Flenflyys · 31-35, F
Yes, but teenagers have always been the same; very angsty and easily inspired. When we get older we realize those issues arent important but forget how relavent they once were to our lives.
Tatsumi · 31-35, M
Lol. Well. I'd count 20 and 21 year olds in the same camp as teenagers. The frontal lobe doesnt fully mature until 26. Which is the reason teens are so hard to deal with. They rely more on their amygdala, which results in highly emotional and impulsive creatures.
ThisIsMyName · 26-30, M
@IrretrievableObito: I know I am like that,I am a difficult person and I find it difficult to deal with others especially my age,such a weird ago lol
Firespirit · 26-30, M
This why I like older people more I can relate better
walabby · M
When my generation were teenagers, they were weird and awkward to deal with.. Teens are like that, every generation...