The goddam road I should take to finally arrive to work/homeI live 4 hours away from my workplace and I need to take the train at 6 o’clock like a dog and come back to my house late at night. I am just looking at my life and wondering hiw did it turn so shitty for me? It’s nonsense 😭 and above all of that I... See More »
Do you take a shower or bath before work?Shower is my only way to signal my body to be ready for the day's job since I work from home in front of my computer. Gonna start working in 30 minutes!
Have you ever wished to stop working and still live comfortably?Burn out, that happens... I've been working all my life...just venting! I worked 2 jobs today and it's exhausting. I should be sleeping I can work again when I wake up. I know, I should be thankful, others don't have jobs. If I don't... See More »
Vitamin B … 🐝 (Quote) I had some Mediterranean roasted veggies today for dinner ~ happy feels , veggies are cool 💛 (1)