Do you believe the human soul exists? [Spirituality & Religion]There's the 21 gram theory, where people loose 3/4 of an ounce when they die. There's no scientific way to explain this weight loss and the same experiment was conducted on dogs and no noticeable weight loss happened upon death.
I Need Emotional IntimacyI'm an addict looking for that fix. Feel close to someone as we share our body and mind. It's an animal instinct connection that would make me kill to protect that person.
I Think Someone Has A Crush On MeI was being a smartass to this guy that was drunk hitting on her and now everytime she sees me she calls me blue eyes.
I Have Something to SayPeople who don't accept responsibility for their actions should go and have intercourse with themselves
*knocks on your door*Can I have a moment of your time to talk to you about a higher power than you or me? Of course I'm talking about Zeus and all his loveable friends who accept animal sacrifices in return for a possibly good harvest year.
I Wish My Mind Had A Delete ButtonI'd delete movies I love so I could fall in love with them all over again. Like terminator 1 and 2 would definitely be first
would you? Poll (15) See Poll OptionsWould you date a guy who's attractive, funny and smart, but has severe depression and might possibly kill himself out of the blue.