Do you know how pain killers work?Two ways pain killers work. Pain Killers like Ibuprofen stop the injured cells from making a certain chemical which tells the brain of the pain. Pain Killers like Paracetamol and Codeine work by stopping the pain messages from entering the brain. The... See More »
What's new in health? Vocal test for diabetesA small piece in today's paper states; A 25 second voice recording could be used to help identify if someone has type 2 diabetes. This is based on a discovery people with the condition have a "voice signature". Researchers at the Luxemborg Institute... See More »
Remember when I broke my ankle on Oct 4th 2021?All has been finalised, ankle is all good. On Friday, $21,800 was deposited into my bank account for compensation payment.
Oh dear, I'm burning up, feeling weakHope I do not have another dose of Covid. Feeling rather bad right now. Skin is hot all over, stuffy head, muscle weakness.
I see the Surgeon todayFor final clearance on my ankle I broke at work 53 weeks ago. Final clearance will mean I came resume full time work again. I have been on "Light Duties" for 6 months - 6 hours a day.
Now there is a 4th Covid booster shot available in AustraliaNot mandatory. I think I will give this one a miss.
When needed, how do you lose weight?When I broke my ankle twelve months ago my weight increased by 15kg - 33lb through inactivity. Very easy to put on weight, not so easy to remove it. Especially as we age and joints become problematic. I have started to attempt shedding buy replacing... See More »
Losing weight regimeJust thought I would count calories. Two days in... Total Calories consumed - 2193 I get this message Based on your total calories consumed for today, you are likely not eating enough. 😄 For safe weight loss, the National Institutes of Health... See More »