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littlepuppywantanewlife · 31-35, M
Update : I stayed sober. I went home brought some bread and avocado to make a toast sandwich. I didn't drink. Thanks for so much support all of you. ❤️🙏
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littlepuppywantanewlife · 31-35, M
@Magenta @iamonfire696 Thank you 🙂💐
Carazaa · F
@littlepuppywantanewlife That is awesome! You are doing great! One day at a time!
You are on the road to health and a new life.
You are on the road to health and a new life.
littlepuppywantanewlife · 31-35, M
@Carazaa Thanks alot 🤗🙂
Matt85 · 36-40, M
alcohol free beers works wonders!
dancingtongue · 80-89, M
@Matt85 They have alcohol free wine these days too. Some are not that bad.
GrinNude · 61-69, C
Go to an AA meeting. Get yourself a support system. The therapeutic value of one addict helping another is without parallel. Ernie
being · 36-40, F
Hold a towel between your teeth and scream ✊🏼💛
Don't drink whatsoever.
Jump. Call someone. Eat a gummy. Don't drink....
Don't drink whatsoever.
Jump. Call someone. Eat a gummy. Don't drink....
dancingtongue · 80-89, M
Remember the serenity prayer; reach out when you need help. My partner qualified for her 50 year chip roughly a week before she died. I regret not making the effort to see that she got it despite her mobility problems and deteriorating health condition. Winning the battles and the war deserve major celebrations.
Reach for a friend if you can, or your sponsor if you are in AA. Know this time will pass. If something is upsetting you, try to remember to breathe, or find anything that calms you.
If you relapse, don't beat yourself up over it and tomorrow is a new day.
If you relapse, don't beat yourself up over it and tomorrow is a new day.
smiler2012 · 61-69
[@littlepuppywantsawife] listen you have done marvellous too go so long with no alcohol this is not the time to undo all your hard work
Notsimilarreally · 31-35, F
Make something to eat
Notsimilarreally · 31-35, F
@WaryWitchWandering right. Great distraction
WaryWitchWandering · 36-40, F
@Notsimilarreally plus, less desirable to drink with a full belly… at least it always was for me haha
And who doesn’t love to eat!?!?
And who doesn’t love to eat!?!?
Notsimilarreally · 31-35, F
@WaryWitchWandering right. Food gives us dopamine right. It can give us the same satisfaction as getting high/drunk. Without being high or drunk haha. I would drink on a full belly but, I love to eat so much it's my go to activity when avoiding alcohol or nicotine
Aysel · F
Congratulations! You've made it to day 28—that's a huge accomplishment. You can do this; go back and consider your motivation for quitting drinking. This should satisfy your desire to not have another drink.
Aysel · F
Correction: almost, but that's a huge accomplishment.
@Aysel Hi :) I want to ask something but dont want to ask it publicly so anyone can see coz some people might make fun of me. Would appreciate it if youll send me a message so i can replay you with my question (coz for some reason i can't message first). Thanx
teachmetiger210503 · 36-40, M
Is there something more important than alcohol in your life? If there is there goes answer. It's tricky though I have been there alcohol, drugs,...
I'm long way from there now.
I'm long way from there now.
PoetryNEmotion · F
Go to your AA meetings. If you haven't started them then start them. Resist the urge. You have made it 28 days. Tomorrow will be 29. Then 30. You can do this with support.
GrinNude · 61-69, C
One day at a time. Ask your higher power to help you get through anotherl day. And be grateful that the obsession is slowly being lifted.
hunkalove · 61-69, M
Simple. Just don't do it. It's your choice. Problem solved. Go for a walk.
WaryWitchWandering · 36-40, F
@hunkalove not always simple… in theory it is, yes.
A walk is a great way to wait for a craving to pass though 🙂
A walk is a great way to wait for a craving to pass though 🙂
HumanEarth · F
Talk to someone who's been in your shoes.
Iwillwait · M
Stay Strong! You're doing Awesome!
Magenta · F
Aw puppy you've done well for 28 days. That is an accomplishment.
Please try to get busy or immersed in something so your mind can divert from the thoughts until hopefully it passes. Or talk to a support person or group.
Please try to get busy or immersed in something so your mind can divert from the thoughts until hopefully it passes. Or talk to a support person or group.
Tastyfrzz · 61-69, M
It's tough but stay away from it. The girl i was trying to get into treatment fell off and now has hepatitus in her liver and is in a psych ward.
Shadyglow · F
do some killer weed and enjoy, and think about being a SLAVE to terrible habits and why FREEDOM is way more FUN.
should work.
should work.
do you have a support up with someone for a coffee
WaryWitchWandering · 36-40, F
Find something to do instead
Askeladd · 31-35, M
Drink some water
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
Way to go !!!
Go for a jog
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
Can you go to an AA meeting?
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