist version of "god" because it is just consciousness, albeit conceived of as all-pervading, like a substance or energy from which all else is composed. I do have one quibble with it.
It redefines consciousness to such a degree that it turns the normal the normal meaning of the word into nonsense - effectively a synonym for energy (in either kinetic or latent form) as understood in quantum physics.

I have no objection to pantheist versions of gods or spirits such as believed by hunter-gatherer cultures. These tend to integrate human culture with the natural world, such that people can live in harmony with their ecosystem and the planet.

But for me, there is no such thing as a god. I am happy with science's methods of exploring and testing how this universe was made and how life evolved.
I have zero fear of death and my future non-existence; though I do fear the many sad and painful processes of aging and dying. I live my life as healthily as I can, and have the means to euthanize myself when the right time comes.
I am also content that we humans can work out moral codes and laws that work well most of the time, and that most individuals are capable of evolving and mostly living in accordance with their own ethics. We do not need gods to tell us how to live. We certainly don't need to invent gods to tell us what's right or wrong.
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newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
Atheists deny God exists

1. there's no proof that gods exist
2. there's no proof that gods don't exist
3. in any event, there’s no compelling necessity to even postulate gods, and, in any event, the postulation explains nothing (not even itself)... it merely tries to explain everything away.
4. therefore, I have no gods (I’m an agnostic atheist)

Where do I deny gods exist?

Show me


Have you learned to use the ‘reply’ button yet?

It’s hilarious... you present yourself as some sort of intellecualt... but you can’t even figure out how to use a ‘reply’ button.

it really would be quite sad were it not so funny 😂
DocSavage · M
Don’t fall for his bullshit. He doesn’t want your definition of god, he wants you to accept his description. So he keep it on his terms.
@newjaninev2 These people are real tiresome. They’re not ignorant but ignoring anything based on evidence and reasoning.
DocSavage · M
His claim , is based on what he considers reasoning and evidence.
Humans could not have created themselves, so obviously it had to be a self existing spirit who is permanent and controlling everything that isn’t him.
Sherlock Holmes, he’s not.
DocSavage · M
Checking out yrger’s other post. He’s just here to insult Atheist and rant about his own definition. Which fails 100%

A claim made without evidence, can be refuted without evidence. He has nothing and he knows it. He’s wasting your time !
chrisCA · M
Dude. You are kinda creepy with the copying and pasting.
yrger · 80-89, M
Hi ViciDraco, you say: "My belief is that what you define as God is an entity that does not exist. Just the same as I disbelieve in Zeus or Odin or Elohim."

Okay, then define Zeus or Odin or Elohim, then also give your definition of God if you have one, if you don't have one, please read my definition of God:

"God is the permanent self-existent spirit creator and operator of man and the universe and everything transient."

And we humans are one evidence of God's existence, if you don't accept God, then tell me what or who created you and me, okay?!

You see, hi everyone, atheists are not accustomed to thinking rationally and intelligently. They just stick to comparing God with silly figures of their own made-up nonsense, like God is a flying spaghetti monster.

Or a teapot in space.


From VicDrago:

ViciDraco · 36-40, M
Do you believe in nuggelywumps? You have to define nuggelywumps if you are going to say no.

It doesn't work the way you are describing. You don't make something up to disbelieve in. Other people have claims that a thing called God exists. Atheism is simply the disbelief that the claims other people are making are true.

My belief is that what you define as God is an entity that does not exist. Just the same as I disbelieve in Zeus or Odin or Elohim.

The difference between an Athiest and your average Christian or Muslim or Jew is that we just disbelieve in one additional definition of God than those other groups.
@DocSavage Well it's redundant then, because permanent means the same thing. Frankly, it sounds as if he's just saying "God is Deity" or some such tautology.
DocSavage · M
He’s under the delusion that if he keeps repeating it. It will make it credible .
@DocSavage Yeah, I'm guessing that 'operator' thing means God-like powers. So the whole "definition" works out to

"God is an eternal God-like being with God-like powers"

In other words, a meaningless tautology!!
yrger · 80-89, M
Hi Doc, I suspect that you were some fundamentalist Bible Christian previously, because all your grudges against God have to do with the attributes and narratives about God as portrayed in the Bible.

I am into knowing God from reason.

And my reasoning on the origin of man and the universe tells me that there exists the permanent self-existent spirit I call God, Who is the creator and operator of man and the universe and everything transient.

