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excusemeplease · 56-60, M
If they are happy, that is what counts. But usually the margin to succeed is about 9 years. That said, I would not prefer such a relationship myself.
@excusemeplease In the beginning it is magical. The young one is in awe and thinks you are just brilliant and amazing...which of course you aren't but MAN is it great being thought of that way!! Then the young'n grows up and away because they see you as you are.
HijabaDabbaDoo · F
Idc if it's legal, there's always power dynamics at play. Someone whose around the 18-25 margin are are at a transitional change both biologically and socially. The rational part of the brain isn't even fully developed until 25. That's not to say you can't have relationships with big age gaps but anything beyond 10-12 years makes me feel uncomfortable if you're in your late teens and early 20s. Ultimately, people are entitled to their own decisions and I won't protest against them but there's definitely patterns to note here.
bijouxbroussard · F
I suspect “sugar daddy”, but they’re consenting adults either way.
Ultimately it’s their business.
Ultimately it’s their business.
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bijouxbroussard · F
@GirlPower I meant it’s a “reality” that such relationships exist. People even role-play around that dynamic.
GirlPower · 26-30, F
@bijouxbroussard Yes, I understood what you meant. It does happen. Other times it's what I saw.
morrgin · F
@bijouxbroussard sugar daddy is right
AmbivalentFriability · 26-30
Highly inappropriate. You may be considered an adult at 20 by the law, but you're still super inexperienced in life. I think people should date within their own maturity range. I worry about such young people dating someone so much older will be taken advantage of.
2ndtimeguy · 61-69, M
My first wife was 23 and had an affair with a divorced man who was 48 and eventually left me and married him. 5 years later he called me crying saying she left him for a younger guy.
GirlPower · 26-30, F
It's none of my business. I figure he's well off and she needs a daddy.
bijouxbroussard · F
@fernie2 Women have posted even on this site looking for “generous older gentlemen”. It’s not treason against all women to acknowledge that this is the motive of some women.
@bijouxbroussard Yes, I wouldn't have been bothered if the word "some" appeared.
There is nothing wrong with it if they are both happy..
My ex husband 1 hear after we got divorced started dating a woman 29 years younger than him...
He was a very handsome man with a good looking body... she did not at all mind falling in love with him...
My ex husband 1 hear after we got divorced started dating a woman 29 years younger than him...
He was a very handsome man with a good looking body... she did not at all mind falling in love with him...
Carazaa · F
I think he is kidding himself that he can compete with 20 year olds for very long 😂
Carazaa · F
@SW-User Too funny! 🧙♂️
bowman81 · M
Strikes me as a bit creepy but it if makes them happy, go for it.

Heart attack coming 😂

Can’t go under 29 🙄. @SW-User

@SW-User An honest story here... an older married man was seeing a woman much younger on the side... they rented a hotel room and were in the middle of a good time when he had a heart attack and died. The woman was in distress and left the guy and went home.

Oh it happens often 😐@SW-User
Starsandfire · 31-35, F
Alright so I have a little experience with this because my sister married a man 30 plus years her senior, not for money either. She met him on experience project and did a surprise move to a different country and married him to stay there. We haven’t seen her for years, she’s never met my kids etc. From that experience I would say that it shouldn’t be a problem if both are happy. We were more upset that he flew over and hid away on the evening she was leaving, so they left without telling anyone or saying goodbye for no reason. In a practical sense he is apparently very fit and healthy for his age, has a job, she doesn’t really want kids etc etc. They seem happy and so it’s not really any of my business but I can’t say I liked it and I still feel a bit weird about it. A mixed bag of emotions really.
Starsandfire · 31-35, F
@fernie2 yes, I do now but it took a while. She's my sister, I don't want to lose contact with her despite not agreeing with her life choices. I have never spoken to her husband.
@Starsandfire Good! Don't lose her. For a second I was afraid she'd been dragged to one of those countries where wimmin are property
Starsandfire · 31-35, F
Nooo! We’d have gone and got her back if that was the case 😊 @fernie2

Echambers101 · 26-30, M
@SW-User exactly
bijouxbroussard · F
@SW-User I think that’s the reaction many people have upon seeing it.
as long as the person thats more mature in the relationship understands and respects the vulnerability that comes with being young, instead of exploiting it ,i dont really oppose it . but thats rare ,subconsciously most will manipulate that
hunkalove · 61-69, M
He's a lucky guy. I'm 71 and dating a woman who is 35. We are very happy.
Belladonna · 41-45, F
Meh. I was into 70-year-olds when I was 20.
Jenny1234 · 56-60, F
I think it’s gross for both of them imo. Like I’m 52 and what would I have in common with a 20 year old? I would never believe they would be serious about me either. The fact I have kids older than 20 would make me feel like a pedophile
666Maggotz · F
He has self esteem issues and she needs money.
pattycakechamp · 26-30, F
They can do what makes them happy. Though I'm 99% sure it's money related.
@pattycakechamp I think it's just awful to marry someone for their money!!!! I just don't know how else to get it!
acpguy · C
@pattycakechamp Or a case of ugly needed by old and ugly.

i think it’s odd, but i’m not one to judge others for things that don’t have anything to do with me.
Iwillwait · M
I don't have much care about that. Love is as Love does.
walabby · M
Not my business...
DownTheStreet · 56-60, M
Not for me to judge
Echambers101 · 26-30, M
that's probably a sugar daddy because the guy is old enough to be the 20 year olds father
HairbrushDiva · 31-35, F
@Echambers101 Not necessarily. Some girls genuinely do prefer older guys. I know a few who do.
Echambers101 · 26-30, M
@HairbrushDiva yeah I know
Not my circus...

