@OldBrit Oh, my god. I had a 96 Chevy Astro van that was so bad I ended up writing a song about it. It was a parody of "Awesome God" called "My Van Is A Piece Of Shit":
Well, the dash goes dark when you turn on the light (My van is a piece of shit) It's an eyesore by day, and terrifying by night (My van is a piece of shit) And the door doesn't work, you have to climb in through the window It's a really high climb, and it hurts just a bit The back door only works when it wants to Cause my van is a piece of shit
My van is a piece of shit I wish we could get rid of it But my dad would throw a fit My van is a piece of shit
From 2007 until 2011 I owned a really nice dark cherry red Saab C900 3-door hatchback built in 1989. I called it 'jabberwocky'.
In early 2011 I fell asleep 5 minutes away from work driving into to work for a midnight start and crashed into an embankment at just under 60 kph missing a power pole by about half a metre. The car was a write-off, but the proper design of the Saab classic 900 saved my life (no airbags or. Fortunately the car didn't catch fire. I was able to force a door open to get out and call police.
I miss that car a lot. But that incident was my very very very big wakeup call to the effects of fatigue. I consider myself very lucky to still be alive. My gorgeous 6 y/o daughter would not exist had I died on Feb 6 2011.
I had a Dodge Colt I named Nelly. As in "C'mon, Nelly. You can do it, Nelly". We had a Plymouth Caravan we called "the Whymo". All the letters fell off the back of it except the Y, the M and the O.
I only name cars I’m attached to 😁 The first car I bought with my own money came with a number plate that had the letters “FIE” so we called her Fietje, which in Dutch here is often a pet name for Sofie. I later had a colleague named Sofie who was so jealous of that plate lol. I have one from work now that my husband named Starship 🙈 and when he gets his, he’ll name it Falcon 😂
I’ve never felt a pull to name any of my vehicles, but my mom had a station wagon when I was a kid that I would call Big Patty in front of people, and Patass when no adults were in earshot.
@Fullmetal my ex has a big black diesel truck…GMC 2500HD…same thing, straight pipe and all that….noisy af. He calls it Big Sexy haha (it is kinda sexy though)
Mine just get nicknames, more so than people names.
My truck is simply, 6.0 because thats what size motor it has I have an old Ford Escort thats called, Scootin Scort My Jeep is called Shaky J because it shakes a lot while its idling I also have a little convertible called Jitterbug, because it also shakes a lot when it is idling.
I started riding motorized minibikes on our farm when I was 10 years old, then I bought my first well-used street/trail bike when I turned 16 and a motorcycle has been my mainstay for getting around ever since.
The bike I have now is an MV Agusta F4 which I re-named 'Augie Doggie' with blood-red goth lettering hand-painted on it's flat-black gas tank. I even have a personalized metal license tag/plate on the back which says "AUGIE".
Some people roll down their car windows at stop lights to ask me if my first name is really 'Augie'? I finally starting answering, "YES! How did you know?!". Then they'll introduce themselves, sometimes hand me their business card, then we all speed away when the light turns green!
@ImpeccablyImperfect I had a red Ford F-150 4x4 I called Big Red. The other was a convertible I got as a retirement present when we moved to Florida. I call it the Beach Buggy.