Do you think he knows her?My partner wanted to take our son to therapy out of the blue... when we get there we are talking casually then park. Then a new car shows up to this same therapy place ive been going to. Shows up its a girl. She looks right at my partner driving in.... See More »
What does it mean when someone says "i see right through you"What is that supposed to mean? Like i cant lie to them or something or im not mysterious??
I was rated a 3 and 6 by my ex... if so low why is he stalking me?If im rated so low by him why is he driving past my house at night?
Would you stay for the child?Do you think a xhild deserves two parents even if one or the other isnt happy?
Can someone help me understand this?That its okay for other girls to flock and talk to him but not me. Im the one that has to let go and move on? I want him just as much (probably) as the other girls
If my doctor knows how to trigger me, why is he doing that?My psychologist puts things in my view in his room that may trigger me. I talk about my girlfriend and she has a book out that says leave that jerk. Or i told her one time that i saw on the internet that she hated me.... he tries to reassure me he... See More »
How come this popular guy talks to evsryone but me?Any ideas? He is attracted to me it seems...but he wont talk to me i feel left out
Are you someone who will put covers over your s.o while they sleep and they look cold?Im trying to see something
Would you like it if a lot of people were drawn to you?You attract good & bad folk You attract many love interests You attract some enemys You attract people who want to be your friend