As long as both of them are getting their needs met and neither is manipulating the other emotionally.
Where's the problem.
It's between them, not me.
Where's the problem.
It's between them, not me.
smiler2012 · 61-69
{@tosirwithlove] personally and probably like others would say the age gap really but if they can breach that well fair enough happiness comes in many forms i guess
greenmountaingal · 70-79, F
Not a good idea. But if they are both over 18, it's their business. Relationships can be difficult enough without a 30 year age gap.
My niece married a man 30 years older than herself. When I questioned this situation right before they got married, she said they'd talked it over and they didn't think it would be a problem. They're divorced now. And their first big fight was over the Internet. He saw no reason to have it in his home. She insisted it was essential.
My niece married a man 30 years older than herself. When I questioned this situation right before they got married, she said they'd talked it over and they didn't think it would be a problem. They're divorced now. And their first big fight was over the Internet. He saw no reason to have it in his home. She insisted it was essential.
acpguy · C
@greenmountaingal He was a wise man.
Fertilization · 36-40, F
As long as it is not breaking someone’s heart.
greenmountaingal · 70-79, F
@Fertilization There is an excellent chance of that happening in any romantic relationship.
Fertilization · 36-40, F
@greenmountaingal Seems like someone will definitely have to be in the receiving end.
morrgin · F
I've been that 20 year old

@morrgin What are your thoughts about the man?
morrgin · F
@SW-User One was a well off career criminal. I liked the infamous reputation. He took me shopping every weekend. We had fun. Then he found poker and all his time and money went to that. So I got together with a different man of the same age range. I liked having everything I wanted given to me, but he was really insecure about letting me out of his sight. I broke up with him and got together with someone else closer to my own age. Then the older man I broke up with got sick and needed someone to take care of him. I took care of him until he died 3 years later.
PhoenixPhail · M
Poor girl - going to bed at night and feeling old age creeping up on her... 😔
Teslin · M
Strange in my opinion.
Good for him 🤷♂️ But they are both adults!!
Good for him 🤷♂️ But they are both adults!!
Stopmakingsense · 61-69, F
I thought about it over the years-. It's normal in my social circle, and without it there won't be any more children from any of the men-. So I'm not in the family any more because they know I'd comment. My brother is sixty but I never will see even a picture of his five year old or his twenty five year old wife.

Not my bed, not my business.
Viper · M
Someone is using or taking advantage of the other, or both each other.
That's just on average, I'm sure there are exceptions, though I haven't heard of one.
That's just on average, I'm sure there are exceptions, though I haven't heard of one.
jimjim1969 · M
Lucky guy, assume he is rich
Quimliqer · 70-79, M
To each their own??

I hope I can be him one day 😋
Barny52 · 56-60, M
good idea bloke just as to remember the blue pill
BackyardShaman · 61-69, M
Not my business
TurtlePink · 22-25, F
I don’t mind it
Echambers101 · 26-30, M
@TurtlePink of course you don't
4meAndyou · F
When I was 19 I was asked out to dinner by my manager, who was probably in his mid-fifties, and married. I didn't want to offend him, so I went, but I made sure he understood in advance that I don't fool around with married men. He was actually very polite.
greenmountaingal · 70-79, F
@4meAndyou It seems he believed you. But in most cases they don't listen to that kind of a protest; they just persist until the young woman feels safe with him.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
His last hurrah
Muthafukajones · 46-50, M
Why not
HairbrushDiva · 31-35, F
What business is it of mine? They are both adults, and if they are happy together then who am I to say anything except wish them a happy future?
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
As long as it's mutually consensual then others should stay out of it!
It's like the sexuality issue. No one has the right to judge others on that issue either.
My half brother and I don't get along. Yet not because of his 18 year younger wife.
It's like the sexuality issue. No one has the right to judge others on that issue either.
My half brother and I don't get along. Yet not because of his 18 year younger wife.

Creepsville. I guess if his maturity level was juvenile it could work
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cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@nightjourney and he’s a cradle robber
Pfuzylogic · M
Hard to be on the outside and look in and judge. Each person and relationship dynamic is different.
Coppercoil · M
He'll die and she'll still be in the prime of her life.. so As long as it's not abusive or manipulate. If it comes from a mutual and genuine place. It's fine.
@Coppercoil Unfortunately, it'll be really hard for him when it happens..it's humiliating when suddenly you seem TOO old to them.
Coppercoil · M
@fernie2 but he knew it would probably happen.. still sad but we will reap what we sow.
@Coppercoil you don't know that he knew it would happen. When I was the older part of the relationship I thought it would last.
gdon39 · 46-50, M
I hope he looks good and is healthy. No issue otherwise
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