That satisfies my rational intelligent curiosity to explain to myself on ultimate terms how and why I am a human unlike all other living things that are not human.

Humankind is oriented by God toward transcendence, you Doc are no different from the cattle and the donkeys and the frogs.

Okay, tell me what question from you I don't I care to answer.


DocSavage · M
That is how and why He is God, the permanent self-existent spirit creator and operator of man and the universe and everything transient.

So, tell me yrger what good is he ? God might be self existent spirit. He might be operator of man and universe. What difference does it make ? From our perspective, life is still chance and circumstances. How we live it , is still more or less by our choices.
It been 13-14 billion years now since creation. If god has an agenda for us, what is it ? We live, we die, that’s it. God or no god. What influence we have on others is gone within a few short years.
God’s only value now is in the promise of an afterlife. Without some future reward or fear, we have no reason to care if god is real or not.
That’s the question you refused to answer. If god is reality, do we need to go the whole nine yards. Right , wrong, good , evil ? Do we have free will, or is god operating everything ?
Evidently, you consider his spirit important. What do you get out of it, that you don’t already have.
Think it over.
P.S. this is all based on your description. You say god is our motivation. What for ?
DocSavage · M
No, you’re missing the one factor which makes creation practical. If you actually read what I posted, it would be obvious even to someone as clueless of you.
Never heard of Milton, either have you.
yrger · 80-89, M
Hi Doc, you say, "I already presented my argument* on your last thread, you couldn’t refute it, so you ran away.

*Not definition

As you have already refuted my explanation, which refutation I could not have seen it because you are not a systematic expositor, that's why I could not have recognized it, please repeat it like in this way:



DocSavage · M
Okay, here is my definition of God:
"God is the permanent self-existent spirit creator and operator of man and the universe and everything transient."

All I want to tell them is that they must have the correct definition of God, otherwise they are denying the wrong god to not exist.

Best you get the definition of God from theists, theists are the authority of the definition of God Whom they know to exist.

Hi Doc, you don't know what is evidence, I challenge you to produce your definition of evidence, without going to dictionaries.

(Haha, and you are wasting my time, and I just love you because you are created by God as I am. )

Since you are incapable of giving straight answers to straight questions.
Here, is what you consider to be evidence of god presented earlier. As everyone can plainly see, you haven’t got a clue about what evidence is.
You asked for my definition of god, but you don’t want that. You want people here to use your definition of god, and then argue it
While you say it’s unfalsifiable, all with no evidence , of course.
Not gonna play your childish games chuckles. I already presented my definition on your last thread, you couldn’t refute it, so you ran away.
Every bit as probable and likely as yours. Without evidence against it.
But, you’re not going to admit it. So stop wasting time.
DocSavage · M
I defined god, in my earlier post, as whatever started things in motion.
I’m aware of theist definition of god ( several of them ) but I reject them on the basis you refused to address.
I could go on to more detail, but that would be pointless with you. However, in order to give you a sporting chance ( something you refuse to do ) i will state, there is one flaw in your definition, which you can not explain away. That renders it incompetent. Look back and you’ll see it.
You’ve refused to admit it, because it can’t be answered.
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
attention-craving, self-absorbed, waste of time
DocSavage · M
Okay, here is my definition of God:
"God is the permanent self-existent spirit creator and operator of man and the universe and everything transient."

all I want to tell them is that they must have the correct definition of God, otherwise they are denying the wrong god to not exist.

Best you get the definition of God from theists, theists are the authority of the definition of God Whom they know to exist.

Hi Doc, you don't know what is evidence, I challenge you to produce your definition of evidence, without going to dictionaries.

Haha, and you are wasting my time, and I just love you because you are created by God as I am. )

Since you are incapable of giving straight answers to straight questions.
Here, is what you consider to be evidence of god presented earlier. As everyone can plainly see, you haven’t got a clue about what evidence is.
You asked for my definition of god, but you don’t want that. You want people here to use your definition of god, and then argue it
While you say it’s unfalsifiable, all with no evidence , of course.
Not gonna play your childish games chuckles. I already presented my definition on your last thread, you couldn’t refute it, so you ran away.
Every bit as probable and likely as yours. Without evidence against it.
But, you’re not going to admit it. So stop wasting time.
yrger · 80-89, M
Hi SlaveEt, that is a most mouthful paragraph you wrote.

