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TaylorGirl · F
I was raised the same. I use Sir/Ma'am with all adults. It is a sign of respect. I use Sir with my dad too.
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sabertooth10 · 36-40, M
@TaylorGirl want to chat?
Jacko1971 · 51-55, M
@TaylorGirl it's only right to show respect to your parents.
MissyChrissy · 18-21, F
@Jacko1971 Yes Sir, thank you Sir
Jacko1971 · 51-55, M
Manners cost nothing.
MissyChrissy · 18-21, F
@Jacko1971 Yes Sir!
AngelLane · F
I use Sir a lot. Like, Thank you Sir.
InstructHer · 61-69, M
@AngelLane good girl
MissyChrissy · 18-21, F
@AngelLane But I am a Miss, Miss! ;)
PinkRose23 · 22-25, F
Nothing wrong there hon.
bhatjc · 46-50, M
@MissyChrissy And who caused that striped bottom . where you naughty on the lords days or is that a common occurrences
MissyChrissy · 18-21, F
@bhatjc We can talk about in private, Sir
bhatjc · 46-50, M
@MissyChrissy Always good sweet Chrissy 🙏🏻
RichtofensWife · 41-45, F
And I think that’s wonderful. We need more people as admirable as you. The world would be a better place! 🙏
MissyChrissy · 18-21, F
@RichtofensWife Thank you so much, Ma'am. 😘
MrsRachelEvans · 31-35, F
@RichtofensWife I agree Ma'am.
siranul · F
Female fetishists? How absurd. I say sir/ma'am, all the time. It's called respect. and I will raise my children to do the same- not to anyone who is older, as age does not entitle you to respect in my books, but they will know to use it with their appointed authority figures, such as myself. But it really has nothing to do with anything sexual, and I do not consider myself a "fetishist" even though I do have "fetishes". I just don't choose to put that label on myself. Not because I have an issue with it, I just think it's an unattractive word, hah. But anyhow it has nothing to do with anything other than it is a sign of respect to authority, and I wish it was more common.
I have never heard that one, but people have said to me "Oh don't call me ma'am, I'm not an old lady" - Like, really? How silly people can be :') I am twenty-seven and people call me ma'am. Because I happen to be an alpha and authoritative naturally. But it has nothing to do with age. Similar experience to yours at least
I have never heard that one, but people have said to me "Oh don't call me ma'am, I'm not an old lady" - Like, really? How silly people can be :') I am twenty-seven and people call me ma'am. Because I happen to be an alpha and authoritative naturally. But it has nothing to do with age. Similar experience to yours at least
siranul · F
@samueltyler2 Sure. I don't think any topic is off limits to discuss. And I have no shame when it comes to -anything, so I will publicly announce my sexual preferences, so long as someone asks. Anyways, I don't prefer the term fetish. But I adore blood, turns me on greatly. I don't mean cutting people or myself lol, which so many people assume for some reason. I just find blood very pleasing and sensual. I like wax play, it is a pretty form of erotic art. I like more but I don't really know that @YourMissy is comfortable with this conversation taking place on her thread,so I can tell you my other preferences through PM, if you want.
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
@siranul certainly, go ahead. I am interested.
MissyChrissy · 18-21, F
@siranul Thank you Sir
Krysclear · 31-35, F
I was always taught to be polite and respectful as well
Krysclear · 31-35, F
Don’t let people change who you are!@MissyChrissy
MissyChrissy · 18-21, F
@Krysclear I won't, thank you Ma'am
Ksmile14 · F
Same. I've always called everyone sir or ma'am unless they are like my age cuz that's the way I was raised. 🤷♀️

I also still have to do that, I have to adress girls and boys with Miss and Sir from the age of 14/15 and older married women with Ma'am.
Bartleby · 51-55, M
I didn’t always say that but certainly at least “Mr.” and “Mrs./Ms” When I was a bartender it was always “sir” and “ma’am.”
SOX4534 · 41-45, M
I always had to use sir or ma'am as well.
TaylorGirl · F
@SOX4534 Normal rule for me too :)
hedleylamar · 41-45, M
@TaylorGirl Good. Want to chat?
MissyChrissy · 18-21, F
@hedleylamar I wood like to, Sir 🤭
Poeticdiva · 31-35, F
Pure ridiculousness. I live where that's how children address all adults. I wasn't raised there so I don't do it but I find it to be very respectful. I don't require anyone to address me as such, but I don't discourage it.

