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When is the best time to purchase a car? 🚗

I had heard that autumn was the best time because dealerships are looking to move old models out in lieu of the new ones -- is this (still) true?
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Adogslife · 61-69, M
No. The best deal is the one that exists. If you’re price shopping on a new car, you’re likely wasting your time. Just pay the MSRP, not more, and move on. Be smart with the manufacturer you choose. That’s key. Buy the car that is known to last the longest.

If it’s a used car, try to shop low miles. It’s better to pay a little more, or for a little longer, than to buy a vehicle with too many miles. Be careful though. Used cars are significantly overpriced in this market. “Value” has gone out the window.
As a former car salesman I would say the last week in December is the best time to get a bargain on a new car.
Not pre owned but new and in stock.

And a franchise dealership is going to be the best option because they’re competitive against other stores in the franchise and will make a better deal to increase their sales numbers before the end of the year , even taking a loss below invoice to get the deal done.

If you can wait a few months and want a brand new car then that’s your best option for a great deal
TrunkZ · 56-60, M
It is a tough market now, especially if you are shopping for a popular car. I'm not sure the traditional thinking still applies regarding shopping in the fall. Plus, buying a leftover also affects resale value. There are online websites such as or Kelly Blue Book.

Of course there are other options to buying but those can be risky too 😏😏

The end of the month, end of the requester, end of the year. They're likely to want to meed quotas or reduce inventory on what the dealership would owe for taxes.

There are also groups such as Costco, Sam's Club and others that have negotiated reduced prices for their members. Tell them the make, model, options that you are looking for. Usually they will respond with several choices of dealers with negotiated prices. You go and don't worry about haggling.
RileyLandS · 41-45, M
This is true. Also:

last day of the month
rainy days

* NEVER pay MSRP. Find out dealer cost and negotiate from there.
* Give them a time limit (usually 60-90 minutes), otherwise they'll keep you there to wear you down. If no deal, then walk.
* NEVER negotiate a monthly payment. Know the TOTAL overall cost to own that car.

DM me if you want to know more. I negotiate for my friends and family, having bought more than 35 cars
Tuesday, 11:24am.
Goodluckwiththat · 61-69, M
After you've learned to drive!!
Rambler · 61-69, M
I think when you see what you want at the right price, grab it. From what I read, it's a tight market with high demand and prices. Certified used might be a better deal without having to wait.
thisguy20 · 41-45, M
Considering my local Ford dealer has exactly 0 cars (5 identical comically oversized pickups + 8 4-door "mustangs) on their lot, I'm going to say now isn't the time to try to buy a car
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
Dealers base what deal they can give partially on deals for m the manufacturer and the need to clear inventory, that they may be paying loan interest on.
When you can afford it. Thinking about this too since my car almost has 170k miles on it, but I can't afford one so I'm trying to make her last.
Livingwell · 61-69, M
I heard late summer. There is still inventory but dealers want to prepare for the new models that are arriving.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
And the end of the month. When sales people are looking to make targets..😷
Lilnonames · F
Americans planning to shop for a new car in 2023 might find slightly better prices than during the past two years, though auto industry analysts say it is likely better to wait until the fall. Since mid-2021, car buyers have been frustrated by rising prices, skimpy selection and long waits for deliveries.Jan 16, 2023
Musicman · 61-69, MVIP
Yes it is and the end of the month is even better as the manager has sales quota's he has to meet to keep his job.
MethDozer · M
Really there isn't a good time to buy one anymore because every single manufacturer is rolling of junk at huge overpriced markups. They're all complete piles of shit now.

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