I like to witness whether you can think rationally and intelligently.

Tell me whether there is always some existence i. e. reality or not.

Use your brain to answer rationally and intelligently, okay?!

You have two options:
(i) Yes, there is always some existence i.e. reality.
(ii) No, there is always no existence i.e. no reality.

Hi everyone rational and intelligent, let us all sit back and await with bated breath to observe how SlaveEt responds to my invitation that he should think rationally and intelligently.


SlaveEt · 31-35, F
To me, God is a conglomeration of human creativity, ideas and beliefs that has morphed though the ages to fit the purposes and needs of those in power. He is a fictional character in a poorly written and cunningly edited book that has also morphed to fit the needs of the powerful. God is a security blanket for those who need him and that's okay. Just don't ask me to drag that tattered, old blanket around with you.
SlaveEt · 36-40, F
You sir, are rude, pugnacious, obtuse and delusional. There is no debating people like you.
DocSavage · M
Stick around, you can still ridicule him.
SlaveEt · 36-40, F
Lol tempting but I think I'll pass 🤭
yrger · 80-89, M
Hi Doc, welcome to my new thread, don't get overly angry - that's no way to be rational and intelligent.

Okay, here is my definition of God:
"God is the permanent self-existent spirit creator and operator of man and the universe and everything transient."

Let's talk about your definition of God Whom you deny to exist, okay?!

By the way, I gave you already many times the evidence for God existing, namely, us humans like you Doc and I Yrger - we did not create ourselves, so ultimately it is God.

If you deny God to have crerated you, tell who or what created you?!


From Doc:
DocSavage · M
Asked and answered last time you posted the question.
Stop wasting time trying to avoid the numerous calls for you to put up or shut up.
We’ve all read your definition of god, and no matter how many times you post it, it still sounds stupid.
What also sounds stupid, is your narcissistic belief, that Atheist have no education or understanding of god. Or that they never even considered his existence. Atheism comes from actually experiencing and examining the belief, and finding the evidence lacking, just like your post.

So don’t waste your time Answering yrger. He’s not going to answer you
DocSavage · M
If you deny God to have crerated you, tell who or what created you?!
Abiogenesis, duh !
DocSavage · M
Asked and answered last time you posted the question.
Stop wasting time trying to avoid the numerous calls for you to put up or shut up.
We’ve all read your definition of god, and no matter how many times you post it, it still sounds stupid.
What also sounds stupid, is your narcissistic belief, that Atheist have no education or understanding of god. Or that they never even considered his existence. Atheism comes from actually experiencing and examining the belief, and finding the evidence lacking, just like your post.

So don’t waste your time Answering yrger. He’s not going to answer you
Elessar · 26-30, M
Supernatural figure invented by the theists to respond to the questions they don't have an answer for.

No, not irrational at all. I may have a definition for "unicorn" or "dragon" even if I don't have reason to believe they exist. For your god it's the very same thing.
Elessar · 26-30, M
@BibleData So evidently you didn't read the title. Twice. There's no pride in ignorance, yet here you are, trying to claim some.

You just like the OP have tripped on the very strings you've tried (and failed) to lay down for me.
BibleData · M
@Elessar I don't give a fuck what the subject heading says. If I define atheism as a small clump of green putty-like substance I found under my armpit one late midsummer afternoon after not bathing for several days that doesn't make it a valid definition. That's language. If you don't know that you must be woke.
Elessar · 26-30, M
@BibleData So why the f*ck should I care about what you have to say? Or that you have a problem with people not believing in your man in the sky fairytale?

Stay relevant with what is being discussed or maybe go get therapy if you can't control your intolerance problem.
God is an imaginary being created by religious people to control other people.
Do I win a cookie for having a definition?
chrisCA · M
@FreeSpirit1 No. You will get a "copy and paste", and a scolding. 😅
yrger · 80-89, M
Hi Emosaur, you say a lot of words, but I see that you also do some rational and thus intelligent thinking.

Now, see if youcan think on this statement from me:

"There is always existence or reality, and it will never go out of existence or reality."

Think! Will existence aka reality ever become non-existence or unreality.


