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how can i stop getting other people's mail by mistake?

theres been times when ive gotten someone elses mail by mistake, 2 wks ago, my maillady handed me my mail and when i was looking at the last one i thought it was mine so i opened it and found a check in it, i looked at it trying to figure out whos it was and it looked like a rent check so i gave it to my apt manager, another time yrs ago i opened my mail and there was a check for the office, she wasnt there that day so i put it under her door and wrote that i opened it by mistake and was giving it back, other times ive gotten neighbors mail and someone had all their credit card info on it, i gave it to my neighbor and told her i opened it by mistake, others have gotten my mail too, anyways to stop getting them, especially checks , its embarrassing to open them and to give it back like that. any suggestions?
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Wallflow3r · 26-30, F
Just cross out the address and write "MOVED" and pop it back into the mail box, that's what I do.
Also always check the name and address before opening mail.. it's actually illegal and a federal crime to open someone else's mail or destroy it.
ProfessorPlum77 · 70-79, MVIP
@pearllederman THe police will be there tomorrow to do a follow-up,
pearllederman · 61-69, F
@ProfessorPlum77 i didnt do nothing wrong, mistakes happen and i gave it back to who was supposed to get it
ProfessorPlum77 · 70-79, MVIP
@pearllederman I know. I was just teasing.
pdockal · 56-60, M
Go to the post master and file a complaint
Which doesn't work because they blame the sorting machine ..... it's frustrating as I've been there and it never gets resolved
thisguy20 · 41-45, M
I taped a post-it to the inside of my mailbox with my last name written on it: has reduced the number of things I've gotten which should be going to neighbors. It has not, however, eliminated the issue of getting things addressed to my address which are for people who used to live there: every year I get christmas cards from the same people whom I've never met addressed to a previous resident.
Talk to your mail lady and explain to her …

You are right … it is very embarrassing to open other peoples mail … but since they are handed to us as our mail, we don’t look at the receivers address …


Good … I hope that she’ll be more careful in the future … 🥰🤗🌹
pearllederman · 61-69, F
@Soossie me too, she said she would be,
hunkalove · 61-69, M
@pearllederman If you do that around here you won't get any more mail.
hunkalove · 61-69, M
"We're the Post Office. We don't care. We don't have to."
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
The postal people don’t like it when you write on the mail WRONG ADDRESS when you send it back because it alerts others to them not paying attention
It happens daily here. Seriously, every day I get somebody else's mail. I know have a thick red sharpie that I mark "delivered to wrong address" on the envelope with.
Don't worry about it not your mistake, just tape the envelope up and give it back to the mail person
pearllederman · 61-69, F
@Oysterman i gave it to the apt manager, hes the one that takes the rent checks, it was his mail
Orca4950 · 70-79, M
just pop it in the mailbox if the address isn't yours otherwise what was said below
Orca4950 · 70-79, M
We seem to all have the same postie
Emjay · 18-21, F
Make your name and address more outstanding on your mailbox.
You’re like me, a victim of the USPS that has failed me. Sent a card to a relative in Florida on the 8th of March. Never arrived. Sent a priority, insured document w/,tracking to the same relative on the 20th…still hasn’t arrived!
USPS still hasn’t given me any satisfaction.
That's how mail can get stolen
Khenpal1 · M
Merica 😂
LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
Change your legal name to something memorable like "Phoque Yew".

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