I Have Something to Say PINNEDFor everyone out there that is mistreated,dont take crap from anyone,if you feel like you are not treated the way you deserve dont settle for less,dont let douchebags and bad people put you down,show them you are better and let them go :) .
I Hate My CountryI hate everything about it,the culture,the people,this place makes me wanna kill myself.
Tell me something that doesn't creep you out to a guy?Lately everything a guy does creeps people out 😐,
Funny how the world switchesIn a world where females had a hard time expressing themselves looks like the roles switched,I dot mind they can express themselves better now but the fact males cant anymore,idk how others see it but that's how I see it.
I Hate My LifeI never seriously thought about suicide but I feel like I have no will of doing anything anymore,I have no one and nothing that would make me to go on..and its only getting worse,I also know that no one really gives a shit online especially if you're... See More »
I like to be unnhappyI like to be alone in my sadness,people always judge me without even knowing me and I always end up alone,I guess my sadness is my happiness.
Do you find teenagers weird and awkward compared to your generation?I find them difficut,I feel like I am a difficult person myself,today teenagers might be the hardest people to deal with,
I Have No Self ConfidenceJust none,I struggle just to do basic stuff and I feel like I will be alone for the rest of my life.