Emosaur · 22-25, M
@WaryWitchWandering While I technically agree, this doesn't really apply to religion as well as things like pseudoscience, conspiracy theories, and far-right ideologies (which all often go hand in hand).
For example, a truly harmless belief to hold is aliens; there is no evidence they exist, but believing they do isn't entirely illogical nor does it harm anyone.
What is illogical and harmful though is a belief in certain religions; many of them teach objectively incorrect things so by believing them one would be denying reality and science, which is literally delusion, and they also teach their followers to do atrocious things they would never do if it wasn't for their religion.
Respect is something which has to be earned, and ideologies like religion, pseudoscience and fascism certainly should not get any.
MasterLee · 56-60, M
Atheists do not deny anything. They realize intuitively and intellectually it isn't probable.

Why do we need a definition beyond a mythical creation.
MasterLee · 56-60, M
@Mathers then go with it and stop trying to convince others.
Mathers · 61-69
I’m putting my point of view across like you are. You stop trying to convince others@MasterLee
MasterLee · 56-60, M
[image deleted]
yrger · 80-89, M
Hi Spoiledbrat, are you referring to me Yrger as holding a grudge, I don't hold any grudge against atheists, all I want to tell them is that they must have the correct definition of God, otherwise they are denying the wrong god to not exist.

From SpoiledbratL
Spoiledbrat · F
I don't know anyone who holds a grudge but some things people do are pretty awful. You can't expect everyone to forgive.
Sorry, I don't know where this post came from. I must have clicked on the wrong one. I was answering one by SW. @yrger
DocSavage · M
You are, but you have to remember that yrger is an idiot.
yrger · 80-89, M
Hi Morvoren, you are not intelligent because you have got the wrong god to deny.

Best you get the definition of God from theists, theists are the authority of the definition of God Whom they know to exist.

From Morvoren:
Morvoren · 31-35, F
My definition of god is a fictional character that helps the superstitious explain things they don’t understand and feel more comfortable with their own mortality.
Morvoren · F
@yrger That’s really not for you to say.
DocSavage · M
Best you get the definition of God from theists, theists are the authority of the definition of God Whom they know to exist.
Theist like you don’t know god exist, otherwise they wouldn’t runway every time some one asks them questions.
SlaveEt · 36-40, F
To me, God is a conglomeration of human creativity, ideas and beliefs that has morphed though the ages to fit the purposes and needs of those in power. He is a fictional character in a poorly written and cunningly edited book that has also morphed to fit the needs of the powerful. God is a security blanket for those who need him and that's okay. Just don't ask me to drag that tattered, old blanket around with you.
Mathers · 61-69
You do realise that what you have written is just nonsense. A poorly written and cunningly edited phrase ology which does not make sense to any intelligent person@SlaveEt
SlaveEt · 36-40, F
DocSavage · M
That is how and why He is God, the permanent self-existent spirit creator and operator of man and the universe and everything transient.

So, tell me yrger what good is he ? God might be self existent spirit. He might be operator of man and universe. What difference does it make ? From our perspective, life is still chance and circumstances. How we live it , is still more or less by our choices.
It been 13-14 billion years now since creation. If god has an agenda for us, what is it ? We live, we die, that’s it. God or no god. What influence we have on others is gone within a few short years.
God’s only value now is in the promise of an afterlife. Without some future reward or fear, we have no reason to care if god is real or not.
That’s the question you refused to answer. If god is reality, do we need to go the whole nine yards. Right , wrong, good , evil ? Do we have free will, or is god operating everything ?
Evidently, you consider his spirit important. What do you get out of it, that you don’t already have.
Think it over.
P.S. this is all based on your description. You say god is our motivation. What for ?
WolfGirlwh0r3 · 36-40, T
Religious wars are just large scale arguments over whos sky daddy is better
BibleData · M
@WolfGirlwh0r3 I think religious wars far more likely to be political struggles for land and power, they just use religion as a vehicle for doing that. Sort of like false flag operations. 911 in the US, or 7/7 in the UK.
WolfGirlwh0r3 · 36-40, T
@BibleData That is a very valid point and what at political struggles if not people with wealth and power trying to claim more from other peoples
yrger · 80-89, M
Hi Elessar, you have got a wrong definition of God, so you are not intelligent.

Tell you what, read the definition of God from theists, okay?!

Elessar · 26-30, M
Supernatural figure invented by the theists to respond to the questions they don't have an answer for.

No, not irrational at all. I may have a definition for "unicorn" or "dragon" even if I don't have reason to believe they exist. For your god it's the very same thing.
yrger · 80-89, M
Hi Mathers, you are not intelligent, what you say does not amount to any definition of God.

