I Want to Answer the Tough Questions About Life ExperiencesHave you thought about where your decisions are made? It is popular belief that to think linearly or from the left side of the brain is true intelligence. As well to think with our heart or from our emotions is a sign of weakness. To me, we have all... See More »
I Have a ConfessionI am leaving my husband and have begun to prep for it. I have turned a blind eye to his belittling comments, the cut downs, the hiding behind his culture bullshit the domineering ways he tries to monopolize every second of my day. We have a small... See More »
Anyone here an empath?How do you keep from absorbing everyone elses emotional energy? and how do you decipher between their emotions and your own?
Those of you with chronic depression do you have bouts several days of non stop crying? About every 3-4 mos?
Why is it that most people have to endure suffering for themselves before they feel compassion for another?
Need to go on vacation alone to do some thinking. Any suggestions? Not looking to pick up men or party.
OK If you have small children under 5 yrs old; how did you answer the question how are babies are made?
Has anyone seen true evil? Not mental illness either. What was the situation. What did you feel? How did you know?