Why don't democrats just move to the red states?If you think about it, to get all the votes from a state you only need a little more than 50% of the votes for that state. So if Californians for example moved to one of the other states they could get more than 50% of the votes. But it also wouldn't... See More » (1)
Probably the best cake I've designedI've been baking about 2.5 years now. My cakes are currently being sold with a profesional bakery but I've been increasing the number I do as a side business (1)
All the time in my old job in the netherlands!Its either this, the name of the boat they worked on or a red trump hat (1)
I'm never getting a romper again!Never again! I used to hate needing to hold my foot against the loo door! (1)
Please send a gift before messaging meHi all, Apologies for needing to reiterate my rule publicly when 99% of people already follow the rule. If you wish to message me please send a gift first. This shows me 1) that you have read my intro and some of my profile and 2) you are willing to... See More »
How would you handle this situation?In my dance school I usually bake cupcakes for one of the dancers on their birthday and share them with the class. They usually go down well but one parent told me that her daughter us in a healthy eating plan and can't have the extra sugar or fat. I... See More »
Maybe we already have the solution to the Israel conflictLast November, over 200 Israeli yoga teachers did a collective demonstration to petition for the release of hostages https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGe8Mv3wP/ If we can all do our part to raise awareness maybe we have a hope
When will the global community take action??Everything we do and there is still so much grief EDIT: I don't see how a post about stopping violence is encouraging people here toward more violence. Why does there have to be a side that you are on and why can't we denounce the violence... See More » (1)
I think we do the best land bordersStanding on the Belgian side and facing the Netherlands. You can see where the Netherlands stops maintaining the nice road and Belgium have a plain road. No hard border, no checkpoints or anything (1)
Whybdo I get the feeling an American wrote this 🤣No hate to my American friends, the post is clearly morrocan but I've experienced some very patronising praise of my ability to speak English over the years 🤣 (1)
Who is the most famous person you've met?For me it was either King Charles (Prince then) or President Jimmy Carter (retired). What about you and what was it like?
Is KLM a good airline to work for?I am in the second round of interview for them because baking isn't really appealing anymore. It seems like it's getting serious now but it's also a big commitment so I need to make sure it's the right move. Anybody here work as a cabin crew with KLM... See More »
Tell me one interesting fact about your job that most people outside wouldn't knowI'll start first: most of the cakes you get from bakeries come in frozen and prepared. Even in really nice bakeries we get frozen bases to ensure consistency. The designs are always fresh and we put a lot of work in but most people expect a freshly... See More »
Happy International Womens Day!It's such a great time to be alive and celebrate the achievements of so many amazing women. Let's take a couple moments to celebrate the most amazing women in our lives
I'm surprised the French wonI definitely didn't want England to win but I thought the French would have surrendered early seeing as that's kinda there thing throughout history!
Vrolijke Sinterklaasavond!Sinterklaasavond of pakjesavond vindt jaarlijks op 5 december plaats. Op deze avond krijgen kinderen cadeautjes. Volgens het verhaal komen Sinterklaas en Zwarte Piet op vijf december de huizen via de schoorstenen binnen, om op die manier cadeautjes... See More »
Netherlands vs USA who you got? Poll (32) See Poll OptionsUSA has had a very good tournament but I think we'll be too much for them tomorrow. I'm looking forward to a good SW rivalry!
Is there a rule that sports governing bodies need to be corrupt or something?I can understand why sports governing bodies like FIFA, NFL, UCI etc. are corrupt when there's so much money to be made in ignoring rule violations, accepting bribes and other shady practices. My sport isn't even professional, none of us get paid and... See More »
Is the USA actually the best country in the world? Poll (71) See Poll OptionsI've lived outside of the USA all my life so maybe I've avoided all the propaganda but I often see people online calling it 'the greatest country in... See More »