I was...I am...still with the same guy!
The feeling of it? Well, I think it changes over the years - the next big anniversary for us will be our 20th, in a few years time - from sheer butterflies in the tummy/wide awake to more like.....a hot chocolate - smells good, great textures, feels good, gives you that inner glow and makes you feel relaxed...
It's pretty much unconditional...and although we have had some hard periods over our time together....we've each tried to be accepting of each other's failings and life choices, however fleeting some of them may have been. So, some have hurt but it's been a patient kind of waiting until it comes around to the right choice again...
Can I live without him? I have done for the first 17 years of my life...but do I want to live without him? Now, there's a different question.
Love is, I guess, 'getting' someone, understanding them, feeling an affinity with them, having your own language shorthand, of being a separate entity as you are a 'couple' or a 'unit'.
M x