Get intelligent and read from theists what is their definition of God.

Mathers · 61-69
I usually find that the God that the atheist don’t believe in is the one I don’t believe in either
Mathers · 61-69
Hey mate I think your sense of humour needs a bit of a boost. I think you miss out on the fact that it’s an old Jewish Rabbinical joke @yrger
DocSavage · M
Get intelligent and read from theists what is their definition of God.
Who cares what theist believe ? You didn’t ask for theist’s opinions , you don’t want Atheists opinion of god. You want your opinion of god , which is completely nonsense.
WaryWitchWandering · 36-40, F
I’m also wondering… what does a belief (or lack of) in god have to do with intelligence?

It’s a personal thing I would think… I’ve met intelligent people on either side of the argument.

Live and let live. It’s really not any of your business what someone else believes or doesn’t. And if you try to say it’s just a discussion you’re trying to have or curiosity, it’s not, as it’s very one sided on your part, with an unwillingness to hear and accept other people’s ideas and beliefs. You don’t have to share a belief with someone to accept it. Not everyone on the planet thinks the same way or has the same experiences 🤷🏻‍♀️
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WaryWitchWandering · 36-40, F
@Emosaur yes, I suppose I was thinking moreso about the OP trying to say his way of thinking and his idea of god is the ONLY possible way one should approach it all.

I agree that some beliefs (religious or not) are scary and could harm the person harboring them or others around them
DocSavage · M
Yrger like most of his kind is a narcissist. He bellows his beliefs in a feeble attempt to appear intelligent. Doesn’t hide his ignorance.
yrger · 80-89, M
Hi Newjan, use your brain or donate it to the medicine students pursuing a career in helping people stay healthy or heal them from sickness.

Anyway you are not using it.


newjaninev2 · 51-55, F
Atheists deny God exists

1. there's no proof that gods exist
2. there's no proof that gods don't exist
3. in any event, there’s no compelling necessity to even postulate gods, and, in any event, the postulation explains nothing (not even itself)... it merely tries to explain everything away.
4. therefore, I have no gods (I’m an agnostic atheist)

Where do I deny gods exist?

Can you do that?

You can’t use a simple ‘reply’ button, and you can’t show that I deny gods exist... you seem to me making up whatever suits you

Is that what you’re claiming here... that I deny the gods you simply made up?

If so... you need to show where I deny gods exist.
DocSavage · M
According to you, we’re only acting by god’s design. Remember ? He’s calling the shots, everything we say and do is his will.
No wonder Lucifer rebelled.
WaryWitchWandering · 36-40, F
I’m agnostic.
BibleData · M
@WaryWitchWandering That makes sense. You don't know the answer to the question you don't know.
WaryWitchWandering · 36-40, F
@BibleData bingo
BibleData · M
@WaryWitchWandering Man, that must be nice. . . . all that free time saved from not having to argue with idiot atheists and theists.
yrger · 80-89, M
Hi Doc, you can as you still live, donate your brain to science, preferably in the micro biology department - anyway you are not using it. Haha.


DocSavage · M
therefore it is created by God Who is the permanent self-existent spirit creator and operator of man and the universe and everything transient.

No, it doesn’t.
Hi Doc, here is my explanation why the cosmic microwave background radiation is important: because it shows that the physical/material universe has a beginning, therefore it is created by God Who is the permanent self-existent spirit creator and operator of man and the universe and everything transient.

When you die, make sure to donate your brain to science. Preferably the micro biology department.
DocSavage · M
Don’t strain yourself yrger. You need to save your wit. You only have half.
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
Atheists deny God exists

1. there's no proof that gods exist
2. there's no proof that gods don't exist
3. in any event, there’s no compelling necessity to even postulate gods, and, in any event, the postulation explains nothing (not even itself)... it merely tries to explain everything away.
4. therefore, I have no gods (I’m an agnostic atheist)

Where do I deny gods exist?

Can you do that

Very obviously not

You’re obviously Wong with your claim that atheists deny gods exists

Hmm... I wonder what else you’re wrong about

You can’t use a simple ‘reply’ button, and you can’t show that I deny gods exist... you seem to be making up whatever suits you

Is that what you’re claiming here... that I deny the gods you simply made up?

If so... you really do need to show where I deny gods exist... or stop making such outlandish, unfounded, claims
yrger · 80-89, M
Hi Ynotisay, I think we had talked together previously, so we meet again.

