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Has anyone ever accused you of being racist?

DearAmbellina2113 · 41-45, F

I was 17 and I lived in the same tiny rural town I was born in. I had never been anywhere outside Tennessee or met anyone who wasn't white or black.

A childhood friend of mine had moved to California and when she came back to Tennessee to visit, she brought her dorm roommate from Berkley.

When we were all hanging out and talking, I used the word 'Oriental' instead of 'Asian' in conversation when the topic of local ethnicities came up. That girl from Berkley jumped my shit, calling me a racist for using that term.

I apologized and felt so bad, because I genuinely had never been taught that that was seen as a derogatory term. 😓😓😓 I felt like a stupid hick. Never used that word again either.🤐
The media does every day 😉
YoungPoet345 · 26-30, F
@SirBenedictTheSecond I am speechless and breathless
SirBenedictTheSecond · 22-25, M
@YoungPoet345 and poetic
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On here?
Yes. But I've been accused of being a terrorist too so it doesn't mean shit.
In person? Nah.
DeluxedEdition · 26-30, F
whenever I don’t agree with white millennial liberals they call me racist 😂
SirBenedictTheSecond · 22-25, M
Those damn liberals!!!!!

BlueVeins · 22-25
Not that I can remember, but tbh I'd probably forget that. I mean I've basically lived on the Internet since I was 12 so it'd be almost inconceivable that no one ever called me racist.
Kae20 · 56-60, FVIP
Shockingly yes.

The worst of it was .It was a friend I had known for many years. My response was I'm a realist.. not a racist.

Meaning good or bad - I wont ignore facts just because race is on the agenda.

She then said "Ok supposing you saw two babies one White & one Black crawling toward the edge of a cliff which one would you save" ?

My response was I would try and save them both.

She then said "well suposing you could only save one"

I then said I would save the one which was most viable.

After which she graciously conceded.
I was not racist .

ScarletWitch · 31-35, F
Lmao yes. One time I was working at my job... And this couple walks in and I had to tell them to please put on a mask and I'm doing my job and as I'm going through the aisles I come back and they're not wearing their mask so I go up to them and I say can you guys please put on your mask and they do it and I walk away and then when they're ready to pay for their stuff they go out front and they complain and saying that I targeted them because they were black and I was a white racist girl and someone should talk to the manager about it that I called them out for not wearing a mask because I was racist and when I heard this I literally balled my eyes out and I was absolutely hurt and they were calling me the white girl in the green and I was just like what the fuck did they just say... Did they just assume what I was.. I am literally Native American Navajo they can go fuck themselves.
Ryannnnnn · 31-35, M
@ScarletWitch My friend who's black got accused of being racist because she didn't smile enough at this white Karen years ago haha. People are dick heads.
TurtlePink · 22-25, F
@ScarletWitch I’m so sorry thst happened to you 😢
PrincessAwesome · 22-25, F
Yes, but it's usually just from conservatives trying to defend their own racism.
Only those damn honkys.
Yes. But since I know the truth, it honestly doesn't affect me. The word has been tossed about so much now days, it only has meaning if you allow it too.
especially here. @PrivateHell
U53RN4M3 · 36-40, M
Yes. That seems to be the go-to response these days when having an argument.
No. That’d be kind weird. My girlfriend’s black.
Zaphod42 · 51-55, M
Only a couple times. Once by another white guy 😂
YoungPoet345 · 26-30, F
Once because I broke up with someone. Who didn’t even like me. In like middle school. Fun times.
SirBenedictTheSecond · 22-25, M
@YoungPoet345 middle school was a funny time.
YoungPoet345 · 26-30, F
passingby8 · 31-35, F
@SirBenedictTheSecondI love that movie!lol
nowic2 · 61-69, M
yep, once I was talking about a dog. I described it as a black dog. You guessed, I was told I was racist. They didn't understand when I said, "You're not the sharpest tool in the shed. Are you!"
Yes. And if the word meant anything anymore, it might have offended me, but it doesn't and neither do the people who use it.
TurtlePink · 22-25, F
You’re far from racist. I know you @PrivateHell
@TurtlePink thank you. Like I say, it doesn't bother me when I am called one because I know the truth.
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@MalteseFalconPunch The fact that you were willing to unlearn it is admirable. 👍🏽
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Racist, no.
But of racial profiling, yes - same thing? I don’t think so and I told him I didn’t agree, I was treating everyone with the same disdain I usually do 🤣
Peaches · F
Yes, some do it just to be mean. I'm not like that at all and have a few kids to prove it.😉
@Peaches 🖤🖤🖤
Peaches · F
@JustGoneNow I just saw this?!👀🖤💓🖤
Iwillwait · M
Yes, sexist, ageist, phobic of every kind yadda, yadda yadda..
SirBenedictTheSecond · 22-25, M
@Iwillwait you must remain strong!
Iwillwait · M
SinlessOnslaught · 26-30, M
Two of my former friends did and I let it hurt me a lot. But it made me stronger.
I have been accused of being a rascal. And that is unfair.
Yes... and, at one time, they would have been right to do so.
Eddiesolds · 61-69, M
Yes. Just recently on Friday.she was wrong
No, but I've been accused of being a rascal.
eli1601 · 70-79, M
Nobody with any credibility
Eclipsed · M
Kinda.. in a round about way.
probably. I don't recall.
Longpatrol · 31-35, M
Yes, by another user.
LonelyPrincess · 41-45, F
I do not think so.......
Please stop posting homo crap on my questions. How would you feel if I posted homo crap on your questions? 🤣
SirBenedictTheSecond · 22-25, M
@FrogManSometimesLooksBothWays Keep em coming, amigo
@SirBenedictTheSecond Ben, sometimes I think you're fracked up. No offense.
SirBenedictTheSecond · 22-25, M

At the same time, fracking has led to a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions in the US. Wastewater injection from fracking wells has also caused a spike in earthquakes. It has caused local air quality and safety problems. And while they're cleaner than coal, oil and gas from fracking are still fossil fuels. Sep 12, 2019
Arorin · M
Not that I remember.
Ingwe · F
yes..wrongly so
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Yep. A couple users
@SirBenedictTheSecond I did and one apologized and we became friends. The other has too much of an ego to apologize hahaha
@pervertedprinassofdeth Who are you and why are you throwing that users name around?
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Ryannnnnn · 31-35, M
In this day and age, on the internet? hahahahaha. Do I need to answer that 🤣
TurtlePink · 22-25, F
Yes, but I didn’t deny it. I own up to it unlike some people.
Loretta78 · 46-50, F
Yes, years ago a few users on SW and one in real life. 😐
Yeah, I won the 100 and 200m once 😏
Zonuss · 46-50, M
Yes. These SW trolls call me that every day. 😂
Zonuss · 46-50, M
@SirBenedictTheSecond Ok Black Messiah. 🙄
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SirBenedictTheSecond · 22-25, M
@TurtlePink Breathe!
Yes.....I’m not.
Allelse · 36-40, M
SirEgoDeathTheFirst · 26-30, M
Hey mate! Check your DM or just read this

Not cool:/

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