This image is driving me crazy...Square A and B are exactly the same color... try it out in paint or similar programs yourself. (1)
Answer the Calljust finished Baldurs Gate 3... was my xmas present.. and what a journey. best game i played... no micro transactions no buggy shit... just a wonderful story and great world to explore. if you havent played it, go for it... answer the call (1)
belly buttonsis having and innie or outie belly button genetics or does it depend on how the doctor cuts your umblical cord ? can you make requests when you have a baby ?
This is Point Nemo, the spot farthest away from any land in the world. You are closer to astronauts aboard the ISS than humanity2700km away from the closest landmass (1)
Why isn Raclette more popular in the USA ?apparently a lot of americans never done it or even heard of it... clearly you guys are missing out. (4)