What would happen if a country used IQ to validate political positions?e.g. having a test of some sort that is a requirement for taking certain levels of office (assuming that there would be a fair way to do this without fraud and bias)
Will the IRS ever be held accountable for throwing people in jail for not paying the "voluntary" income tax?Historically, income tax protestors have cited that they are not required to submit a federal tax return because it is voluntary according to the Internal Revenue Code. These people were prosecuted for not filing their voluntary tax returns. The... See More »
I Like a Good Quote"In order to get beyond racism, we must first take account of race." “There is no other way. And in order to treat some persons equally, we must treat them differently.” former U.S. Supreme Court Justice Blackmun
It's about time!(Quote) http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/rand-paul-wants-to-repeal-federal-gun-free-school-zones/article/2650539
Ban alcohol...Ban alcohol... People get it illegally. Ban abortions... People get them illegally. Ban drugs... People get them illegally. Ban guns...
How can people think that China's is the world's next superpower?In China, the age at which men retire is 60. It's five or ten years earlier for women. This might have worked well in the past, but with China's low fertility rates for decades and decades, their population is now becoming dramatically top-heavy.... See More » (3)
So I'm finally employedOr at least I am according to the federal government, seeing as I've been looking for a job for over 6 months and haven't found anything. Edit: Since people seem not to understand my joke, I thought I should clarify that I didn't really get a job
Evidence of bitcoin market manipulation?It has been established that bitcoin does not strongly correlate to any other financial instrument. The only thing that it's price does seem to be related to is the search popularity of the term "bitcoin". http://www.businessinsider.com/... See More » (2)
"No evidence of insider trading" by Equifax senior execs who sold off shares right after our data was stolen.Further proof that the judicial system is only for you and me https://www.reuters.com/article/ us-equifax-cyber/equifax-clears- executives-who-sold-shares-after- hack-idUSKBN1D31EK