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What would happen if a country used IQ to validate political positions?

e.g. having a test of some sort that is a requirement for taking certain levels of office (assuming that there would be a fair way to do this without fraud and bias)
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TexChik · F
Shiela Jackson Lee couldn’t get dog catcher 🙄
nedkelly · 61-69, M
@TexChik One of the dumbest politicians of all time

[image/video deleted]
TexChik · F
@nedkelly the dumbest ass in captivity !
And just who determines what being intelligent is?

Bill Gates was a college drop-out

But, I might agree as long as we consider petroleum engineering the highest level of intelligence
TexChik · F
@questionWeaver my hubby would agree...,
Invisible · 26-30, M
@questionWeaver hence "assuming"
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
The problem here is assuming IQ is an objective measure of intelligence. It really isn't - it's an objective measure of your ability to take an IQ test. It's really difficult to actually define intelligence, particularly when you start crossing cultural boundaries.

I also don't really think the problem is stupid people becoming politicians. The problem is that our system is set up so that the interests of the voters are really the last thing politicians need to represent, while the interests of different 'keys to power' stakeholders are far more important. Obviously getting a fucking moron into an important political role has consequences, but getting 'the right people' won't magically make the problems go away - however you define them.
It wouldn’t make much sense as their communication skills and outlook aren’t considered
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
The liberals would never get a vote.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@YoungPoet345 It is?
YoungPoet345 · 26-30, F
Nancy Pelosi?
YoungPoet345 · 26-30, F
I googled it and that's all I found.
VeronicaPrincess · 61-69
IQ doesn't ensure practical functionality or compassion, your formula would have to find a way to account such attributes. However impractical it may be (at this time) to implement, your proposition offers intriguing possibilities.. 🤔
Serenitree · F
The thing is, IQ isn't any assurance of integrity, or of actual common sense.
TexChik · F
@Serenitree obama was the poster child of that statement !
xSharp · 31-35, M
what if they used it to validate voters? lol
YoungPoet345 · 26-30, F
Trump would be out of a job. lol Interesting thought though.
YoungPoet345 · 26-30, F
Lmao, Trump makes up lies all the time. There was plenty of reason for skepticism that the doc said his IQ was 154 or above. In my opinion. I could be wrong. You don’t have to be a democrat or a liberal to hate Trump or think he’s stupid. I know many conservatives, Republicans, and independents in my life who think he’s bad news and also that he’s stupid. But I also realize that this site is mostly full of ultra conservatives that hate all liberals, progressives, and democrats, and love Trump. Got to be on the lookout for anyone who disagrees with their views and call them dirty liberal snowflakes. Lol. Honestly, not all Democrats or liberals are extremists either. I’m a moderate liberal and more bipartisan than anything after living in a super democratic state. The government can get a little too involved.

Lol ... liar liar liar ... lol

You don't "know conservatives".

It actually is almost impossible for you to know them ... they do not live where you live!

The physical location of pro-Trump and anti-Trump people is far apart.

The $1B of polling during the 2016 election proved that mathematically.

Almost all Trump voters live outside urban locations ... while most all anti-Trump voters live inside urban enclaves.

Less than 50 of 3,150 counties are actually "mixed" ... and even those are still highly segregated by precindt.

Polling proved Trump voters under-poll by almost 8% ... while liberal voters over-poll by 3%, in their enclaves.

Trump people, like myself, and those in the 2,800 Trump counties are wildly enthusiastic.

I love Trumps pragmatism ... and the way he moves the media to do the work he needs done.

The guy has improved my America like night and day!

To date, in my county, I can not make the claim that I know anybody that is not highly favorable of Trump.

We voted 80% for him ... the other 20% were in the eastern side of the county, near the county line with the city.
Graylight · 51-55, F
Impossible. I don't think a bias-free test on that scale can be devised.
Invisible · 26-30, M
@Graylight "assuming", it was supposed to be a thought experiment
A lot of people in Washington would not be in Washington. Some brilliant, random kids would.
Cierzo · M
Interesting idea. And for being allowed to vote too.
VioletShadows · 56-60, F
Fascinating thought...
UndeadSona · F
IQ is kinda useless, but then you'll have people like that one woman who ate semen everyday for a year to boost her IQ to become supreme leader.

It would require people to actually listen and comprehend things, but of course supperiority complexes and eventual corruption would eventually ruin it anyway.

Humans are destined to be destroyed
TexChik · F
@UndeadSona I never said anything about money or power ... you did . However if I was given a choice between intelligence or ignorance as a model to follow ... I’m going with intelligence . History has proven that smart people have a better chance of financial success than someone less fortunate mentally . Anyone that has a job where they are successful obviously believes they deserve to be there, because they’ve proven it time and again . It seems you’re saying that people who are intelligent and have improved their lot in life as a result don’t deserve it . Liberal BS never changes 🙄
UndeadSona · F
@TexChik You didn't mention money or power but my original statement did since that was apart of the corruption I was referring to that you "pfft" at. That's why I simply asked a few clarifying questions.

To say that an elected official who's only merit is how high they can score on a test that only tests a certain type of "intelligence", and I'm using qoutes because IQ tests weren't designed to do that, deserves anything is a bit questionable. And the type of corruption that I was once again referring to is these officials then bypassing the Democratic process to keep their positions indefinitely. They could as an example do this by raising the IQ limits to impossible numbers and/or manipulating other factors. Then use the IQ system as a cover up. This could easily be lead to a IQ classification policies for all citizens going beyond just elected officials. If your IQ is too low no matter how hard you work or qualified you become you could start to be boxed into certain areas or jobs.

To say that I think people that are intelligent and have worked hard in general don't deserve their life is clearly retarded. I was talking about corrupt politicians clearly.

The only liberal here is you taking a liberal interpretation of my words without context.
TexChik · F
@UndeadSona in a system of checks and balances IQ wouldnt make a difference . Your statement clearly demonizes intelligence and assumes that one of higher intellect is inherently corrupt .

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