You are like me a human with reason and intelligence.

Okay, let us talk about this issue, is there always existence, yes nor no.


Ynotisay · M
You want reason? Are you sure? OK. There is no god. Out of the thousands that have been created not one of them is based in any type of literal reality. They're man made constructs. Every one.

But that's just because you asked for reason.

Out of curiosity. Would you be interested in a little perspective that might shed some light on the extraordinary arrogance that a 'god' exists and "he" created the universe? This will take ten minutes of your life but hopefully it'll slow your roll a bit with the "humans are special" nonsense.
Ynotisay · M
@yrger So it's my turn? OK. Uh....Pass.
yrger · 80-89, M
Hi Ferise1, you are I assume a man of science, so tell me what does science say of the origin of the universe?


Ferise1 · 41-45, M
Creator of everything. Man in the sky/clouds. Man you meet when you die that judges you. Utter ridiculous claims.
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yrger · 80-89, M
Hi MasterLee, you say, denying and knowing are different, that's irrational and definitely therefore un-intelligent.

You cannot deny something unless you have an idea of it.

First you have got to harbor an idea in your mind, then you go and look for it in objectiive reality outside your mind, when you searched for it say in the attic of your home, and you didn't find it there, then you can declare I don't see it in the attic, so it's doesn't exist, not in my attic.


From MasterLee
MasterLee · 51-55, M
@Mathers denying and knowing are different.

Man doesn't need myths to live.
MasterLee · 56-60, M
@yrger so you deny the universe has always existed. Present your proof or you will be labeled unintelligent.
DocSavage · M

First you have got to harbor an idea in your mind, then you go and look for it in objectiive reality outside your mind, when you searched for it say in the attic of your home, and you didn't find it there, then you can declare I don't see it in the attic, so it's doesn't exist, not in my attic.
So what you’re saying is in order to believe in god, you have to be out of your mind.
No wonder you’re so avid.
DocSavage · M
You cannot deny something unless you have an idea of it.
I have an idea of Godzilla I’ve even seen film and photographic evidence of it. But I deny its existence as a real , living creature.
I have never travel to the South Pole. I have never met anyone that has either. I went up against a flat Earther who claims the South Pole doesn’t exist. However, I am still confident that it’s there.
Once again , your attempts at logic fail .
You’re making a lot of assumptions there, bub. Since you’re the one claiming that God exists, you should have to define what you mean. Asking me to define every god I don’t believe in would be an endless task. It would be like asking you to describe everything that doesn’t exist.
yrger · 80-89, M
Hi Doc, who tells you about Lucifer, but the Bible, so I am right to suspect you were previously a fundamentalist Bible Christian.

Anyway, tell me if you can reason from the fact and the truth that there is existence, and it is always in all circumstances present, so that prior to the arrival of the physical/material universe situated in time/space there is always existence.

Hi all readers, let us sit back and await with bated breath for the next grudge of Doc against the Biblical God.


DocSavage · M
According to you, we’re only acting by god’s design. Remember ? He’s calling the shots, everything we say and do is his will.
No wonder Lucifer rebelled.
DocSavage · M
Wrong. Ancient Babylonian mythology .
The bible stole from everyone,
What’s the matter, don’t have Netflix ?
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
Atheists deny God exists

1. there's no proof that gods exist
2. there's no proof that gods don't exist
3. in any event, there’s no compelling necessity to even postulate gods, and, in any event, the postulation explains nothing (not even itself)... it merely tries to explain everything away.
4. therefore, I have no gods (I’m an agnostic atheist)

Where do I deny gods exist?

Can you do that

Very obviously not

You can’t use a simple ‘reply’ button, and you can’t show that I deny gods exist... you seem to be making up whatever suits you

Is that what you’re claiming here... that I deny the gods you simply made up?

If so... you really do need to show where I deny gods exist... or stop making such outlandish, unfounded, claims
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
Atheists deny God exists

1. there's no proof that gods exist
2. there's no proof that gods don't exist
3. in any event, there’s no compelling necessity to even postulate gods, and, in any event, the postulation explains nothing (not even itself)... it merely tries to explain everything away.
4. therefore, I have no gods (I’m an agnostic atheist)

Where do I deny gods exist?

Can you do that

Obviously not

You can’t use a simple ‘reply’ button, and you can’t show that I deny gods exist... you seem to be making up whatever suits you

Is that what you’re claiming here... that I deny the gods you simply made up?

