Do you have a routine when you get in to bed each night?For me, I lie on my back for 2 minutes 30, then onto my left side for 5 minutes, then roll back over on my back, where after 4 minutes 20, I nod off. No hanky panky and stuff though ;-) How would one get to sleep with that stuff going on.
Should american law permit you to have a gun if -You have a mental illness? You murdered someone, but have served your prison term? You have been convicted of beating someone up? You have not been trained how to use a gun? You were kicked out of the armed forces? You have a Similar Worlds account... See More »
Could mass simultanious twerking alter the earths axis.You must stop doing this now or we're all doomed. Doomed I say.
I asked my Gym instructor if he could teach me to do the splits.He said 'How flexible are you'. I said I can't make Tuesdays. He thought I was being funny.