My best friend is an alcoholicAnd over the last few years I've been watching him drink himself to death. He refuses to go to rehab and he refuses any type of help. Im at my wit's end and just don't know what to do anymore. He means so much to me but im losing him... 😭💔
I stumbled againI lost my backpack which was full of tools for my electric scooter. Over 100 dollars worth I think. That’s what I get for being an idiot and thinking alcohol was the answer to my fears. I’m afraid to make friends, I get scared when people wanna... See More »
Don’t wait until you’re my age to get sober people!Addiction was never the problem it was an attempt to solve a problem . 🙏🏽
There’s always someone who’s in recovery that always has a conspiracy about some dumb shit !Sam I am was supposedly a drug dealer who kept pushing addiction . Bruh just put the fries in the bag! 🙄
Took my alcohol servers certification training .. 3 TIMES!!!The part I struggled on was guessing people’s body weight and determining if they had too many to drink .. I had to go back to math class for this one .. I always assumed “one tequila two tequila floor!” But with my weight it’s one and done... See More »