If so... you really do need to show where I deny gods exist... or stop making such outlandish, unfounded, claims
yrger · 80-89, M
Hi Doc, the spirit that is God created the universe, and He is not leaving His creation.

He is ouside time and space, and He can be inside you or is inside you.

And I must say that He is also in time and space, in other words He is eveywhere and He is everywhen.

That is how and why He is God, the permanent self-existent spirit creator and operator of man and the universe and everything transient.

You would not understand this, but here it is: God is the medium in which all things live and move and have their existence.


DocSavage · M
Why would a being from the spirit world leave background radiation ?
And how do you explain the “ Made in Taiwan “ stamp on the bottom of Andromeda ?
DocSavage · M
You know what I enjoyed most about this conversation ? The fact that your description of god, literally defeats the one sensible reason why god would have for creation in the first place. I said from the beginning that god is an impractical concept. The more you carry on , the more impractical it becomes.
You obviously can’t see beyond the box.
yrger · 80-89, M
Hi Doc, you are coming from nowhere and going to nowhere.

I challenge you to present your definition of evidence and give an example, otherwise keep quiet and do serious reading and thinking.

DocSavage · M

"Evidence is anything man knows to exist which leads man to know another thing to also exist." -Yrger

New and additional evidence can change the conclusions however.
Piltdown man is a good example. The fraud was discovered when the technology advanced to a point that the fossil could be tested more accurately. The same is true with your definition of god. Based on old and outdated evidence, which has since been debunked.
The more you argue it, the weaker it becomes.
DocSavage · M
Our definition of evidence is more or less the same, you however don’t have as much as you think.
The background radiation you keep ranting about, suggest the universe had a beginning. But as you also stated , something can not come from nothing. Ergo you assume god was there first, already violating your first rule. Then proceeded to create more something from nothing .
The evidence only shows that the universe is expanding from something that evidently was there in the first place. That it changed from one state to another. Much like ice changing to water or steam.
You however concluded that an intelligence was needed to guide the process, apparently as part of some grand agenda. That is the part we are discussing, and which you’re desperately trying to avoid.
No one argues we exist. You claim god exist. Prove it.
yrger · 80-89, M
Addressing Doc again.

yrger · 80-89, M
Hi Doc, what do you say now, have you lost your tongue or not your tongue but your brain?

yrger · 80-89, M
Hi Doc, here is my explanation why the cosmic microwave background radiation is important: because it shows that the physical/material universe has a beginning, therefore it is created by God Who is the permanent self-existent spirit creator and operator of man and the universe and everything transient.

DocSavage · M
You seem to think the background radiation is so important, why don’t you give us an explanation.
It should only take about 75 words.
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
Atheists deny God exists

1. there's no proof that gods exist
2. there's no proof that gods don't exist
3. in any event, there’s no compelling necessity to even postulate gods, and, in any event, the postulation explains nothing (not even itself)... it merely tries to explain everything away.
4. therefore, I have no gods (I’m an agnostic atheist)

Where do I deny gods exist?

Can you do that?

You can’t use a simple ‘reply’ button, and you can’t show that I deny gods exist... you seem to me making up whatever suits you

Is that what you’re claiming here... that I deny the gods you simply made up?

If so... you need to show where I deny gods exist.
yrger · 80-89, M
Hi Newjan, you are not thinking rationally thus not intelligently.

Tell me, is there always existence i.e. reality or not.

Think rationally and intelligently before you answer.


newjaninev2 · 51-55, F
Atheists deny God exists

1. there's no proof that gods exist
2. there's no proof that gods don't exist
3. in any event, there’s no compelling necessity to even postulate gods, and, in any event, the postulation explains nothing (not even itself)... it merely tries to explain everything away.
4. therefore, I have no gods (I’m an agnostic atheist)

Where do I deny gods exist?

Show me
EmilyX · 18-21
A magical being said to wield wishing power in an intelligent way that creates all things while also promising the possibility of perfect eternal life in return for our obedience.
yrger · 80-89, M
Hi Doc, you don't know what is evidence, I challenge you to produce your definition of evidence, without going to dictionaries.


From Doc:
DocSavage · M
Checking out yrger’s other post. He’s just here to insult Atheist and rant about his own definition. Which fails 100%

A claim made without evidence, can be refuted without evidence. He has nothing and he knows it. He’s wasting* your time !

