That’s just shocking!
jasmineOTK · 41-45, F
Seems like a proofreader would have been beneficial there…
SomeMichGuy · M
@jasmineOTK I think it was meant to be funny.
SomeMichGuy · M
@jasmineOTK ...but I agree that the lack of an apostrophe seems odd.
Advertisement in NYC in 2022. I bet many moms shield the eyes of their young kids as they pass by it!
[image/video deleted]
Lara08 · F
stratosranger · M
[image/video deleted]
supersnipe · 61-69, M
I remember that one! I saw it in a museum near Arundel, Sussex a couple of years ago. It stuck in my mind as a bit of a gaffe. Sometimes they get through...and no-one notices! Some I remember from where I grew up...
Parking Resident's Only
The Elm's
For safety sake please use (.....) car park
Parking Resident's Only
The Elm's
For safety sake please use (.....) car park
ArishMell · 70-79, M
You'd have thought they'd had it proof-read by someone outside the sales and advertising department. That's the kind of unwittingly funny ads., church notices, etc. they used to read on The News Quiz, as punctuations between rounds.
Curious spelling: 'Salusbury'. I looked it up: it is real, not a mis-spelling of Salisbury.
Posh there, too: average house price nearly £790 000. Or is that modest for a London suburb?
You'd have thought they'd had it proof-read by someone outside the sales and advertising department. That's the kind of unwittingly funny ads., church notices, etc. they used to read on The News Quiz, as punctuations between rounds.
Curious spelling: 'Salusbury'. I looked it up: it is real, not a mis-spelling of Salisbury.
Posh there, too: average house price nearly £790 000. Or is that modest for a London suburb?
Rambler · 61-69, M
should be an apostrophe in don't
Pretzel · 61-69, M
well that didn't come out right - or DID it???
@Pretzel It's spot on when you think just how dangerous electricity and electrical items were back then compared to today's safety standards.
Royrogers · 61-69, M
Like lightning
Thorstormbringer · M
KnowOne · 46-50, M
daydeeo · 61-69, M
Throw that toaster in her bath!
Stevve · M
Unf#cking believable !!
TheLordOfHell · 41-45
Dirty deeds done dirt cheap!