updown2020 · 61-69, M
@SW-User well I do not think she had a choice because if she doesn’t she will get a very sore bum.
MissyChrissy · 18-21, F
@updown2020 Yes Sir 😔
AngelKrish · 26-30, M
You are doing good! I do same!
Tbrat · F
Kinda the same at my house... and since when did common courtesy become a fetish ? 😉
MissyChrissy · 18-21, F
@Tbrat I dont know, but some people told.
Dancingxghost · 36-40, M
yup. I was raised the same way..it freaks me out when an older person say..ohh don't call me ma'am or Sir, just Call me by my name. and I'm yeah ok..but end up Saying sir or Ma'am in the end.
spjennifer · 61-69, T
As a retired senior USAF Officer, I've been used to being called Sir for many years so don't get upset if someone does use it as a form of respect. There is nothing wrong with being respectful to someone that is older than you but respect is also earned.
Tickle12100 · 46-50, F
Yes is not wrong
ticklerguy · M
Nothing Wrong With Being Respectful I'd Say
ticklerguy · M
@MissyChrissy I Presume Your Daddy Would Approve Of Such A Photo?
MissyChrissy · 18-21, F
@ticklerguy Please don't mail him, Sir. 🥺
ticklerguy · M
@MissyChrissy Perhaps I Might,Perhaps I Won't
mclovin02 · 41-45, M
I think the way you address older people is the right way. I still do it when I see someone that I believe to be older than me. It's a sign of respect and I'm glad you do it :)
MissyChrissy · 18-21, F
@mclovin02 You're welcome, Sir
Babygirl12296 · 26-30, F
Same 😄
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Herlittlebrother · 22-25, M
I have to address grownups that way too. If it’s a younger girl, I’m supposed to use “Miss”
Herlittlebrother · 22-25, M
@MissyChrissy It’s hard to judge age, so yes, I have to address girls as Miss, or Miss with their name ...like Miss Christiane
MissyChrissy · 18-21, F
@Herlittlebrother But you are at least 26, aren't you?
Who still demands you to behave?
Who still demands you to behave?
Herlittlebrother · 22-25, M
@MissyChrissy I live with my stepsister who is 38 and she makes the rules. If someone is younger than me sometimes she says I can use a first name.
It’s only right n proper..Personally I addressed my parents that was till I was 21,and I was in the military 6 years at that stage,but hey I ain’t complaining
Bluesky1962 · 61-69, M
it is how i was raised,
MissyChrissy · 18-21, F
@Bluesky1962 So you know, Sir
Bluesky1962 · 61-69, M
@MissyChrissy and know what?
MissyChrissy · 18-21, F
@Bluesky1962 Why I am trained so well, Sir.
Dshhh · M
you are supposed to. it is good for you. and I owe you a nice thank you
MissyChrissy · 18-21, F
@Dshhh You are welcome, Sir
Dshhh · M
@MissyChrissy just how obedient are you?
MissyChrissy · 18-21, F
@Dshhh I try to be a good girl, Sir

I assume "my Daddy" means your actual father? I only ask only because some women seem to call many men Daddy, which seems odd to me. He does seem very strict with you.
PhoenixPhail · M
I'm from the southern US, and we're taught to say Ma'am and Sir, too. It's just part of the culture.
cd1019 · 41-45, M
Very respectful, indeed. 😊
MissyChrissy · 18-21, F
@cd1019 Thank you Sir
MissyChrissy · 18-21, F
And thank you for your many ❤️❤️❤️, Sir
cd1019 · 41-45, M
@MissyChrissy You're quite welcome, and thank you for being a polite, respectful little girl!
Strict4u · 56-60, M
I hope you are being a good girl today
Strict4u · 56-60, M
@MissyChrissy that’s a good girl
Herlittlebrother · 22-25, M
Strict4u · 56-60, M
@Herlittlebrother good girl
Strictdad1965 · 56-60, M
I’m from the south ma’am and sir is just good manners you were brought up right
MissyChrissy · 18-21, F
@Strictdad1965 Thank you Sir!
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Khenpal1 · M
@MissyChrissy Its going to be interesting to see the day you rebel, girls raised in a very conservative family usually kind of freak out at some point.
MissyChrissy · 18-21, F
@Khenpal1 Its not my character, Sir
DanteD · 56-60, M
Good old fashioned respect. Definitely missing today.
ncgremlin · 61-69, M
Its always good to be respectful. Nothing wrong with that
HPL69 · M
It's more education than anything else !
MissyChrissy · 18-21, F
@HPL69 Thank you Sir
JohnOinger · 41-45, M
@MissyChrissy So what do you think of Jason Momoa & Would You Do Him
MissyChrissy · 18-21, F
@JohnOinger Would I do him what, Sir?
VladG94 · 31-35, M
It frankly doesn't matter whether a female addresses me as "sir" or not, they can call me whatever they want as long as it's not bad.
MissyChrissy · 18-21, F
@VladG94 Yes Sir 😘
Jammer6475 · 46-50, M
That's how everyone should be raised, but some parents just don't care. Some are even scared to raise their kids that way.
bhatjc · 46-50, M
@MissyChrissy Your father raised you right
MissyChrissy · 18-21, F
@bhatjc Thank you Sir
bhatjc · 46-50, M
@MissyChrissy 🙂🥃🙏Your most welcome
Jacko1971 · 51-55, M
Good manners don't cost anything.
MissyChrissy · 18-21, F
@Jacko1971 Yes Sir, exactly.
JimboSaturn · 56-60, M
I don't mind strangers calling me sir, but I think it's weird once I get to know them.
joggie · 36-40, M
well, that's what i appreciate about you
BatmanIRL · T
I guess it’s just a respect thing, I do it sometimes
PamHally · 56-60, F
It’s good for us teens to respect our elders
bijouxbroussard · F
I did that when I was younger, but I don’t demand that. There are other ways to speak respectfully, and it goes both ways.
QCDog2659 · 61-69, M
You have been educated well.
MissyChrissy · 18-21, F
@QCDog2659 Thank you Sir
There is nothing wrong with either.
DanteD · 56-60, M
You ever check your inbox??
TexChik · F
There is nothing wrong with courtesy and respect . It’s just not quite as in vogue as it should be . You were fortunate to have the benefit of good parents. That’s more of a rarity than it should be . 😊👍🏻
MissyChrissy · 18-21, F
@TexChik Thank you Ma'am 🥰
LondonCowboy · 51-55, M
You are a well educated young lady 💝
HannibalMontanimal · 26-30, M
Same here
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