I really want my mum to wrap all my presents for meBut she’s refusing and saying that I have to do it myself. Actually hating my life right now.
Is it true that Alabamians steal music, I hate being Alabamian I see it as a curse from the universe.😭😭😭😭😭 https://similarworlds.com/music/videos/5179016-Is-this-song-Alabamian-or-Tennessean I want to die, I am a curse from the universe.
Another reasons why I hate being from Alabama and see it as a curse from nature I hate my Southern/ Appalachian roots and see it as a curse (1)
I wish i had the courage to just die. Im gonna be trapped in restaurants until i die ughhhhhh kill me please
Hate this songDon’t get your hopes up Do you have money Why are you mad What do you think Why are you so happy Why’s your face like that You’re fat and ugly You’re a child I take care of I’d do anything for you I love you *slaps my ass /wink …..my soundtrack... See More »