*( Haha, and you are wasting my time, and I just love you because you are created by God as I am. )
DocSavage · M
I challenged you to refine your definition of god with a few more details.
I got no answer, and you ran away and started this thread to avoid the questions
You want a honest answer, then put up or shut up !
If you can’t play fair, then leave the game to the adults.
yrger · 80-89, M
Hi Doc, have yu read up on the cosmic microwave background radiation?

If you had, please explain its crucial importance for mankind to know that the physica/material universe has a beginning.

If you had not, please do it now, or forever keep quiet and do some serious reading and thinking, on the question, Has there always been existence or not.


DocSavage · M
Don’t fall for his bullshit. He doesn’t want your definition of god, he wants you to accept his description. So he keep it on his terms.
DocSavage · M
Sorry chuckles, but I’m not going to do your homework for you. You’re the one claiming an intelligent designer for the universe, it’s your claim, you have the burden of proof.
So far, you haven’t come up with anything the rest of us don’t already know as far as published science. You’re wasting our time, having us try and match up with your distorted definitions.
So far, all you managed to do is rehash the basics of the Big Bang theory.
The universe had a beginning, background microwave radiation, is evidence , estimates put it somewhere around 13 -14 billion years ago or so, last I heard.
It is pointless to argue science with Atheists, when you’re trying to prove a creator god, that defies science and the laws of physics. You failed. Big time.
You haven’t proven anything that even suggests god.
As I said before, put up or shut up.
Ynotisay · M
You want reason? Are you sure? OK. There is no god. Out of the thousands that have been created not one of them is based in any type of literal reality. They're man made constructs. Every one.

But that's just because you asked for reason.

Out of curiosity. Would you be interested in a little perspective that might shed some light on the extraordinary arrogance that a 'god' exists and "he" created the universe? This will take ten minutes of your life but hopefully it'll slow your roll a bit with the "humans are special" nonsense.

yrger · 80-89, M
Hi Doc, what do you say now, have you lost your tongue or not your tongue but your brain?

yrger · 80-89, M
Hi Doc, here is my explanation why the cosmic microwave background radiation is important: because it shows that the physical/material universe has a beginning, therefore it is created by God Who is the permanent self-existent spirit creator and operator of man and the universe and everything transient.

DocSavage · M
You seem to think the background radiation is so important, why don’t you give us an explanation.
It should only take about 75 words.
yrger · 80-89, M
See, Doc, I want you to present your definition of evidence without going to dictionaries, but you conspicuously evade that challenge. See, you have no idea of what is evidence.


From Doc:

DocSavage · M
By the way, I gave you already many times the evidence for God existing, namely, us humans like you Doc and I Yrger - we did not create ourselves, so ultimately it is God.

Put up one quote of your so called evidence. That actually would count as proof of your so called god as the original cause of our existence

Stop wasting our time with refuted calms you can’t back up. You claim to be rational and intelligent. You own post are proof against that.
DocSavage · M
See, Doc, I want you to present your definition of evidence without going to dictionaries, but you conspicuously evade that challenge. See, you have no idea of what is evidence.

No, you want me to present your definition as the established theist standard of god. And you’re too afraid to go into details.
You can’t even defend your own beliefs, let alone refute mine.
DocSavage · M
Don’t bother. Whatever description you have , it makes no difference. He can only see his own definition

[image - please log in to see this image]

Waste of time arguing with him.
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
Atheists deny God exists

1. there's no proof that gods exist
2. there's no proof that gods don't exist
3. in any event, there’s no compelling necessity to even postulate gods, and, in any event, the postulation explains nothing (not even itself)... it merely tries to explain everything away.
4. therefore, I have no gods (I’m an agnostic atheist)

Where do I deny gods exist?

Can you do that?

You can’t use a simple ‘reply’ button, and you can’t show that I deny gods exist... you seem to me making up whatever suits you.

like your god, for example
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
Atheists deny God exists

1. there's no proof that gods exist
2. there's no proof that gods don't exist
3. in any event, there’s no compelling necessity to even postulate gods, and, in any event, the postulation explains nothing (not even itself)... it merely tries to explain everything away.
4. therefore, I have no gods (I’m an agnostic atheist)

Where do I deny gods exist?

Can you do that?

You can’t use a simple ‘reply’ button, and you can’t show that I deny gods exist... you seem to me making up whatever suits you

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