Why do some women and some men find me intimidating for my quiet introverted and soft spoken personality?
why do some people 'lol' when you're angryive noticed, there was a few times i express anger online and i see someone lolling? can i ask what's funny? what's the mentality behind that behaviour?
Jung's "shadow personality"...is the part of ourselves that we repudiate and project onto others. And the results are never so good. So know yourself and make sure in your experience you are just you and no one else. This will guide your behavior so you will never unconsciously... See More »
Jung said the thing we study is greately affected by the attitude we bring to it.so much of our objective reality might not really exist at all. But if you love the idea of of psychic healing, its important to remember this. When Jung started his career, "attitude" was a thing to be RESPECTED and used to understand the patients... See More »
Near Enemies of CompassionUseful psychological advice. How to avoid mistaking false caring based on vanity and self-image for actual compassion and understanding. https://wefixbrains.com/resources/quiet-enemies-of-connection... See More »